Research Findings Errors in English Interrogative Word Questions



In this chapter the researcher will present research findings and discussion. There are two sections presented in this chapter. The first section A is used to answer the first research question concerning the data presentation and discussion about error classifications. The second section B is used to answer the second research question focusing on the presentation and discussion about sources of error.

A. Errors in English Interrogative Word Questions

In this part, the researcher presents the findings and discussion to answer the first research question about the errors made by the samples of research, which were students of PMat 2010. The errors collected from the answer sheets were classified to some categories based on the theories written in Chapter II.

1. Research Findings

Generally, the findings of the research showed that there were 786 incorrect answers collected from the answer sheets, which were delivered to 38 samples of research. Regarding the first research question about the errors made by samples, the researcher claimed that all the incorrect answers found in the answer sheets, which did not match to the answer key, were determined containing errors. The researcher had strong reasons why all the incorrect answers were determined containing errors. Firstly, it is because the samples could not self- 45 correct the answers they made, even though they had been given 10 minutes more to recheck their answers after a 45-minute-test was over. As a result, there were found many incorrect answers even in each sample’s answer sheet. According to Corder 1967 as cited in Freeman Long 1983, it is acceptable to claim that their incorrect answers containing errors instead of mistakes since the samples were not able to self-correct the incorrect answers they made at that moment. Secondly, it is because the samples constructed incorrect interrogative word questions using almost the same patterns. Since this condition happened frequently more than once and consistently in each sample’s answer sheets, therefore it could be determined as error instead of mistake, which happens randomly. In order to answer the first research question, the researcher classified all the errors made by the samples of research into four categories based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy proposed by Dulay, Burt, and Krashen 1982. Those four categories are omission, addition, which consists of double marking, regularization, and simple addition, misformation, which covers regularization, archi-form, and alternating form, and misordering. In fact, the researcher also considered some other errors, such as misspelling, mistranslation, incomplete answer, and no answer. Furthermore, the researcher included all the findings gained from the test given to the samples as the data to answer the first research question. However, since there was a big possibility to find more than one error in one test item therefore the number of errors was different from the total amount of the test items. The example can be seen as follows: 46  Original sentence: I opened this bottle by hand. The phrase “by hand” is underlined because that phrase is expected as the answer to the question  A question made by samples containing more than one error: “What is you open the bottle ” From the example above, there are found 3 errors. They are 1 omission of question mark, 2 misformation of tense marker, and 3 incorrect use of interrogative word in the interrogative word question. Regarding those errors, the correct interrogative word question should be “How did you open this bottle?” In order to make the findings readable and understandable, the researcher presented the general view of the research findings in table 4.1. Table 4.1 Classifications of Errors No. Category of Errors Example Number of Errors Percentage 1. Omission How much you buy this bicycle? 238 21.27 2. Addition When did your uncle got a car accident? 108 9.63 3. Misformation What does your brother rarely go to the school? 376 33.57 4. Misordering Why you are crying? 246 21.95 5. Misspelling Who can help me to cut this papper? 57 5.1 6. Mistranslation Partial Mengapa kamu meninggalkan kelas kemarin? 62 5.53 7. Mistranslation Total Apa yang dibicarakan di telepon? 14 1.25 8. Informal Translation Kenapa kamu bolos kelas kemarin? 12 1.07 9. Incomplete Answer What Budi has carrying……..? 5 0.45 10. No Answer ………….. 2 0.18 Total Errors 1120 100 47

2. Discussion

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