Compassionate The Characterization of Pilar

I was in love with a man who was capable of performing cures. A man who could help others, bring relief to suffering, give health to the sick and hope to their loved ones Coelho, 1994: 124. The direct evidence is also pictured by Pilar’s lover. He says to Pilar that he has an ability to cure the sick. When Pilar and her lover meet together, he shares what they get from Charismatic practice and day by day people know it and he is famous because of his special thing. From Pilar’s lover speech, the writer defines him as a talented man. It is shown from the quotation below. “The fact is that I developed a gift. I am able to cure, when God so wills it.” … “I developed my gift through the Charismatic practices that you saw,” he went on. “… I would restore many of the sick to good health. My reputation began to spread, and every day people lined at the gates of the seminary, seeking my help. In every infected, smelly laceration, I saw the wounds of Jesus ” Coelho, 1994: 163. The above quotation shows that Pilar’s lover is a talented man who can perform a gift from God, he can cure the sick to have good health. Pilar’s lover also has a strong belief t hat Holy Spirit appear and through God’s will, he can perform miracle to cure the sick.

B. Analysis of the Characterization of Pilar and Her Lover Revealing the

Feminine Side of God After the writer analyses the characterization of Pilar and Pilar’s lover, the writer goes on the analysis of the feminine sides of God revealed by the characterization of Pilar and her lover. This analysis provides three layers of feminine side of God which are learned by Pilar and her lover. The writer positions every layer based on how Pilar and her lover learn the feminine side of God. Firstly, Pilar and her lover are introduced to the veneration of Virgin Mary. Then, reflecting total surrender from Mother Mary as the model of faith becomes the second layer in understanding the feminine side of God. The third layer, Pilar and her lover learn the link between Mother Mary and The Divine. Further, the writer applies the characterization of Pilar and her lover to reveal the feminine side of God.

1. The Veneration Of Virgin Mary

Venerating Virgin Mary becomes important part of Catholic devotion. It is stated in the theoretical review that through Mother Mary, Catholics learn the meaning of total surrender. By knowing Mother Mary, Catholics are taught to develop their faith to God and Mother Mary is an example of the ideal Catholics life Brantl, 1962: 74. Here, the writer positions veneration of Virgin Mary as the first layer to learn the feminine side of God. a. Pilar Mother Mary is known as an example of the ideal Catholics life. The reas on Mother Mary called as the example of the ideal Catholics’ life because her way to surrender her whole life to God. Although Catholics are taught to work and pray for being a better person, Catholics are also taught to surrender their life to God. In this novel Pilar is described as a nurturing and compassionate person. The characterization of Pilar shows that she has a willingness to learn how to be an ideal Catholics. It is begun when Pilar has a willingness to pray. Pilar’s prayer means that she recommences her relation to God. During her prayer, she finds the