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Children’s Press: 2008. o The students read the story for 30 minutes in the class and another 30 minutes for the worksheet and then continue reading at home for 4 days before the next meeting. o On the next meeting, teacher gives worksheet based on the story to each group and start the discussion. o Prepare the marking sheet in order to scoring the students during the discussion. The marking sheet is a modification sheet between debating marking sheet and oral presentation marking sheet. The purpose of modifying the marking sheet is just to simplify the marking process. Below is the example of the marking sheet modified by the teacher. Please refer to appendix 1 for the format of the marking sheet. Perspective Title: Speaker Name Fluency Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation Total 1 2 3 4 5 Example of Marking Sheet This is the marking scale to help the teacher score the students’ performance. Fluency: Pace, flow, and comfort with words. Effective use of strategies: ability to interact and make him or her understood. Vocabulary: Correct and effective use of vocabulary. Grammar: Accurate use of grammar structures. Pronunciation: Volume, intelligibility of pronunciation, and intonation. Marking Scale Conclusion This paper aims to share experience about teaching strategy in this case Four Corners Modification Strategy. As the teacher already explained before that these students have no background of English, this strategy has come up with the conclusion that students participated well during the reading and speaking activities in teaching and learning processes. In teacher’s observation during the teaching and learning process toward this strategy, students had proved that they can improve their English using the FOUR CORNERS MODIFICATION STRATEGY. Four Corners Modification Strategy helped the students to learn about how to join in discussion group, the ways to read and write a short paragraph, how to respond the questions in an interview and how to write questions to the other corners. During the implementation of