Explanation of Flowchart Methodology Approach

1.10 Thesis Outline

The first chapter discuss about brief overview about the project such as introduction, objective, problem statement, scope and the methodology of the project. The second chapter is about the literature review of the project. This chapter discusses the concept of the research and how it related with the theory. Chapter Three is explanation about the methodology and process that taken to complete the project. Each achievement and selection taken when the project is implemented will be explained in detail for each stage until the project is success. This chapter will briefly describe on history, materials that were used and how to operate it. Chapter Four describes about the project findings such as the result that we obtain based on the methodology that we used. The obtained result will be analyze and based on the objectives. The result is presented by tables, simulation, graphs and figures. Chapter Five is about the discussion and summary of project achievement. It also includes the conclusion and recommendation that can be taken for future improvement of the project. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1 Introduction

Energy is not available infinitely. Fossil fuels will run out eventually, although new reserves are still being found. The economy depends on the suppliers of these fossil fuels, which became very apparent during the 1973 oil crisis. A lot of research is going into renewable energy, energy that cannot run out, because of the economic dependence. Renewable energy sources are also called alternative energy sources. Alternative energy sources can not only be used for the generation of electricity for the grid or for the powering of cars but also for small electronic products like a radio, flashlight or mp3 player. The focus then is not on hydro plants or nuclear fusion but on solar power, fuel cells and human power. This project focuses on the use of human power to power a led torch.