Fani The Roles of Weekly E-Reflection for Each Student in Their Class Teaching Performance s

1. Fani

The writer found that weekly e -reflections served as a place for Fani to honestly record and explore her experiences in microteaching class every week. The writer also noticed that she did not only elaborate and evaluate several aspects of her teaching, especially in the week she had teaching practice pair, group or class teaching practice, but she also sometimes evaluated her friends’ teaching performance in quite detail evaluation Fani, Personal Blog, March 3, 12 and 18, 2009. This was supported by her opinion towards the use of weekly e -reflections. In the interview session, she stated that weekly e-reflections help the students of microteaching class evaluate the learning process in the class, their own teaching performance, and other students’ teaching perfor mance See in the appendix p.105. Nevertheless, her deep reflections on her t eaching or her classmates’ performance did not always give significances to her class teaching performance. The writer found that her concern about preparation before teaching and language, as two most reflected aspects in the first seven reflections, did not appear in her first class teaching practice. Several weak aspects of her performance in the first class teaching mostly were triggered by two aspects in previous sentence being unprepared for the language aspect. However, the writer found the relatio n of her weekly e-reflections to what she performed in the second class teaching. She could perform well the aspects that she reflected mostly her weak aspects of her first teaching that were given by the observers. Moreover, the writer also considered this improvement might be triggered from the short range time she had between the first and the second class teaching. It eased her to develop her class teaching performance in the second opportunity. Besides serving as a place to elaborate and evaluate he r friends and her teaching performance, weekly e -reflections served as a place for Fani to record a progress she had made in microteaching class Fani, Personal Blog, February 12 and 19, 2009. In other words, in the elaboration of her rational thought, em otion, and evaluation, she would also compare her recent performance with her previous performance and present her progress.

2. Santi