Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

answers, diverting students’ answers, and giving verbal and non -verbal reinforcement.

B. Theoretical Framework

Weekly Reflection, in the learning develop ment, has been suggested as an effective assessment tool in microteaching class. Reflection, in the previous sub - chapter, has been associated with deep thought and evaluation of several elements, such as teaching experiences and events, in which students q uestion what they see, hear, read, and experience i n the microteaching class. Boud et al. 1985, as cited in Boud 2001: 2, also add that reflection does not only deal with intellectual activities thinking and reasoning of experiences but also affective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to new understandings. In addition, together with doing reflection in their learning process, the students are expected to evaluate their own level of knowledge, performance, and get information about their teaching experiences in order to achieve the objectives of their learning in microteaching class. These theories, later, are used to answer the first problem formulated in the initial chapter. In addition, weekly e-reflection, which is considered as a students’ diary Bailey, 1990, as cited in Richards, 1990: 120 and is written in a blog, is believed to lead the students to autonomous learning the students evaluate their own learning and they are responsible for and in control of it Oscarson, 1989, as cited in Srimavin and Darasawang, 2004: 1 and critical reflection the students recall, consider, and evaluate their experiences that they have written; in this process the students may find somethin g that has not been obvious before when they write their experiences Richards, 1998: 21. This is the main and expected role of implementing weekly e -reflection in many subjects, especially in microteaching class. They are just similar with the previous research findings carried out by Nuryadin 2007. The result showed that students perceived that weekly reflection could improve their learning. In ot her words, weekly reflection helps the students increase their knowledge about teaching and improve their teaching performance as well. The theories above are use to answer the second problem formulated . In addition, based on them, the writer formulates three factors to indicate that weekly e-reflection plays important role in students’ progress in class teaching practice. They are: 1. Weekly e-reflection helps the students to reflect what they have practiced and learnt from others in the classroom. 2. Weekly e-reflection helps the students to post their problems and obtain feedbacks and solution to those problems. 3. Weekly e-reflection helps the students to review their progress up to this point and find references for their teaching since weekly refle ction is considered as a source containing of well-implemented teaching skills and poorly -implemented teaching skills, which are still possible to be found any solution. 19


This chapter presents the methodology of the research. It consists of six sections. The discussion in this chapter includes research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering techniques, data analysis techniques, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This was a qualitative study because the writer intended to gain a holistic picture and an in-depth understanding of human behavior, rather than a numeric analysis of data Ary et al., 2002:25. Therefore, the writer believed th at the use of qualitative approach was appropriate to this study since “human behavior is bound to the context, in which it occurs and social reality cannot be reduced to variables in the same manner as physical reality” Ary et al., 2002: 422. In addition, understanding and portraying the meaning, which was constructed by the participants involved in the setting of microte aching class, were the most important in this study Ary et al., 2002: 422. This study mainly would like to give an in -depth description of the prevailing method of assessment in microteaching class, weekly e-reflections that took place in microteaching students. Concerning on figuring out the objectives of the study, the writer applied content or document analysis as the appropriate