Intellectual The Characterization of

path of faith which makes her experiences the appearance of Mother Mary. It is stated as follows. For the first time since I had abandoned the path of faith, I felt a strong desire to pray. Although I was seated in a pew. My soul was kneeling at the feet of the Lady before me, the woman who had said, “ Yes ,” when She could have said “no.” The angel would have sought out someone else, and there would have been no sin in the eyes of the Lord, because God knows His children’s weakness. Coelho, 1994: 85 Pilar’s prayer becomes a sign that she starts to know Mother Mary. The situation of the above quotation pictures that Pilar is in the church and she prays in front of Mother Mary’s statue, she does not only see the existence of the statue, but she also feels the existance of Mother Mary who lives in her heart and communicates with her. Pilar cares to herself and tries to open her heart and mind that she has a great help to find her way. After Pilar recovers her faith and knows about Mother Mary, she tries to learn something that encourages her faith from Mother Mary. Pilar’s way to venerate Mother Mary can also be seen when she says “may the Immaculate Conception teach me to love as She loves” Coelho, 1994 :104. It means that Pilar venerates Mother Mary based on her experience in meeting Mother Mary in her prayer. She believes that Mother Mary leads her in her life. Pilar’s experience in meeting Mother Mary shows that she is a nurturing woman, she cares to herself that she realizes Mother Mary loves her through her prayer. In the previous analysis, the writer states that Pilar is a nurturing woman. To venerate Virgin Mary, loyalty is needed in order to describe that to be an ideal Catholic is not easy. Mother Mary shows that although she faces a difficult time, she still has a faith in God. Here, Pilar reveals that after she finds her faith, she has a loyalty to keep her faith. Pilar’s loyalty shows that she cares to herself. It is shown in the following quotation. Then the world changes and we change with it. But I didn’t want to be that way anymore. Fate had returned to me what had been mine and now offered me to change myself and the world. Coelho, 1994: 156 The above quotation shows that Pilar has a faith in order to face many problems that she meets. She learns from Mother Mary for being a loyal woman who keeps her faith in God in every situation that she faces.

b. Pilar’s lover

The writer also analyz es the way of Pilar’s lover venerates Virgin Mary. Pilar’s lover is pictured as a religious, talented and an intellectual man. The writer analyzes those characteristics to reveal the feminine side of God. There is a quotation below. The mystery of life fascinated me, and I wanted to understand them better. I looked for signs that would tell me that someone knew nothing. I went to India and Egypt. I sat with masters of magic and of meditation. And finally I discovered what I was looking for: the truth resides where there is faith.” Coelho, 1994: 79 He goes to India and Egypt to do meditation to find his faith. After his journey, he finds what he searches for, he finds what he believes. It is shown from the quotation of Pilar’s lover such as “may the Great Mother inspire me” Coelho, 1994: 84 and “may the Virgin protect us from here on,” he said. Coelho, 19994: 47. The expression of Pilar’s lover shows that he is a religious man. Mother Mary is an example of religious person who trusts in God. Characteristic of religious person is needed to venerate Mother Mary. As the writer mentions in the previous chapter that Brantl quotes the definition of Pope Pius IX that Catholics need to