Narrative Other findings of the implementation of scanning technique to KTSP functional texts

Furthermore, there were two most difficult questions which ask synonym or antonym of the word in the text.

5. Narrative

Narrative story encouraged students to glance over the text since it presents orientation which describes the scene of the narrative text. Since Narrative aims to entertain the readers, the readers can find the important details easily in the orientation. However, narrative text has some inhibiting factors which discouraged students to scan. Narrative has complications of story that made the students had to pay attention to the introduction, events, and also resolutions in the story. It means that the students had to scan 5W + 1H, events, each character’s personality and their contributions to the story. Moreover, the students stated that they could not find the important details easily because there are direct indirect sentences which have varieties of regular and irregular verbs. The organization of narrative text is also difficult to analyze and to organize. The moral value must be concluded in a form of sentence. It discouraged the students to analyze the text and made them confused. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 65


This chapter presents the conclusion drawn from the findings discussed in Chapter IV and suggestion. The researcher divided this chapter into two parts. In the first part, the researcher presents the conclusion of this research which conveys the summary of the answers in this research. The second part proposes suggestions for the English teachers and other researchers as well.

A. Conclusion

The researcher defined four research problems in this research. The first research problem was the characteristics of scanning technique reflected in the students’ steps in implementing scanning technique. The second and the third research problem were the supporting factors and the inhibiting factors in the implementation of scanning technique by the ninth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 10 Yogyakarta. The fourth research problem was the possible solutions for the students so that they can implement scanning technique effectively and efficiently. Based on the findings discussed in chapter 4, the conclusions are put forward. Firstly, related to the first research problem, there were several scanning characteristics done by each of the ninth grade students. There were four students observed in this study and each of them had their own characteristics in implementing the scanning technique. Student A missed two meetings so he just PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI