Social Background: Classes in the 21st Century America

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework Marxist Literary Criticism Marx’s Ideology RQ 1: How does the Collins’ The Hunger Games criticize repressive capitalist ideologies in the 21st century of the U.S.? Material Conditions as Fundamental Reality Relations of Dominance and Exploitation Base and Superstructure Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games RQ 2: What is the capitalist culture criticized in Collins’ the Hunger Games? 24


A. Research Approach

This research used qualitative research design. According to Denzin and Lincoln in Creswell and Miller, 2007: 36, qualitative research consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that make the world visible. It involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena, in terms of the meanings people bring to them, without manipulation of phenomena or issues. Since the findings from qualitative research are resulted from real world settings, they cannot be measured through means of statistical procedures Strauss and Corbin in Golafshani, 2003: 600. Qualitative research is used when the researcher need to explore a problem or issue that happened to an individual or a society in a detailed manner Creswell and Miller, 2007: 40. It is a necessary approach to empower individuals to share their stories, and minimize the power relationship between a researcher and participants, therefore the researchers will be able to hear the silenced voice in groups or communities. The framework in qualitative research is often applied to conduct research that involves social and human issues such as feminism, post modernism, LGBT, and other issues that involves marginalized communities. Hence qualitative research design was used by the researcher to analyze the criticism towards capitalist ideologies and the corresponding culture in Collins’ The Hunger Games.

B. Data and Source of Data

The primary data source of the research was Suzanne Collins’ novel entitled The Hunger Games which was first published in 2008, with the paperback edition published in 2009. The novel is comprised of 374 pages and three parts with 27 subparts. Therefore the data collected for this research were in the forms of language features such as words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, taken from the primary data source. The data were collected based on the theoretical framework used in this research, i.e. Karl Marx’ theory of ideology stemmed from his conception of historical reality discussed in Lois Tyson’s Critical Theory Today: a User-Friendly Guide with the related discussion in Terry Eagleton’s Marxism and Literary Criticism. The researcher also used other sources from printed materials and the internet including academic journals and other books that explains Marx’s theory of ideology such as Eagleton’s Ideology: an Introduction.

C. Research Instrument

A research instrument is the equipment applied in a certain work, study, or research for a scientific purpose Hornby, 1995: 619. A researcher is the key instrument in a research. The researcher gathers data through examining documents, observing behavior, and interviewing participants if necessary. In