Revising the plan Implementing the action

commit to user 49 Nisa A. Azam Test Score The mean score of pre-test: 74.45 The mean score of post-test 1: 82.18 Problems to solve 1. The students’ low interest and attitude in English lesson, especially writing class. 2. The students’ low writing skill. 1. The time management related to the classroom situation internet connection. 2. They still made frequent errors in using preposition of place and time. 3. There were still some students who were not so confident with their writing.

3. Cycle 2

a. Revising the plan

Considering the reflection in cycle 1, the research was continued to the second cycle. There was some unsolved problems related to students’ writing skill and the surrounding situation in the first cycle that needed further action. Those problems were: the lack of text organization, vocabulary used and the language use. The students need more practices on those topics, that was by writing journals. The first lesson was learning journal writing, then continued by writing online journal as a part of English class activities. The revised plan was about giving more time for personal writing, while accessing any website would give the students ideas for writing. They would have one computer per one student in order to give them more spaces to explore their interest that would motivate them to write. And the last, they should share their comments on other students’ post so that they could be more confident. One way of overcoming the unpredictable connection was preparing tasks which could be conducted offline if some computers were broken. Besides, the way of pointing the instruction was also changed.

b. Implementing the action

1 The first meeting The meeting was conducted at 8.20 a.m. until 9.55 a.m. The lesson started with the review on the result of post-test 1. Then, it should be continued by presenting text on LCD projector and explaining about the use of quotation mark in a journal writing, but unfortunately there was a problem with the laptop used. commit to user 50 Nisa A. Azam Therefore, the class was moved to the computer laboratory. Most of the students yelled for getting this information. In the lab, each student had a personal computer and they were all so excited to go online. While waiting for the computer to be ready for a connection, the students listened to the instruction. They had to access the teacher blog, read the sample material, then they had to write their own learning journal. After accessing teacher blog, they did the task by accessing their own group blog. Ada juga beberapa siswa yang mengerjakan tugas pada program komputer Microsoft Word untuk dipost setelah selesai nanti. Selain itu, saya juga melilhat ada siswa yang menerjemahkan contoh jurnal untuk memahami isinya, baru kemudian dia menulis jurnalnya Research Diary, 08122010. The students were allowed to use any dictionary and had a discussion with their friends. Most of them also consulted their work to the teacher before posted it on blog. Finishing the post, they had to access other students’ blog and give their comments, so that they could access the blog more than other webpages Research Diary, 08122010. At the end of the lesson, the students got a review of what they had done. Then, they were all back to the classroom. 2 The second meeting It was the last meeting in cycle two. At first, the students were given a review of the previous meeting. Then, they were asked to move to the lab. All of the instructions were stated in the class, so that the students could immediately work individually there. In the first session, the students only had to access any website or blog page they wanted. They could freely access the internet for about 25 minutes. It seemed that the lesson was so under control. Coming to the computer lab, the students turned on the computer eagerly. …segera para siswa menghadapi masing-masing satu computer dan menghidupkannya. Saat itu, masih ada siswa yang bertanya, “Miss, kalau yang dibuka blognya sendiri boleh nggak?” Saya memberi siswa kebebasan untuk mengakses alamat website apa pun Research Diary, 05012011 . commit to user 51 Nisa A. Azam Some students accessed their blogs and teacher blog, and the other students accessed other blog pages, online news and social networking websites facebook and twitter. Some of the websites visited have been noted down in Research Diary as follows: … antara lain yang berhubungan dengan resensi buku dan film, berita- berita olah raga, blog yang mendskripsikan tokoh tertentu, website yang menyediakan beberapa kata-kata motivatif, bahkan ada juga siswa yang memilih untuk mengakses blog milik temannya atau milik sendiri, termasuk teacher blog 05012011 . In the second session, the students had to write a recount text telling their activity in that lesson. The text should be about the web pages that they had visited. They also had to put any quotation taken from those web pages. The students worked individually, but they might have any discussion. Most of them consulted their works to the teacher besides the used of online dictionary. When they finished, they accessed other students’ posts and gave their comments.

c. Observing the action

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