Framework of Thinking LITERATURE REVIEW

gathering the data, the researcher is encouraged to follow some protocols or procedures, but she has to conduct these procedures herself. Therefore, by conducting the research, the researcher worked as the human instrument. She initially planned the research, marked and collected the data, scrutinized and interpreted them, and finally reported the result of the analysis according to the procedures. The researcher also arranged the data and the corresponding interpretation into the data sheet, which is useful to scrutinize the data systematically.

D. Data Collecting Technique

The process of collecting data consisted of reading, note taking, interpreting, and categorizing. The first step taken was reading and scrutinizing the primary source of the research, which was Collins’ The Hunger Games. Secondly, the researcher took notes of parts of the novel that were relevant to the research and highlighted these parts to be used as the data. Thirdly, the researcher interpreted these data using the theoretical framework used for this research. Lastly, the data were categorized into a particular form of data sheet and the researcher highlighted the quotation related to the findings. The data sheet functioned to track the progress of the research while organizing the data into categorization. The form of data sheet is presented in the figure as follow. Table 1. The Example of the Data for the Criticism towards the Repressive Capitalist Ideologies in Collins’ The Hunger Games No. Category Sub Category Data Explanation Page 1 The Revelation of the Degrading Natures of Rugged Individualism Ignorance as an Acceptable Virtue Why him? I think. Then I try to convince myself it doesn’t matter. Peeta Mellark and I are not friends. Not even neighbors. We don’t speak. Our only real interaction happened years ago. He’s probably forgotten it. But I haven’t and I know I never will . . . . Katniss attempt to distance herself from Peeta, her would-be competitor in the Games. This is an adjustment for her in order to obey the rule of the Games. 26

E. Data Trustworthiness

For improving the validity and reliability of this research, triangulation was applied as a technique to check the validity of the data by using something outside of the data and the data itself. It is used due to its ability to control bias and establishing valid propositions in qualitative research Mathison in Golafshani, 2003: 603. Using peer debriefing as one of the validity procedure, the researcher attempted to reduce the bias of the data interpretation. A peer review or debriefing is the review of the data and research process by someone who is familiar with the research or the phenomenon being investigated. A peer reviewer provides support, challenges the researchers assumptions, pushes the researchers to the next step methodologically, and asks difficult questions about methods and interpretations Lincoln and Guba in Creswell and Miller, 2000: 129. By seeking the assistance of peer reviewers, the researcher added credibility to the research. The researcher was assisted by two English Language and Literature Program students majoring in Literature to check the research. More importantly, the researcher also discussed her analysis with her first and second consultants, Bapak Drs Sugi Iswalono, M.A and Bapak Rachmat Nurcahyo, M.A. to gain greater accuracy and validity of the research.

F. Data Analysis Technique

Creswell and Miller 2009: 185 mentions that there are six steps in data analysis: organizing and preparing the data, reading the data, coding and categorizing the data, giving data a description, interrelating description and interpreting the meaning. The researcher analyzed the data following Creswell’s data analysis procedures in order to accomplish the researcher’s objectives. The six steps to analyze the data are explained below: 1. The first is organizing and preparing the data by preparing the primary source of the research, Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games.