Nurturing The Characterization of Pilar

on,”Coelho, 1994: 47. Pilar’s lover expression shows that he is a religious man. According to Murphy 1972: 163 , someone’s speech chows her or his characterization. The quotation above shows that the speech of Pilar’s lover represents that he is a religious man. The o ther proof can be seen when Pilar’s lover has a willingness to enter a seminary and he learns Catholic teaching and he tries to apply that teaching in his life. He also learns about certain group of prayer in order to have spiritual experience to make a closer relationship to God. From Pilar’s lover speech about his expereience life, the writer classifies him as a religious man. It is seen in the quotation below that his speech represents him as a religious man. “I entered a monastery close to here. For four years, I studied everything I could. During that time, I made contact with the Clarifieds and the Charismatics, the sects that have been trying to open doors that have been closed for so long to certain spiritual experiences. I discovered that God was not the ogre that had frightened me as a child. There was a movement afoot for a return to the origi nal innosence of Christianity.”Coelho, 1994: 81

b. Intellectual

The second characterization of Pilar’s lover is an intellectual man. It means that Pilar’s lover is a smart person who has an ability to speak in front of people. He is very fluent in giving sermon in the conference. He has a confident to give a long speech to many persons. His speech in his conference shows that Pilar’s lover is an intellectual man. Every word that comes up from his mouth can inspire people who listen to him. His speech below shows that he is an intellectual man. “You have to take risks, he said. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen. Every day, God gives us the sun- and also one moment in which we have the ability to change everything that makes unhappy... ” Coelho, 1994: 7-8. The o ther proof that shows Pilar’s lover is an intellectual man is seen from his personal description which is described by Pilar. When Pilar meets her lover for the first time after eleven years, Pilar sees her lover is a different boy that grows become a mature and smart person. Pilar describes his lover that his eyes are shining and he looks wonderful. From the personal description in the quotation below, the writer defines him as an intellectual man. I was even more surprised when I saw him enter the room. He was quite different from the boy I had known- but of course, it had been twelve years; people change. Tonight his eyes were shining- he looked wonderful Coelho, 1994: 5.

c. Talented

The writer d efines Pilar’s lover as a talented man. Talented here is considered as a man who gets a special gift from God. In this case, Pilar’s lover is known as a man who can perform miracle. It is pictured from the quotation below that the direct comment to Pilar’s lover represents him as a talented man. “You are with a very special man,” he said. “A man who performs miracles” Coelho, 1994: 94. That short quotation above describes a man who speaks to Pilar and he says that Pilar is with a man who can perform miracle from God. That direct comment from the man is considered by the writer to define Pilar’s lover as a talented man. The o ther evidence that Pilar’s lover is a talented man can be shown from Pilar’s thought when she realizes that his lover can cure a person who gets sick. It is pictured from the quotation below that Pilar’s thought represents him as a talented man. I was in love with a man who was capable of performing cures. A man who could help others, bring relief to suffering, give health to the sick and hope to their loved ones Coelho, 1994: 124. The direct evidence is also pictured by Pilar’s lover. He says to Pilar that he has an ability to cure the sick. When Pilar and her lover meet together, he shares what they get from Charismatic practice and day by day people know it and he is famous because of his special thing. From Pilar’s lover speech, the writer defines him as a talented man. It is shown from the quotation below. “The fact is that I developed a gift. I am able to cure, when God so wills it.” … “I developed my gift through the Charismatic practices that you saw,” he went on. “… I would restore many of the sick to good health. My reputation began to spread, and every day people lined at the gates of the seminary, seeking my help. In every infected, smelly laceration, I saw the wounds of Jesus ” Coelho, 1994: 163. The above quotation shows that Pilar’s lover is a talented man who can perform a gift from God, he can cure the sick to have good health. Pilar’s lover also has a strong belief t hat Holy Spirit appear and through God’s will, he can perform miracle to cure the sick.

B. Analysis of the Characterization of Pilar and Her Lover Revealing the

Feminine Side of God After the writer analyses the characterization of Pilar and Pilar’s lover, the writer goes on the analysis of the feminine sides of God revealed by the characterization of Pilar and her lover. This analysis provides three layers of feminine side of God which are learned by Pilar and her lover. The writer positions every layer based on how Pilar and her lover learn the feminine side of