Technique of Collecting the Data

commit to user 31 Nisa A. Azam

A. Technique of Collecting the Data

The data in this study were collected using two types of instrument; non- test and test. However, both types of instrument used must be valid and reliable as proposed by Wallace 1998: 36 that validity means testing what are supposed to be tested. In addition, Weir says that the concern of reliability is how far the results can be produced consistently 1998: 22. In short, the instrument used should be able to measure what to be measured and to get the constant data for different subjects or different times. Some techniques of collecting the data are stated as follows: 1. Document Document includes student portfolios of written work, student records and profiles, lesson plans, classroom materials, and previous tests or examination papers. It can be used to analyse to what extent the changes that have been implemented are working Burns, 1999: 140. 2. Questionnaires Questionnaires are used to collect the data related to students feeling toward the teaching and learning process in the terms of pre-research and post- research. The questionnaire type that will be used is the one consisting closed questions since it is easy to fill in and it provides more reliable scoring of the responses Wallace, 1998: 135. 3. Interview The interview has been done in order to get the deeper data of responses taken from questionnaires. In this research, the students will be asked some open questions for further information; it is a type of semi-structured interview Wallace, 1998: 147. 4. Observation Observation is a conscious notice of the classroom actions and occurrences which are particularly relevant to the issues being investigated. It enables researcher to document and reflect the classroom interactions that actually occur Burns, 1999: 80. commit to user 32 Nisa A. Azam 5. Notes and diaries Field notes are used to record the processes of learning and can be used to record the observation during the learning process in classroom Burns, 1999: 85. Diaries or journals are personal documents which are an alternative to field notes. They contain more subjective and personal reflections and interpretations than the relatively formalised recordings of note Burns, 1999: 89. 6. Test The test instrument is used to collect the data of students writing skill. It has been done in terms of pre-test and post test. The tests have been done in the form of individual written test formative assessment. It means that the test was done after one topic discussion.

B. Technique of Analyzing the Data

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