1.1 Background study

Language has an important role in someone’s life. It is a means of communication. Language helps people to communicate and interacts one to another. Without language, people cannot interact and communicate each other intensively, especially for building a conversation. To create a conversation, there should be a language or more to maintain the relationship among the language users. For instance, Indonesian language is the mother tounge of our nation and there is also English language as foreign language or second language in Indonesia. In our country, English is known as a foreign language that is hard enough to be translated into Indonesian language. It is not only caused of the vocabulary limitedness owned by people in translating a sentence from the source language, but also English has different grammar structure with Indonesian language that the activity to translate the source language SL into the grammatical and the natural target language TL needs many factors which have to be observed carefully. English is a one of the International languages in the world which plays an important role in global communication. Many countries apply English as the first foreign language, including our country, Indonesia. 1 In Indonesia there are so many books, magazines, newspapers, comics, short stories, etc which are available in English. One of the effective ways to make the Indonesian people study those books written in EL easier is by translating them into Indonesian. There are many effects to translate the English books into Indonesian in order that the people who do not master EL can understand them. Translation is a complex process. Translation involves the sender, recipient, message and translators. In a written translation, the sender is a writer or narrator in a short story or novel, the recipient was intended reader. Translator is in charge of transferring message from source text into target text. In translation, a property of specific language can be expressed and must be expressed in another language . To produce a good translation, a competent translation has to be able to understand ideas and thoughts, including the messages expressed in the source language SL and representing them into the target language TL. The process of translation does not only change some foreign words into the source words, but also the process of translation is very complex, since it deals with two different languages. Due to its culture, every language has its own system. The study focuses on translation methods in the story book entitled In Control, Ms Wiz? by Terence Blacker which was translated into Semua terkendali, Ms Wiz? by Rosi L.Simamora. The main reason why translation methods in the story book In Control, Ms Wiz? into Semua Terkendali, Ms Wiz? was chosen in this study because with the method, a translator can know for whom and for what purpose is the translation. It can be concluded that the method of translation is more likely in a way that is used by the translator in the translation process suitable with the purpose, such as a global option that affects the totality of text. So, the translation method influences the result of translation. This means that the translation of the text is largely determined by the method of translation adopted by the translator because the intent, purpose and will of the interpreter will affect the translation of the text as a whole. In this case, there are eight methods Newmark 1988:45-48, namely word for word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation, free translation, idiomatic translation and communicative translation. The researcher uses a story book Ms. Wiz as one of the data because the story book consists of two languages, English version and Indonesian version. The language is also easy to understand, so that it is easier for the researcher to find some translation methods in the story book.

1.2 Statement of the Problem