Report Recount Other findings of the implementation of scanning technique to KTSP functional texts

the text and they imagined thing described in procedure text. Their logical thinking assisted them in pursuing correct reading comprehension answers. Although procedure text supported the students to scan the text, it also inhibited students to implement scanning technique. The students should pay attention to the imperative verbs in the instructions part. The materials or ingredients should be highlighted so that the students could answer the WH- questions. In addition, it has many lists of grammar content that the students should master i.e. countable nouns uncountable noun, singular plural nouns, how much how many, a lot of, a few, a little. Students who lack of background knowledge experienced difficulties with their vocabularies of imperative verbs, things in the house, countable and uncountable nouns.

3. Report

Students considered report as the most difficult text to scan. It has many factors that discouraged students to scan. It employs difficult vocabulary that most of them are new vocabulary items. It presents many facts which discouraged the students to group the facts into a good order. The organization of report text is also difficult to be scanned. Moreover, the important details are scattered and the details are difficult to scan. The students commented that the report text is the most difficult text to comprehend compared to recount and description. Those factors discouraged the students to scan the report text. Nevertheless, report text has interesting facts which encouraged the students to read. Report text has pictures, subheadings, and captions which are PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI easy to be scanned. Report text presents new information which is actually close to the students’ life.

4. Recount

Basically, language features in the recount text are easy to understand. Organization of the recount text is also simple to scan. The students could organize the text well because they could comprehend the main idea and they could gather important details. Since the organization of the text is easy to scan and the language features are easy to highlight, the students could imagine the object discussed in the recount text. Some students murmured while they were reading the text and they imagined the thing described. As sentences in the recount texts are simple to be scanned, the students encouraged themselves to scan and highlight important details. It has orientation which presents the details of the things in a form of 5W + 1H Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Those 5W + 1H facilitated the student to glance over the text and pursued other important details of the recount text. Moreover, reading comprehension questions in recount text are easy to pursue. The students scanned the details important 5W+1H that they have highlighted and their reading became effective and efficient. However, simple past tense including action verbs inhibited students to read recount text at glance. The students were afraid of action verbs which contribute to the chronological order of the story. Since it has regular and irregular verbs, the students oblige to master them in order to comprehend recount text. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Furthermore, there were two most difficult questions which ask synonym or antonym of the word in the text.

5. Narrative