General Properties of the Resource Metadata

Copyright © 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium 27

7.3 The I15 model

7.3.1 Resource Metadata General Properties of the Resource Metadata

The ResourceMetadata object type 5 is abstract; it can only be instantiated through the derived object types: DatasetMetadata with the derived types ElementaryDataset and DatasetCollection, ServiceMetadata and Application. Those object types are the heart of the I15 model. Those four ExtrinsicObject types represent the concrete ISO19115-2ISO19119 ISO19139-2 encoded metadata instances for which RepositoryItems are available. Figure 6 – Resource Metadata Req reqcoreResourceMetadata 5 It shall be noted that each RegistryObject instance has an objectType attribute which value SHALL be a reference to a ClassificationNode in the ObjectType ClassificationScheme. The objectType for almost all objects in the information model matches the ClassificationNode that corresponds to the name of their class. So the ObjectType ClassificationScheme has to be extended by adding additional ClassificationNodes to support the newly defined classes of a RegistryPackage. class 02 - Resource Metadata « egistry O b ect » ebRIM::Organization + N ame [ , 1 1 2 4 5 6 nternationalString + 7 mailAddress [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 7 mailAddress + PrimaryContact [ , 1 1 2 4 5 Person « 7 xtrinsic O b ect » I15::MetadataInformation « ; lot » + Date , 1 1 2 4 5 ] ateTime + 6 ? entifier , 1 1 2 4 5 ; tring + ConformsTo[ , 1 1 2 4 5 etadataStandar ? N ameAndVersion + A B C D G B D H , 1 1 2 4 5 A B C D G B D H J ag « K lassificati o C » + CharacterSet[ , 1 1 2 4 5 CharacterSet « 7 xtrinsic O b ect » I15::CitedItem + N am H 5 6 nternationalString + 7 xternal 6 dentifier [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 7 xternal 6 dentifier « ; lot » + Title [ , 1 1 2 4 5 6 nternationalString + Created [ , 1 1 2 4 5 DateTime + odified , 1 1 9 4 5 ] ateTime + 6 P sued , 1 1 9 4 5 ] ateTime + Source , 1 1 9 4 5 Q R 6 « R lassificationSchem H » I15::FormatNameAndVersion « R lassificationSchem H » I15::MetadataStandardNameAndVersion « 7 xtrinsic O b ect » I15::ResourceMetadata + Descripti o C 5 6 nternationalString « ; lot » + S ormat [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 S ormat N ameAndVersion + Type [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 6 nternationalString + 7 nvelope [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 gml 5 7 nvelopeType + A B C D G B D H , 1 1 2 4 5 A B C D G B D H J ag + Coverage [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 6 dentifi H ? 6 tem + A W neage [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 6 nternationalString + Temporal X egin [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 DateTime + Temporal 7 nd [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 DateTime « K lassificati o C » + TopicCategoryCode [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 TopicCategory + CharacterSet [ , 1 1 9 ] 5 CharacterSet « 7 xtrinsic O b ect » Basic Extension Package:: Image Y N am H 5 6 nternationalString « 7 xtrinsic O b ect » Basic Extension Package::Rights + Description [ , 1 1 2 4 5 6 nternationalString « R lassificationSchem H » I15::CharacterSet Y uc P Z Y uc P [ Y u \ _ Y u \ ` Y u \ 2 c Y ` ` d f g B h t 2 Y ` ` d f g B h t Z Y ` ` d f g B h t i Y ` ` d f g B h t [ Y ` ` d f g B h t d Y ` ` d f g B h t c Y ` ` d f g B h t _ Y ` ` d f g B h t ` Y ` ` d f g B h t f Y ` ` d f g B h t 2 , Y ` ` d f g B h t 2 2 Y ` ` d f g B h t 2 i Y ` ` d f g B h t 2 [ Y ` ` d f g B h t 2 d Y ` ` d f g B h t 2 c Y W P Y shi \ j6 S Y euc j P Y usAscii Y ebdcdic Y euc k R Y bi D d Y m X Z i 2 Z « R lassificationSchem H » I15::TopicCategory Y farming Y biota Y boundaries Y climatology eteorologyAtmosphere Y economy Y elevation Y environment Y geoscientific 6 nformation Y health Y imagery X as H aps 7 arthCover Y intelligence ilitary Y inlandWaters Y location Y oceans Y planningCadastre Y society Y structure Y transportation Y utilitiesCommunication etadataPoint O fContact , 1 1 9 CitedResponsibleParty , 1 1 9 Parent etadat B 6 nformation + parent etadata , 1 1 2 Resource etadat B 6 nformation 2 ResourceConstraints , 1 1 9 m raphic O verview , 1 1 9 Copyright © 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium 28 Every I15 metadata resource entry is described by an ExtrinsicObject which is derived from the ExtrinsicObject ResourceMetadata. ResourceMetadata is derived from the CitedItem ExtrinsicObject and has an association to the MetadataInformation ExtrinsicObject. Every I15 catalogue SHALL support the slots, datatypes, classifications related to the ExtrinsicObjects ResourceMetadata and MetadataInformation and the association between them.

7.3.2 Keyword and Thesaurus information