



(A Classroom Action Research) By

Septi Maryanti

Role plays are very important in communicative language teaching because they give students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social context and in different social roles. Most of students still have low speaking ability especially in fluency, pronunciation and comprehension due to inappropriateness in teaching speaking used by the teacher. Therefore many experts of English teaching technique suggest the teacher to apply it as a teaching technique. The objective of the research are to find out whether role play technique can increase the students’ speaking achievement, and improve students’ participation in teaching learning process.

The subject of this CAR is the students of the sixth A grade at Al Kautsar Elementary School. This research was conducted in two cycles. The first cycle was done on March 22nd 2014, and the second cycle was done on April 12th 2014. The result of the research shows that: first there is significant increase of students’ speaking achievement from the first cycle to the second cycle. In the first cycle there were 26 students (65%) whose score are up to 70, nevertheless after conducting the second cycle, the students’ speaking achievement increased approximately 35 students (87.5%) are up to 70. It means that there is an improvement in students’ speaking achievement, about 21.5%.

In teaching learning process, there is also significant improvement. It can be seen from the first cycle there were 29 (72.5%) out of 40 students who were actively involved in the teaching learning process. Meanwhile in the second cycle there were 38 (95.96%) of students who are actively involved in teaching learning process. It can be conducted that there is an improvement in students’ speaking participation (23.46%)

From the data above, the researcher concludes that there is significant increase in students’ speaking ability achievement and students’ participation using role play technique.





Septi Maryanti

A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Departemen of Teacher Training and Education Faculty




Research Titie

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Language and Arts Engiish Eciucation

Teacher T?aining and Education



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: 131308201 I : Septi Maryanti

: Teaching Speaking Through Role Play Technique at the Sixth A Grade of Al Kautsar Bandar Lampung. : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

: Perndidikan Bahasa dan Seni : Keguruan dan llrnu Pendidikan

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Dalam karya tulis ini terdapat karya atau pendapat yang telah ditulis atau lipublikasikan orang lain, kecuali secara tertulis dengan dicantumkan

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saya buat dengan sesungguhnya dan apabila dikemudian hari terdapat penyimpangan dan ketidakbenaran dalam pernyataan ini, r'.raiia saya bersedia menerima sanksi akademik berupa pencabutan gelar

i'ang telah diperoleh kareria karya mlis ini, seta sanksi laiirnya seuai Jengan norrna yang berlaku di Univarsitas Lampung.

Bandar Lampurg, 10 Oktober 2AI4 Yang membuat pernyataan


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Septi Maryanti 6^^^^w^^^



The researcher, Septi Maryanti was born in Srisawahan, Central Lampung on September, 25th 1976. She is the first daughter of Sudi Percoyo and Sutini.

She began her elementary education at SDN 02 Srisawahan, Central Lampung and graduated in 1988. She continued her Junior High School at SMPN Sritejo kencono, Central Lampung and graduated in 1991. In the same year, she continued her study at SMAN Kota gajah, East Lampung and graduated in 1994. After finishing her school in 1995, she registered as D-3 student of ABA YUNISLA and graduated in 1998

In April 2013 she registered as an S-1 in Service Training (S-1 Dalam Jabatan) student of Lampung University at English Education Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. In Desember 2013, she carried out the Teaching Practice Program (PPL) at Al-Kautsar Elementary School. She has been teaching there since 1998 until now.



With love and appreciation, this C.A.R is proudly dedicated to:

My beloved Mother, Sutini, My beloved Husband, Mohammad Nursalim

My beloved daughters, Lu’Lu’ Qurrota ‘Aini and Mutia Azzahra My beloved sisters, Sri Handayani and Tria Puspita Ningrum

My best friends, Sri sumari, Indah lestari, Indah Wahyuni, Fitri Nur’aini



Time is like a sword




Firstly, I would like to express Alhamdulillah to Alloh SWT for all mercy and prosperity that enable me to accomplish this C.A.R. This C.A.R entitled

“Teaching Speaking Though Role Play Technique at the Sixth A Grade of Al

Kautsar Elementary School Bandar Lampung” is submitted as a partial fulfillment

of requirements for S-1 Degree in the Language and Art Department of the Teacher and Education.

Secondly, I would like to acknowledge my sincere gratitude and respect to my advisors, Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A and Drs. Huzairin, M.pd, for their valuable input, scientific knowledge, suggestion, patience appreciation and guidance during the writing process of this paper. I also would like to express my gratitude to Dra. Ari Nurweni, M.A, as my examiner, for criticism and correction.

Thirdly, I also acknowledge my indebtedness and love to my mother, Sutini, My beloved husband, Mohammad Nursalim, My beloved sisters, Yani and Tria and

My wonderful daughters, Lu‟lu‟ and Mutia. Thank you very much for their support and pray.

Last, my great thankfulness is also addressed to my nice friends Hayati, Melisa, Vivi, Lusa, Heru, Iin, and Erna. My appreciation is also extended to my best



friends in Al Kautsar Bandar Lampung, Iswahyudi, Soldan, Azkan, Yosi, Fitri, Rumi, and Witri for their support.

Bandar Lampung, October 2014 Writer



TITLE……… i

ABSTRACT……….. ii


ADMITION………... iv



1.1.Background of the problem………..

1.2.Formulation of the research………. 1.3.Objectives of the research……… 1.4.Uses of the research………. 1.5.Scope of the research……… 1.6.Definition of term………

1 4 4 4 5 6


2.1.Concept of speaking………. 2.2.Component of speaking……… 2.3.Characteristics of successful speaking activities……….. 2.4.Concept of role play………. 2.5.Procedures of role play………. 2.6.Advantages and disadvantages of role play technique……….

7 9 12 13 14 15


3.1.General description of the research……….. 3.2.Identification of the research……… 3.3.Problem solution……….. 3.4.Research procedure……….. 3.5.Indicators of the research………. 3.6.Instrument of the research………

18 19 20 20 23 25


3.7.Data analysis……… 3.8.Schedule of the research………...

32 35



4.1.1.Cycle 1………...

a. Planning………..

b. Action………..

c. Observation………..

d. Reflection……….

e. Recommendation……….

4.1.2.Cycle 2………...

a. Planning………...

b. Action………..

c. Observation………..

d. Reflection………


4.3.Comparison of cycle 1 and cycle 2………..

36 36 37 37 41 48 50 50 51 51 55 63 63 70


5.1.Conclusions……….. 5.2.Suggestions………..

74 75





1. Table of percentage of students‟ speaking score at cycle 1………... 2. Table of frequency of students‟ observation sheet at cycle 1………….. 3. Table of frequency of students‟ perception at cycle 1………. 4. Table of percentage of students‟ speaking score at cycle 2………. 5. Table of frequency of students‟ observation sheet at cycle 2………….. 6. Table of frequency of students‟ perception at cycle 2………. 7. Table of frequency of students‟ speaking score improvement from

cycle 1 to cycle 2……….

8. Table of students‟ observation sheet from cycle 1 to cycle 2………….. 9. Table of observation sheet of students‟ perception from cycle 1 to

cycle 2………..

Page 41 43 46 55 56 61 65 66 68




1. Lesson plan 1………...

2. Lesson plan 2………... 3. Students‟ score of cycle 1 ………... 4. Reliabilities of students‟ score of cycle 1……… 5. Frequency of Students‟ Speaking Achievement Score at Cycle 1…….. 6. Students‟ Observation Sheetat Cycle 1 ……….. 7. Observation Sheet for Students‟ Perception at Cycle 1 ……….. 8. Students‟ score of cycle 2 ………... 9. Reliabilities of students‟ score of cycle 2……… 10.Frequency of Students‟ Speaking Achievement Score at Cycle 2…….. 11.Students‟ Observation Sheet at Cycle 2……….. 12.Observation Sheet for Students‟ Perception at Cycle 2 ……….. 13.Students‟ Voice Transcription of Cycle 1………... 14. Students‟ Voice Transcription of Cycle 2……….. 15.Students‟ perception papers of cycle 1….………... 16.Students‟ perception papers of cycle 2….………... 17.Surat Izin Penelitian ………

Page 80 89 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 125 144 183 223



This chapter discusses certain points; background of the problem, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of terms as follows:

1.1Background of the problem

Many countries in the world give more attention to English conversation learning since several years ago, in which one of the objectives is to make their students able to speak English. A lot of English courses provide conversation class for adults or young learners. Considering the importance of speaking skill in learning English, Scott (1983) says that speaking is perhaps the most demanding skill for the teacher to teach.

Elementary school is the first stage in basic education level. Here, students learn some skills in order to develop their ability and prepare for their next education stage in the basic education level. English, as international language, is also important to be learned in this basic level of education to introduce the students with this language.



There are three important aspects of speaking skill. They are pronunciation, fluency and comprehension, (Heaton: 1991). These three aspects should be learned and tried to be mastered by the students. In teaching and learning process, the teacher often faces some obstacles in teaching speaking to the students.

This phenomenon of learning process is also found at Al Kautsar Elementary School, the place where the researcher works as an English teacher. She faced most of the students of sixth A grade have low ability in speaking English. These students have low ability in pronouncing the words.

In her speaking class, some oral work had been done to improve the students‟ abilities in speaking. The teacher had applied drill and pair dialogues for her speaking techniques. These ways little bit worked. The researcher then asked her friend as observer to make sure the researcher‟s reflection of her speaking class. From the result of the observer‟s interview, it was found that there were some factors which made the students have low ability to speak English. Firstly, the students have low ability to pronounce the words. Secondly, they are ashamed to make mistake in front of their friends.

Based on this problem, the researcher would like to use a technique that can develop the students‟ ability in speaking and make them enjoy the speaking class. The researcher is interested in conducting role play technique in teaching speaking class. The researcher would like to apply what her children like to do. The researcher expects it would happen in her speaking class. Ladousse (1982:7) states that role play is one of a whole gamut of communicative techniques which develops fluency in students‟ language, which promotes interaction in the



classroom, and which increases motivation. Both are unselfconsciously creating their own reality and, by doing so, experimenting with their knowledge of the real world and developing their ability to interact with other people.

Most of the students are sometimes afraid to make mistakes in front of the class. So the students need safe environment to deliver their idea. Ladousse says that role play can help some students by providing them mask. Some more reticent members of a group may have a great deal of difficulty participating in conversations about themselves, and in other activities based on their direct experience. These students are liberated by role play as they no longer feel that their own personality is implicated.

Role play also has significant function to overcome nervousness in learning process. Every student takes a role to act as himself or someone else. They will lose their nervousness because they enjoy doing the activity. Ladousse says that the most important reason for using role play is that it is fun. Once students understand what is expected of them, they thoroughly enjoy letting their imagination rip.

The researcher, then, plans to hold classroom action research in two or more cycles to make the purpose of teaching learning process come true. In this research, the teacher, also as the researcher, will apply role play in speaking to make students improve their activity and ability in speaking English.



1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above, the problem can be formulated as follows:

1.1.1. How is the improvement of speaking ability of the students of Al Kautsar Elementary School?

1.1.2. How is the improvement of students‟ speaking activity in the teaching -learning process?

1.1.3. How is the effect of role play technique toward students‟ perception?

1.3 Objectives of the Research

From the formulation of the problem above, the research objectives can be formulated as follows:

1.2.1. To find the improvement of the students‟ speaking ability though role play technique.

1.2.2. To find out the improvement of the students‟ speaking activity in teaching speaking class through role play technique.

1.2.3. To find out the effect of role play technique toward student‟s perception.

1.4 Uses of the Research

This result of the research can be used as follows: 1. To enrich theory dealing role play technique.



2. To be used as a reference for the next researcher who will concentrate on the students‟ speaking ability andstudents‟ participation in teaching learning process of role play technique.

Practical uses:

1. As a practice for the researcher in finding appropriate technique in

improving students‟ speaking ability and students‟ speaking activities. 2. As a help to students in improving their speaking ability.

3. As a consideration in making policy related to the development of teaching learning English subject especially speaking ability.

1.5Scope of the Research

By implementing classroom action research, the researcher will focus on the problem that will be investigated in speaking activity and ability though role play technique. It concerns with an instruction of role play technique that is implemented to create interesting speaking activity. The researcher uses observation and recording in order to know how role play technique improves

students‟ speaking ability and activity in teaching speaking process. The material and its test are based on their text book which is based on the curriculum of SD.

Since the students haven‟t been used to role play yet, Very structured role play will be applied in the first cycle. The teacher will prepare role cards which consist of situation, role (who act as who), and the role play dialogues. Kind of other role play techniques will be determined in the next cycles.



1.6 Definition of the terms

1. Speaking is a productive skill in which the speaker produces and uses the language by expressing a sequence of idea and at that time he/she tries to get ideas or the message across (Wahjiyati: 2012).

2. Speaking ability is an ability to produce articulation, sounds or word to express, to say, to show to think about ideas, thought and feeling.

3. Teaching Speaking is teaching the ability of producing the sounds or words to express, explain, and transfer thought, opinion, and feeling (Tarigan in Rahmawati: 2007).

4. The role play technique is useful oral activities that involve not only

students‟ word but also all other parts of speaking a language in small group (Scott and Ytreberg: 41).

5. Student Learning Activity means any activity done by the students during the teaching-learning process. By doing many activities they will gain the knowledge (Wahjiyati: 2012).

6. Action research is collaboration of research and action which are done by using reflection to solve the problem.

7. Improvement is the change of condition from cycle one to another cycle by looking the gap of score, the percentage of students active in learning



This chapter will discuss several concepts such as concept of speaking, component of speaking, characteristics of successful speaking activities, concept of role play, procedure of role play, advantages and disadvantages of role play. 2.1 Concept of speaking

Speaking is a tool by which a language is used. It is considered important since by speaking, people can share and deliver what they need to others. It takes the part of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency and comprehension altogether (Haris, 1974: 84). This makes speaking considered a complex skill in language learning because it, at once, involves those five aspects of language spontaneously when one wants to deliver his massage to others.

Speaking is a two-way process of delivering and receiving message between speaker and listener. Byrne (1984), states that speaking is an oral communication. It involves both productive and receptive skills of understanding. Therefore, it also takes in the role of another language skill, listening. Subsequently, in speaking, the speaker must be able to convey his idea to his listener as clearly as possible in order that the listener gets the intended response to achieve mutually comprehensible interaction.



Speaking is an important element of mastering the language. Grace (1998) stated that many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language. These learners define fluency as the ability to converse with others, much more than the ability to read, write, or comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire, and they assess their progress in the terms of their accomplishments in spoken communication.

Language learners have to know that speaking involves three areas of knowledge:

 Mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary): Using the right words in the order with the correct pronunciation

 Functions (transaction and interaction): Knowing when clarity of message is essential (transaction/ information exchange) and when precise understanding is not required (interaction/ relationship building)

 Social and culture rules and norms (turn-taking, rate of speech, length of pauses between speakers, relative roles of participants): understanding how to take into account who is speaking to whom, in what circumstances, about what, and for what reason.

In the communicative model of teaching, instructors help their students develop this body of knowledge by providing authentic practice that prepares students for real-life communication situations. They help their students develop their self confidence and ability to produce grammatically correct, logically connected sentences that are appropriate to specific contexts, and to do so using acceptable (that is, comprehensible) pronunciation.



2.2 Components of speaking

Learning any foreign language has to do with the four skills that have to be mastered. The four skills are listening, speaking and listening (oral skills) are said to relate to language expressed though the aural medium. Reading and Writing era said to relate to language expressed though the visual medium (written symbol). Another way of representing these skills is by reference not to the medium but the activity of the language user. Therefore, speaking and writing are said to be active or productive skills, where as listening and reading are said to be passive or receptive skills.

Listening skill is the ability to understand English presented in oral form. This skill is set up as an aim by or government particularly in the effort to affiliate with foreign colleges or to communicate with others. Speaking is the ability to use the language in oral form. In Elementary school is limited to the ability to express a

simple conversation on some subject (e.g. expressing greeting, one‟s identities,

and order/offer something, like or dislike, etc). Among the four skills, speaking skill is the most appropriate skill to develop the students‟ self confident.

The following four or five components are generally recognized in analysis of speech process:

1) Pronunciation

Pronunciation refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible articulation (Syakur, 1987). Speaking is a matter of making utterances to



other people in an audible and understandable way. Audible here means that when someone is speaking, the recipient of his message should be able to hear what he is saying clearly. While the term understandable refers to that regarding the point of what someone is saying is understood by his recipient, then the intended response of the recipient can be gained. 2) Grammar

It is the study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences, structural relationship in languages or in a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history. Grammar is viewed as a set of logical and structural rules that govern the composition of the sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language. Grammar refers to the study of language rules. It is a kind of regularity of sound structure that nobody could learn language without grammar. In addition, grammar is seen as an inseparable part of language. There is obviously no language without grammar. Sequences of utterances of a language may be artificially understood by people learning.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary mainly refers to appropriate diction which will be effective only when words chosen are appropriate for the audience (person to whom speaking in conveyed) and purpose (under what topic and subject matter speaking is delivered), (Allyn and Bacon, 1999). For example, when someone wants to address his speaking to a quality of a thing, it is improve



which should be used, instead of increase, since this word refers to the quantity of a thing, not the quality.

4) Fluency

Fluency is leads to ease and speed of the flow of speech, which is using words with no noticeable cognitive or mental effort. It is having mastered word recognition skills to the point of over learning. Fundamental skills

are so “automatic” that they do not require conscious attention or fluency in English is accuracy with good pronunciation.

5) Comprehension

It refers to understanding thoroughly the whole aspect of message conveyed in the conversation; in this case comprehensibility focuses on the students, understanding of conversation.

Harris (1969: 81) says that comprehension is the ability of speech of a foreign language is the most pressed skill. Someone who can speech a language will also be able to understand it. Lado (1961: 239-240) defines speaking ability as: “The ability to use in essentially normal communication, stress, intonation, grammatical structure and vocabulary of the foreign language at normal rate delivery for native speakers of the


From the explanation of the components and criteria above, the researcher will adopt only three components of speaking that have been analyzed; those are



fluency, pronunciation and comprehension. The reason is because the researcher‟s students are still Elementary School students that still have low vocabulary and grammar mastery.

2.3 Characteristics of Successful speaking activities

When people want to speak fluently, sometimes they get difficulties to do it (Munjayanah, 2004: 16). In order that they can carry out the successful speaking, they have to fulfill some characteristics of successful speaking activity such as: a) Participant is even. Classroom action is not dominated by monitory of talk

active participants. All get a chance to speak and contributions are fairly evenly distributed.

b) Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or they want to contribute to achieve a task objective.

c) Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allocated to the activity is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may be obvious, but often most time is taken up with teacher talk or pauses.

d) Language is of an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances that is relevant, easy comprehensible to teach other and acceptable to language accuracy.

In this case the researcher will adopt the two characteristics as explained above, they are participant is even, and motivation is high. The researcher uses those two



characteristics because the object of the research is elementary school students whose ability still at the basic level, even still at pre-basic level.

2.4 Concept of Role Play

Role play has association with communicative language teaching method. Larser-Freeman (2000: 121) states that Role plays are very important in communicative language teaching because they give students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social context and in different social roles. Role play can be set up so that they are very structured (for example, the teacher tells the students who they are and what they should say) or in the less structured way (for example, the teacher tells the students who they are, what the situation is, and what they are talking about, but the students determine what they will say). According to Nation (1989: 49) in role playing, the learners can act short plays or situation without preparing them very much. The teacher gives them a short description of situation; the learners each take a part and then act. While they act their parts the learners should be sure to use the type of language that suits the part they are playing and the person they are talking to.

Ladousse (1982: 5) states that the word role means the students play a part (either

their own or somebody else‟s) in a specific situation, and play means that the role

is taken on in a safe environment in which students are as inventive and playful as possible. This situation is really support young learners to learn English naturally without any force or learning load. Both are unselfconsciously creating their own reality and, by doing so, are experimenting with their knowledge of the real world



and developing their ability to interact with other people. None of the risks of communication and behavior in the real world are present. The activity is

enjoyable and does not threaten the students‟ personality. This „playing‟ in role

will build up self-confidence rather than damage it.

Based on the experts‟ opinions above, it can be concluded that role play is really suitable to be conducted in speaking class, especially for English young learners, because they can explore their speaking ability in real word context and in fun situation. This situation, of course, will develop their self confidence and ability in speaking in the target language.

2.5. Procedure to Remember When Setting up a Role Play

Every single technique needs its procedure to be applied in order to make the technique work in the right place and at the right time. Some hints of this role play are mostly adopted from Ladousse (1982: 12). Here are some clues for classroom management to avoid this:

1. Distinguish between noise and chaos. Noise is only a problem if a teacher next door complains.

2. Begin with pair work rather than group work. There is a practical and psychological reason for doing this.

3. Keep the activity short until the students get used to it.

4. Make sure the role play can be used with different numbers of students. It is no good going into a classroom with an excellent role play for nine



students, which will not work with seven, only to find that two students are off sick.

5. Make sure the students have understood the situation and what is on the role cards before the role play is started.

6. If the class contains a captive audience, do not worry too much about the one or two pairs or groups which are not participating in the activity, unless they are disturbing the other pupils.

7. Avoid using a role play that to difficult or too emotionally loaded until the students are used to this activity.

8. If the students break into their native language anyway, set up the task more progressively. Start with pair work and easy information-gap role play.

9. Always have follow-up activity for the groups that finish the role play before the others.

10.Set a strict time limit and make every attempt to stick to it.

2.6. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Speaking Through Role Play Technique

There are some special advantages for using role play. Here is a list of the main ones:

1. A very wide variety of experience can be brought into the classroom through role play. The range of functions and structures and the areas of vocabulary that can be introduced, go far beyond the limits of other pair or group activities, such as conversation, communication games, or



humanistic exercises. Through role play we can train our students in speaking skills in any situation.

2. Role play puts students in situations in which they are required to use and develop those phatic forms of language which are so necessary in oiling the works of social relationships, but which are so often neglected by our language teaching syllabuses.

3. Some people are learning English to prepare for specific roles in their lives: people who are going to work or travel in an international context. It is helpful for these students to have tried out and experimented with the language they will require in the friendly and safe environment of a classroom. For these students, role play is very useful dress rehearsal for real life.

4. Role play helps many shy students by providing them with a mask. Some more reticent members of a group may have a great deal of difficulty participating in conversation about themselves, and in other activities based on their direct experience. These students are liberated by role play as they no longer feel that their own personality is implicated.

5. Perhaps the most important reason for using role play is that it is fun. Once students understand what is expected of them, they thoroughly enjoy letting their imagination rip.

Compared with other teaching technique, the role play also has few disadvantages:

 It will make bigger noise because every student jumps into the role to participate in the play.



 Some talented students can get bored when they have to work in pairs or groups with slower students.



3.1 General Description of the Research

This research would be done at the sixth A grade of SD Al Kautsar Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung. It was based on the teacher reflection and the observer’s informal interview done by the teacher’s friend that shows that the students of the class had low speaking ability.

In this classroom action research, the researcher would act as the teacher accompanied by a partner as a collaborator. The researcher would make lesson plans based on the procedures of the technique that would be implemented, and the students taught based on the lesson plan. While teaching, the teacher would also be an observer, i.e. teaching while focusing on observing the students’ activity. Meanwhile, her partner would observe everything that may occur in the classroom during the teaching learning process.

The research would be conducted based on the problems faced by the students and the English teacher. The cause of the problems would be identified to find the best solution, i.e. through teaching speaking by applying role play technique. Every important occurrence would be recorded to build deeper understanding about the problem and its solution.



While the teacher was applying role play technique in the classroom, the observer observed the students’ activities. Beside, the researcher also observed the weaknesses of the first cycle in order to make improvement on the next cycle. During the teaching learning process, the teacher gave explanation about the material discussed, asked the students to play the role with his partner, and asked the students to practice again for the test in front of the class. This test was scored by both the researcher and the collaborator.

After that, the researcher analyzed the result of the speaking test, and also the result of the observation. The teacher and the observer also made reflection after knowing the result of the analysis. Based on the analysis and reflection, it would be decided whether the second cycle must be held or not, and the second cycle would be focused on eradicating the weaknesses in the first cycle.

3.1.1 Identification of the Problem

In referring to the pre-research that had been conducted by the researcher, it was found that most of the students in the sixth A grade of SD Al Kautsar Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, had difficulties in speaking, especially in comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation. The collaborator gave students a test of speaking by asking them to tell about themselves and their families. The result of the test was analyzed by using Harris Rating Scale.

Students’ score were classified based on the students’ ability in speaking. The researcher found that most of the students were unable to gain the passing grade of Harris Rating Scale; the passing grade used here is 70.



Another finding from the research activity was the anxiety of the students for having mistakes in speaking. They were nervous to produce sounds though they knew what to say.

The researcher concluded that the students’ problem was their anxiety to produce sounds in speaking and this made their ability in speaking low. It could be caused by the technique used in the speaking class by the teacher was not relax and interesting.

3.1.2 Problem Solution

Problem solution that would be conducted was by teaching speaking through role play. The teacher taught the students based on the lesson plan. Then, it would be noted the important thing related to the teaching learning process. This study uses observation sheet to analyze classroom activity and the effectiveness of the lesson plan. After that the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students to know the students’ felling in the speaking class by using this technique.

3.2 Research Procedures

This research was done in two cycles. The first cycle was conducted in line with problem found in the pre-observation. The teacher thought students speaking though role play based on the lesson plan. The result of students’ speaking interaction during the process was analyzed to see whether it had fulfilled the indicator of the research. The cycle would be focused on the weaknesses found in the first cycle. Each cycle of the research consisted of some stages, they are:



Planning, Action, Observation and interpretation, and Analysis and Reflection (Wiriatmadja, 2008: 66)

The following are further explanation about stages in this research. 1) Planning

In this stage, the problem causes were identified so the focus of the problem could be formulated. Then, the appropriate technique was chosen. After deciding the technique, the planning was about the materials, teaching aids and type of the test in the form of lesson plan.

2) Action

Action is the stage where the teacher does the treatment, by implementing role play technique in teaching speaking based on the lesson plan. The researcher also made the role cards and the situation with in. Here, the roles of everybody that should do, who and how were made. In the first cycle, a very structured role play would be conducted. Firstly, the example of the role play would be conducted by the teacher and the collaborator in front of the class. The material of the first cycle was asking and giving information. There were two role cards made. Those are asking about the location of library and hotel. The researcher played as a new student that asking about the library location and the collaborator played as another student in a school. The role play kit was a book. Secondly, the teacher would divide the students into pairs. Thirdly, the role cards that consist of the role of person, condition, and situation would be shared to the students. The students



chose one of the role cards. Fourthly, the students would practice the role play with their partners. Every pair students would act as a new student and another student or as an office boy and a foreigner. They also had to use the role play kits. While the students would been doing the role play, the teacher would help the students due to the speaking class activities, while the observer would watch the

students’ learning activities. Finally, the teacher would ask the students to perform their role play in front of the class by using the role play kit and recorder which

was used to record the students’ voices while they were having practiced.

3) Observation and Interpretation

The researcher observed the activities in the teaching learning process and writes the result of the observation in the observation sheet. Observation and interpretation toward the action in the class were done together in this stage. The researcher also took necessary notes to support the data.

4) Analysis and Reflection

In this stage, the researcher and the teacher analyzed the result of speaking in activities of the students as the learning product. They analyzed everything happen during teaching learning process referring to the observation sheets. In analyzing, they made reflection to find out the strength and the weakness of implementing role play technique to decide the next step.



Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Figure1. The cycle of the classroom action research

Adopted from Kemmis and Taggart (in Wiriaatmadja, 2008: 66)

3.3 Indicators of the Research

There are two indicators that would be used in this research. They were learning product and learning process. Learning product would inform the students speaking score while learning process was in the form of the observation report of the observer. Then the detailed indicators are explained as follows:

a) Learning Product

For learning product the indicator is based on increasing students’ speaking ability. It means that after teaching learning process by using role play in the classroom, is hoped that students’ speaking is better then previous. The target score of the learning product is 70 or more than it. It is the standard score stated by the school for English subject. So, if at least 80% of students’ score can reach


Observe Action




Observe Action




70 or more for the speaking test, it means that the technique regarded as

applicable to improve students’ speaking ability achievement. Learning product will be focused on the production sound, students’ speaking for the certain aspect that students mostly have difficulties. Here, the observer would record the

students’ voice when they were having role play in front of the class.

b) Learning process

In learning process, there was an aspect which becomes the focus of this research, it was students’ activities.

The target will be determined by the researcher concerning the students’ activities

are 80% of students are active during the process. The researcher decides to set 80% as the target since according to Arikunto (1993:210), if more then 75% 0f students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities, it can be categorized as a good level. The students’ activities will be measured by using written report of the collaborator and research in observing sheet. To set the target of success of this CAR, the researcher also would discuss it with the collaborator. While the researcher was teaching, the collaborator and the researcher would observe the teaching and learning process in the classroom and focus on the participation and involvement of the students’ activity.

Besides observation sheet, the teacher also gained the students’ perception by sharing questionnaire to the students. The questionnaire consisted of some multiple choice questions and the reasons. If the result of it consists 80% of students can reach better learning activities and enjoy the learning process, it



means that the role play is a suitable technique to improve students’ speaking ability and activities.

3.4 Instrument of the Research

To get the data the researcher would use two kinds instrument as the source of data. The instruments were speaking test and observation sheet. The instruments would be administered for five minutes for each pairs, and they would have role play and made dialogue about sentences. The instruments are as follows:

1. Speaking Test

To test the students’ speaking achievements, the researcher would ask them in pair to perform their role play in front of the class. The topic of the dialogue would be the same as the role play they had been practiced before, for example, the students had practiced role play how to ask and give something, and on the speaking test, they would do the same role play.

Meanwhile, the students’ utterances would be recorded since it helped the raters to evaluate their performance more precisely and objectively. Furthermore, the speaking test was measured based on two principles, reliability and validity, as explained below:

1.1 Validity

A test can be considered valid if the test measure the object to be measured and suitable with criteria (Hatch and Farhday, 192; 250). According to the Hatch and



Farhday (1982; 281) there are two basic types of validity; content validity and construct validity.

a. Content Validity

Content validity will examine whether the test represents the material that need to be tested or not. The test should be so construct that contain of the test is a representative sample of the course. To get the content validity, the test is adapted

from the students’ book. Then, the test is determined according to material that is

taught to the students. In other word, the researcher wrote and made the test based on the material in current curriculum for Elementary School. The topics chosen are:

1. Asking/giving information

a. How to ask information politely, e.g. can you tell me where the library is? b. How to give information politely, e.g. yes, of course. It is next to the


2. Asking/giving favor/something

a. How to ask favor/something politely, e.g. may I have my bill, please? b. How to give favor/something politely, e.g. Sure. Here you are.

c. How to refuse to give favor/ something politely, e.g. I am sorry. I can not. Those topics were the representative of speaking material of school based on current curriculum as a matter of tailoring the lesson to students’ need.



b. Construct Validity

Construct validity concerns with whether or not the test is actually in line with the theory of what it means to the language that is being measured. It would be examined whether or not the test actually reflects what it means to know a language (shoamy, 195:74). The indicator of three speaking elements (pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension) was used in this research. It implied that the test measures those intended aspects based on the indicator, meaning that the construct validity had been fulfilled.

1.2 Reliability

Reliability much deals with how far the consistence as well as the accuracy of the scores given by the raters to the students’ speaking performance. The concept of reliability stems from idea that no measurement is perfect; even if one goes to the same scale there will always be differences in the weight which become the fact that measuring instrument is not perfect. Since this was a subjective test, inter rater reliability was occupied to make sure and verify that both the scoring between raters and that the main rater herself was reliable and not.

The statistical formula for calculating inter-rater is as follows:

r = Reliability X= Rater 1 Y= Rater 2



After the coefficient between raters was found, the coefficient of reliability was analyzed based on the standard of reliability below:

a. A very low reliability : ranges from 0.00 to 0.19 b. A low reliability : ranges from 0.20 to 0.39 c. An average reliability : ranges from 0.40 to 0.59 d. A high reliability : ranges from 0.60 to 0.79

e. A very high reliability : ranges from 0.80 to 0.100 Slameto (1998:147) Statistical computation was used to measure the inter-rater reliability in this research.

The results gained were reported as follows: a. Inter-rater reliability of cycle 1.

rxy = 0,998647

The result of this calculation shows that both two raters have high inter-rater reliability (0,998)

b. Inter-rater reliability of cycle 2.

rxy = 0,999709

209091 209274.28




This indicates that the two raters have high inter-rater reliability (0,999) Those calculations between the first and the second rater depict that both raters have close divergence varying from 0.998 to 0.999. So points out that

the first rater’s scoring is reliable to be proceeded forward.

The researcher would use the oral ability’s scale proposed by Heaton (1991:137). Based on the sheet, there are three aspects to be testing: pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility. The aspect of the grammar is not included in order to encourage the students to speak up, free of the burden of making grammatical mistakes as long it does not hinder any communication. The table of language testing by Heaton is as follows:

Range Pronunciation Fluency Comprehensibility


Pronunciation only very slightly influenced by mother-tongue. Two or three minor

grammatical and lexical errors

Speak without too great an effort with a fairly wide range of

expression. Searches for words occasionally but only once or two unnatural pauses

Easy for listener to understand the

speaker’s intention and general

meaning. Very few interruption or classification required. 70-85

Pronunciation is slightly influenced by

the mother tongue. A few minor grammatical

and lexical errors but most utterances are


Has to make an effort at times to search for words. Nevertheless smooth very delivery on the whole and only a The few unnatural pauses

The speaker’s

intention and general meaning are fairly clear. A few interruptions by listener for the sake of

clarification are necessary 56-69

Pronunciation is still moderately influenced by the mother tongue but no serious

phonological errors. A few grammatical and lexical errors but one or two major errors

Although she/he has made an effort and search for words, there are too many unnatural pauses. Fairly smooth delivery mostly. Occasionally fragmentary but

Most of speakers say is easy to follow. His

intention is always are clear but several

interruptions are necessary to help



causing confusion succeeds in conveying the general meaning. For range of expression

him to convey the message or to see the clarification. 40-55

Pronunciation is influenced by the mother tongue but only a few serious

phonological errors. Several grammatical and lexical errors, some of which cause


Has to make an effort for much of the time. Often has to search for the desired meaning. Rather halting delivery and fragmentary. Range of expression often limited

The listener can understand a lot of what is said, but he must constantly seek clarification. Cannot understand many of the

speaker’s more

complex or longer sentences


Pronunciation is influenced by mother tongue with errors causing a breakdown in communication. Many

‘basic’ grammatical and

lexical errors.

Long pauses while he searches for the desired meaning. Frequently halting delivery and fragmentary. Almost gives up for making the effort at times. Limited range of expression

Only small bits (usually short sentences and phrases) can be understood- and then with

considerable effort by someone who is used to listening to the speaker. In testing speaking skills, emphasis is placed on appropriateness rather than on ability to form grammatically correct sentences. Since speaking test is objective test, the students’ speaking skill would be scored by two raters; the researcher herself and the collaborator. During the speaking test, the teacher would record

the students’ voice.

2. Observation Sheet

Observation would be conducted in every cycle during the teaching learning process. When teaching and learning process was occurring, the researcher observes the process happen in the classroom. The researcher used structured



the students’ perception due to the process of teaching learning in the classroom. So there were two instruments used to observe the learning process in this research. The researcher also made some necessary notes in the observation sheet

concerning the students’ activities and students’ perception.

Table 1.Table of Specification of the Observation Sheet for students’ Activities

No Students’ Activities Objectives


Pre Activities

 Interested in answering the

teacher’s question when the

teacher begins the class

 Responding to the teacher’s

questions about the topic


 To make students interested in

the lesson

 To build clarity about what is

going to be learnt


While Activities

 Following the teacher’s

explanation about the topic being discussed

 Following the teacher

instruction to work in pairs

 Following the teacher’s

instruction how to play the role

 Able to use the expression in

the right situation

 Improvising a conversation

with the characters in the specified place, and build up situation

 Actively performing the

character they have to perform

 Able to perform the dialogue in

front of the class

 To built clarity about what is

going to be learnt

 To make the students freer and

enable fast learners

 To build students’

understanding about the stage going to do in the lesson

 To develop spontaneity in

students though a game-like activity

To develop the student’s

cooperative learning

 To build the students’ self

confidence and ability in



Post Activity

 Understanding and responding

the teacher’s evaluation.

 To build up clarity about what



3.7 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher classified the data into two categories; they were the data of learning product and the data of learning process. The data analysis was done during and after that data had been collected from every cycle. If the data from the first cycle had been collected, the researcher and the observer analyzed the data and did reflection based on them. From the analysis and reflection, the researcher knew the weaknesses and the strengths of the first treatment. Therefore, the teacher and the researcher knew what should be improved for the next cycle.

3.7.1 Learning Product

There were some steps that would be used to obtain and analyze the data from the test:

a. Transcribing the students’ voice

After recording the students’ voices, the researcher would transcribe the record into written form. This record was used to give scores to the students, and two rates were able to check back and made an assessment at leisure from the record.

b. Scoring the students’ speaking ability

Based on the result of speaking test, the researcher and observer decided the

scores for the students’ speaking test. The researcher used scoring criteria of speaking adopted from Heaton (1991:137). In scoring the students’ speaking ability, the researcher and collaborator scored per component of speaking. It



would be done to know what component of speaking that must be improved in the next cycle.

c. Calculating students’ total score

There were two steps that must be done in calculating the total scores: 1) Calculating the scores from 1st rater and 2nd rater

Note :

X1 = Score from 1st rater X2 = Score from 2nd rater

P = Pronunciation F = Fluency C = Comprehensibility

2)Calculating the total score


X1 = Score from 1st rater X2 = Score from 2nd rater X = Total Score

d. Listing the students’ scores in the table of frequency

This was doing to know the students whose scores are 70 or more. e. Calculating the percentage of students who got 70 or more

Note: %S = Percentage of students who got 70 or more

S = Number of students who got 70 or more

N = Number students in the class




3.7.2 Learning Process

To get the data from the learning process, the researcher used observation sheet. The result of the observation sheet was analyzed after every cycle conduct.

Since the observation was done for observing the students, activities the researcher analyzed the result of the observation separately.

a. Students’ Learning Activities

After gathering the data from observing the students’ learning activities, the researcher counted the number of activity done by the students in the step that was be going to be done in this activity.

a.Calculating the percentage of the students’ activities

For calculating the percentage of the students’ activities, the researcher would use the following formula:


A: Number of students’ activities observed n: Number of students in the class

b.Making a description from the data that has been analyzed.

b. Students’ learning Perception

In analyzing the data from questionnaire of the students’ learning perception, the researcher would make the description for the data that had been analyzed. It is similar as the students’ activities analyses, to analyze the



students’ perception, the researcher made description from the collected data which could enrich and support the result of the data analysis.

3.8 Schedule of the Research

The First Cycle would be done in one meeting. The meeting would hold on Friday, March 22nd, 2014; in this meeting the researcher would take speaking class. The meeting would be followed by 40 students. The processes in this step covered pre activities, while activities, and post activities.



Based on the result of the research, the conclusion and suggestion are formulated as follows:

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the result of the learning product and learning process in the research, it can be concluded that:

1. Role play technique can be used to increase the students’ speaking score in

learning product. It can be seen from the students’ score from cycle 1, there are 26 students (65%) who score 70 or more, while in cycle 2, there are 35 students (87.5%) who score 70 or more after the role play technique was applied. It

increases 21.5%. It can be concluded that the students’ speaking ability

becomes better.

2. In the learning process the improvement also occurs in the students’ participation. It can be seen that the role play technique can be used to improve the students’ speaking ability, especially in aspect of pronunciation. This can

be identified from the improvement of students’ score. In this research, the highest improvement of students’ speaking ability was aspect of pronunciation



students to pronounce the words before the students practicing the role play

and also the students’ high frequency of practicing the role play during the teaching and learning process. By practicing often, there will be significant

improvement of students’ speaking ability. It can be seen that in the first cycle

there are 29 (72.5%) students who are actively involved in the teaching learning process, meanwhile in the second cycle there are 38 students or (95.96%) from 40 students who are actively involved in the teaching learning process. It can be concluded that there was an improvement in the students’ participation about 23.46%.

3. Role play technique has a positive effect toward students’ perception. Since in applying role play technique, the students could improve their good perception in learning English especially in speaking. So the students are able to increase their learning activities and finally their learning product.

5.2 Suggestions

In line with the finding of the research, some suggestions are proposed as follows:

1. Since the role play technique can improve students’ speaking ability, especially in aspect of pronunciation, so the teacher suggests the English teachers apply this technique to improve students’ speaking ability.

2. By applying the role play technique, the students are able to speak freely to their friends without feeling afraid of making a mistake. Then the teacher



suggests English teachers use this technique for elementary or pre elementary students.

3. The teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topic for the material, since it can attract the students and make it easy for them to speak up the words in good fluency, pronunciation and comprehension.



Based on the result of the research, the conclusion and suggestion are formulated as follows:

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the result of the learning product and learning process in the research, it can be concluded that:

1. Role play technique can be used to increase the students’ speaking score in

learning product. It can be seen from the students’ score from cycle 1, there are 26 students (65%) who score 70 or more, while in cycle 2, there are 35 students (87.5%) who score 70 or more after the role play technique was applied. It

increases 21.5%. It can be concluded that the students’ speaking ability

becomes better.

2. In the learning process the improvement also occurs in the students’ participation. It can be seen that the role play technique can be used to improve the students’ speaking ability, especially in aspect of pronunciation. This can

be identified from the improvement of students’ score. In this research, the highest improvement of students’ speaking ability was aspect of pronunciation



students to pronounce the words before the students practicing the role play

and also the students’ high frequency of practicing the role play during the teaching and learning process. By practicing often, there will be significant

improvement of students’ speaking ability. It can be seen that in the first cycle

there are 29 (72.5%) students who are actively involved in the teaching learning process, meanwhile in the second cycle there are 38 students or (95.96%) from 40 students who are actively involved in the teaching learning process. It can be concluded that there was an improvement in the students’ participation about 23.46%.

3. Role play technique has a positive effect toward students’ perception. Since in applying role play technique, the students could improve their good perception in learning English especially in speaking. So the students are able to increase their learning activities and finally their learning product.

5.2 Suggestions

In line with the finding of the research, some suggestions are proposed as follows:

1. Since the role play technique can improve students’ speaking ability, especially in aspect of pronunciation, so the teacher suggests the English teachers apply this technique to improve students’ speaking ability.

2. By applying the role play technique, the students are able to speak freely to their friends without feeling afraid of making a mistake. Then the teacher



suggests English teachers use this technique for elementary or pre elementary students.

3. The teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topic for the material, since it can attract the students and make it easy for them to speak up the words in good fluency, pronunciation and comprehension.




Arikunto, Suharsini. 1993. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

Desti, Mulya S. S. 2012. The Implementation of Jigsaw Technique in English Speaking Class at the Second Grade Students of SMA N 2 B. Lampung. B. Lampung

Diknas, 2006. Buku Satuan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Diknas.

Echols, John M. Shadily, Hassan. 1989. An Indonesian-English Dictionary. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.

Haris, David. 1974. English as Second Language. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Inc. Hatch, E. and Farhady. 1982. Research design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. London: Newbury House publishers

Heaton, J. B. 1991.Writing English Language Tests. New York & London: Longman

Lado, Robert. 1974. Language Testing. London: Longman.

Ladousse, Gillian Porter. 1982. Role Play. New York: Resource Book for Teacher.

Larsen, Diane & Freeman. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nation, I. S. P. 1989. Language Teaching Technique. Wellington: Information and Publications Section

Setiyadi, Ag. B. 2006. Metode Penelitian untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing. Yokyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Setiyadi, Ag. B. 2006. Teaching English As A Foreign Language. Yokyakarta: Graha Ilmu.



Shohamy, E. 1985. A Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the second language Teacher. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University.

Slameto. 1998. Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

Unila. 2010. Format Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Universitas Lampung. Bandar Lampung. Unila Press.

Wardani, I.G.A.K. 2002. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Terbuka.

Yanti, Yuli. & Munaris. 2010. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Tulung Agung: Cahaya Abadi



suggests English teachers use this technique for elementary or pre elementary students.

3. The teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topic for the material, since it can attract the students and make it easy for them to speak up the words in good fluency, pronunciation and comprehension.



Based on the result of the research, the conclusion and suggestion are formulated as follows:

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the result of the learning product and learning process in the research, it can be concluded that:

1. Role play technique can be used to increase the students’ speaking score in learning product. It can be seen from the students’ score from cycle 1, there are 26 students (65%) who score 70 or more, while in cycle 2, there are 35 students (87.5%) who score 70 or more after the role play technique was applied. It increases 21.5%. It can be concluded that the students’ speaking ability becomes better.

2. In the learning process the improvement also occurs in the students’ participation. It can be seen that the role play technique can be used to improve the students’ speaking ability, especially in aspect of pronunciation. This can be identified from the improvement of students’ score. In this research, the highest improvement of students’ speaking ability was aspect of pronunciation in language production. It caused by teacher’s high frequency of training the



students to pronounce the words before the students practicing the role play and also the students’ high frequency of practicing the role play during the teaching and learning process. By practicing often, there will be significant improvement of students’ speaking ability. It can be seen that in the first cycle there are 29 (72.5%) students who are actively involved in the teaching learning process, meanwhile in the second cycle there are 38 students or (95.96%) from 40 students who are actively involved in the teaching learning process. It can be concluded that there was an improvement in the students’ participation about 23.46%.

3. Role play technique has a positive effect toward students’ perception. Since in applying role play technique, the students could improve their good perception in learning English especially in speaking. So the students are able to increase their learning activities and finally their learning product.

5.2 Suggestions

In line with the finding of the research, some suggestions are proposed as follows:

1. Since the role play technique can improve students’ speaking ability, especially in aspect of pronunciation, so the teacher suggests the English teachers apply this technique to improve students’ speaking ability.

2. By applying the role play technique, the students are able to speak freely to their friends without feeling afraid of making a mistake. Then the teacher



suggests English teachers use this technique for elementary or pre elementary students.

3. The teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topic for the material, since it can attract the students and make it easy for them to speak up the words in good fluency, pronunciation and comprehension.




Arikunto, Suharsini. 1993. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

Desti, Mulya S. S. 2012. The Implementation of Jigsaw Technique in English Speaking Class at the Second Grade Students of SMA N 2 B. Lampung. B. Lampung

Diknas, 2006. Buku Satuan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Diknas.

Echols, John M. Shadily, Hassan. 1989. An Indonesian-English Dictionary. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.

Haris, David. 1974. English as Second Language. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Inc. Hatch, E. and Farhady. 1982. Research design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. London: Newbury House publishers

Heaton, J. B. 1991.Writing English Language Tests. New York & London: Longman

Lado, Robert. 1974. Language Testing. London: Longman.

Ladousse, Gillian Porter. 1982. Role Play. New York: Resource Book for Teacher.

Larsen, Diane & Freeman. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nation, I. S. P. 1989. Language Teaching Technique. Wellington: Information and Publications Section

Setiyadi, Ag. B. 2006. Metode Penelitian untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing. Yokyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Setiyadi, Ag. B. 2006. Teaching English As A Foreign Language. Yokyakarta: Graha Ilmu.



Shohamy, E. 1985. A Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the second language Teacher. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University.

Slameto. 1998. Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

Unila. 2010. Format Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Universitas Lampung. Bandar Lampung. Unila Press.

Wardani, I.G.A.K. 2002. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Terbuka.

Yanti, Yuli. & Munaris. 2010. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Tulung Agung: Cahaya Abadi