Background of Study INTRODUCTION



This chapter presents background of study, statement of problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and the definition of key term. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1 Background of Study

English is one of the most widely-used languages. It is an important tool to communicate for people in global community. That is why people have to learn English. According to Rahayudi 2005: 1, in every country, people learn about English in economic, politic, and education. In the field of economic we find that English is used in trade; in politic English is used to communicate the idea or the opinion of the people, and in education we know that many literatures are written in English. Besides, English is used by people to communicate with people around the world, to find a job easily, and to get a new friend from other country. It means, it is very important for everyone to know about English both of passively or actively. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language taught to the students from beginning level up to university level. It is one of the educational programs that must be increased and developed at schools in Indonesia. As we know at the 21 st century, Indonesia faces globalization era. One of the important elements is to create the intellectual and quality students such as mastering English. The main objective of the English teaching at school as stated in regulation of minister of national education 2 Indonesia number 22 tahun 2006 is to dev elop the students’ ability in such a way that they will be able to understand it. According to Cahyono 2010: ix, in order to be successful in using English as a means of communication, English language learners have to be capable of all of the language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Hamer, 1991, in Cahyono, 2010: ix mentions, language skills are divided into receptive and productive skills because a listener and reader as well as a speaker and a writer share the same communicative purposes, respectively. Based on how language is conveyed, language skills can be categorized into those related to speech listening and speaking and written word reading and writing. From those skills, speaking is the most important skill to be mastered. The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second-language or foreign-language learners Richards, 2008:19. If the students want to have a good speaking ability, it should be supported by teachers, students, curriculum, and facility. The teacher represents the ability or mastery on subject matters, the application of the methods techniques and approaches, as well as the attitude and responsibility of the teacher. The students bring intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, their attitudes, and their environment. The curriculum contains the planning, the syllabus, the approaches, and assessments. The facility consists of the building, the education environment, the teaching media, and the system of education Cahyono 2010: 127. Media of teaching speaking is very useful to make the process of teaching activity easier and more interesting. Teaching speaking is very important in foreign 3 language learning. Consequently teaching a foreign language is complex process Wahyurianto, 2009: 8. The teacher must use good media in teaching to be able to attract the students to be more active in speaking. Fathurrohman and Sutikno 2007: 65, stated that media is something which brings information and knowledge in interacting between teachers and students. It can be said, media is a tool in teaching learning process which is used by teachers to explain the material. Besides, students can accept the material from teacher well. It means, there is an interaction between teachers and students. One of the media that usually used is picture. Picture is photographic representation of people, places, and things that can translate abstract concept into more realistic or concrete items Kasbollah, 1999: 21, in Rahmawati 2004. In this research, the researcher uses the football picture as a media in teaching speaking. The purpose of using football picture as media in teaching speaking process is making the students get interest to join speaking class in order to students can develop their speaking ability. SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang is one of private schools in Malang which is located on Jalan Baiduri Sepah number 27. Based on the preliminary research in teaching English on teaching practice at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang, especially in administration office class, the students do not enthusiast in learning English especially speaking. The students get lower score in speaking ability. It is caused; students do not understand the explanation from the teachers. Then, students are bored, and sometimes they are afraid to make mistake in their speaking in the class. 4 Besides, in teaching speaking, teachers do not use kinds of media. As a result, the teaching learning process is running monotonous. In this case, it needs such kinds of media to increase the students’ speaking ability. Kusumawati 2006, stated that pictures can be used in teaching writing skill at the second class students of SMPN 01 Selorejo. It shows teaching successful with 95 of the students can make a good topic sentence, 85 of the students have good unity of paragraph, 82 of the students can make supporting sentence correctly, 75 of students have been good in making concluding sentence, and only 57,5 of the students make good coherence. It means, teaching writing by using pictures can improve stude nts’ writing ability. Febryanto 2012, stated that using pictures was success in improving students’ skill in writing. It was caused by the use of such technique-pictures provided not only shared experience for students, but also helped them to focus on the pictures. Besides, pictures provided a lot of varieties of task. In other words, pictures can help students to focus and improve their writing skill. The difference between this research and previous research is that research focuses on improving studen ts’ speaking ability through football picture media at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang. Whereas, the previous research focuses on improving writing skill use picture media at the second class of SMPN 01 Selorejo. Based on the description above, the researcher is curious to investigate the use of football picture media in teaching speaking. Therefore, the researcher would like to conduct the research using football picture media in teaching speaking. 5

1.2 Statement of the Problem