Fani Each Student’s Reflected Teaching Aspects of General Teaching

presented their mental image of an ideal teacher, Sheila and S anti. In her reflections, Sheila stated that a teacher was an entertainer Sheila, Personal Blog, January 30, 2009, while Santi stated that a teacher was a presenter of a live music concert Santi, Personal Blog, February 12, 2009. Though the writer found the similar characteristics of each student’s weekly e-reflection, he discovered that each student had their own thinking of learning process taken place in the same microteaching class by presenting different content in their weekly e -reflections. The writer, then, elaborated the teaching aspects of each student’s reflection in the following sequence.

1. Fani

Source: Fani, Personal Blog, February 3 – March 30, 2009 The writer found that in reflecting teaching aspects from her observers’ comments, Fani balanced her reflection by presenting both positives and negatives of her teaching performance. The positives were her confidence, way of delivering materials, and even her progress in improving her performance in setting good closure and allocating time sufficiently for the closure part. The last aspect was the significant one for her. The negatives were her mispronunciation and her unnecessary gestures when she was teaching Fani, Personal Blog, February 12 and 19, 2009. The writer also got her idea o f a teacher. She reflected it after seeing her friends’ performance in teaching practice while waiting her turn for the first teaching practice. The writer noticed that she was really fond of a well -prepared teacher. In her opinion, this teacher could desi gn interesting activities for induction and main activities. She always thought of her class activities which would be presented for her first class teaching practice. She really enjoyed a communicative and attractive teacher and of course a teacher who wa s competent in English Fani, Personal Blog, March 3, 12, and 18, 2009. The teaching aspects above were the focus of the writer in observing her performance in the first class teaching practice. Preparation was the main teaching aspect besides the other aspects of her elaboration in her reflection before conducting the first class teaching practice. In the e-reflections after she had her first class teaching practice, the main aspect Fani reflected was her English. It was her unconvincing performance in her first class teaching. After teaching, she reflected that she had poor English, especially when she wanted to give instruction to her students. She also often mispronounced and used inappropriate words in her teaching. In her next reflection, when she saw her friend’s teaching performance, she stated that the teacher who taught in that day had better English than those she performed in the previous week Fani, Personal Blog, March 30, 2009. Moreover, the writer viewed that observers’ comments also st rongly affected her in looking back her first teaching. The writer noticed her admittance of being unable to perform English well in her first teaching due to having inadequate preparation for it. However, the writer noticed that she pointed out some positive observers’ comments on this. She stated other teaching aspects which also came from the observers’ point of view. They were about confidence, induction, and voice. Fani, Personal Blog, March 30, 2009. Thus, the writer assumed that observers’ notes mi ght play important role in helping the performer in reflecting her own performance. At last, several teaching aspects elaborated previously were the focus of her reflection during the period of waiting for her second class teaching turn though she also stated several aspects in the week she observed her friends’ performance. Most of them were her ideas of a teacher that had been presented in her several previous reflections which mainly pointed out about preparation appropriate material selection and inter esting activities, and good English Fani, Personal Blog, March 30, 2009. Thus, from reading Fani’s weekly e -reflections, the writer found that Fani reflected mainly teaching aspects that she experienced and saw in the microteaching class. Firstly, it told about her unpleasant experiences in her teaching practices. Secondly, it told about her positive experiences of her teaching practices, including a progress she had made. Lastly, it was her criticisms on her classmates’ teaching performance and unique ly the criticisms were her thinking of an ideal teacher.

2. Santi