Theory of Motivation Theoretical Description

12 needed because people also need to be appreciated by others. By appreciating each other, people can live together with their fellows.

4. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is an intrinsic element, which has an important role in literary work. Abrams 1985 states that characters are the people presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say and by what they do p. 23. Forster in Gill 1995 also mentioned two types of character: “Flat character is built around a single idea or quality and is presented without much individualizing detail. A round character is complex in temperament and motivation and is presented with subtle particularity p. 24. ” In addition, in literary work, there is also characterization, which means giving character by an author based on what the characters say and they do. Murphy 1972 in Understand Unseen adds ni ne ways to describe characters‟ characteristics: a. Personal description The author can describe the character through his or her physical appearance. b. Characters as seen by others The author describes the character through the other‟s character‟s opinion and personal description in the story. 13 c. Speech The author describes the character through what the character says, or speaks, including conversation with others, or gives ideas or opinion. d. Past life The character is described through his or her past life. e. Conversation with others The author describes the character through conversation of others and what they say about him. f. Reaction The author describes the character through the author person‟s reaction towards various situation and events or the character‟s reaction. g. Direct comments The author gives the description the person‟s character directly. h. Thoughts The author describes the character through his knowledge or his thinking. i. Mannerism The author describes the person‟s mannerism or habits that may also tell us something about the character.