Sarana dan Sumber Belajar A. Sumber Belajar Sarana Belajar

E. Materi Pembelajaran :

a. Vocabulary: Vanilla, slice, cup, pitcher, squeeze, soursop, tablespoon, rind, strain, bowl, dissolved, discard, stir. b. Generic Structure, Social Purpose, and Language Features of procedural text : Generic structure 1. Goal 2. Material  Ingredient  Utensil 3. Steps Social Function To tell how to do something through a sequence of actions or steps Language Features  Imperative: - Boil the water - Fold the paper - Draw the picture on it - Dip a dye tea into the glass. - Open the pot  Sequence: - First… - Second… - Third… - Then… - And then… - Finally… c. Example of procedure text: How to Make Tropical Fruit Juice Ingredient : 4 slices of papayas 1 slice of pineapple 1 tablespoon of red syrup 1 piece of soursop 1 tablespoon of vanilla syrup Some ice cubes Steps : 1. Put the slices of papaya, pineapple, red syrup together with some ice cubes into a blender and blend on high for one minute. 2. Next, do the same to the remaining soursoup, vanilla syrup and some ice cubes. 3. Finally, pour the juice into some glasses, the white juice is on the bottom and the red juice is on the top 4. Your tropical juice is ready to serve How to Make Lemonade Ingredients: 6 lemons 1 cup of sugar 8 cups of iced water 1 cup of boiling water Directions:

1. First, squeeze the juice from the lemons into a bowl 2. Then, set lemon rinds aside

3. Strain lemon juice into a large pitcher 4. After that, add the sugar and iced water. And then, stir until the sugar is dissolved 5. Once it’s done, set it aside 6. Next, place lemon rinds in a bowl and add the boiling water

7. Let it stand until water is cold 8. Then, discard the rinds, add water to pitcher and stir well

9. Finally, refrigerate the lemonade until well chilled.

F. Alokasi Waktu :

2 x 40 menit G. Metode Pembelajaran : CTL

H. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran 1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan 5 menit

1. Guru mengucapkan salam dan berdoa bersama taqwa 2. Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa disiplin 3. Guru memotivasi siswa percaya diri 4. Guru mengaitkan materi dengan materi sebelumnya 5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti 70 menit

Eksplorasi: 1. Guru meminta siswa mendebgarkan dan melakukan apa yang guru ucapkan Task 1