



By :












This thesis is submitted to meet on of the requirements to

Achieve Sarjana degree in English Education

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Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini adalah saya:

Nama : Taufik Hermansyah

NIM : 09360231

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa dalam skripsi ini tidak terdapat karya yang pernah diajukan untuk memperoleh gelar kesarjanaan di suatu Perguruan Tinggi, dan menurut pengatahuan saya tidak terdapat karya tulis dan pendapat yang pernah ditulis atau diterbitkan oleh orang lain, kecuali yang secara tertulis diacu dalam Skripsi ini dan disebutkan dalam daftar pustaka.

Malang, 17 Oktober 2015




Every problem that comes in life is God's way of preparing

yourself for the future.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new



I dedicatedthis thesis to: My BelovedFather and Mother, My Beloved Brothers, All of My Beloved Friends.




Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT, as the main source of strength who always gives strength and patience to finish this thesis. Shalawat and greetings may always be upon to the holy prophet, Muhammad SAW and his family.

The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to the first advisor Dian Arsitades Wiranegara, M.Pd, and the second advisor Rahmawati Khadijah Maro, S.Pd, M.PEd for their suggestion, invaluable guidance and advice during the consultation period, and their comments, valuable time, and correction during the completion of this thesis. I would say thanks to Muhammadiyah University of Malang and English Departement which have given me chance to study, to get the knowledge and many experience.

The researcher also thanks to beloved father Imam Supardi, S.Pd and beloved mother Tunayah for all love, support and motivation. The researcher thanks to older brother Arief Hendi Irawan, S.T, and Johan Dwi Cahyanto, A.Md for their motivation and support. And also the researcher would say thanks to his sister in law Kifnia Dewi Anggraeni and Dinda Irawan for their support and

motivation. Thanks to my English Department’s friends Feri Budi Arifyanto, Dadan Yulfian Adigara, Ibrahim, Aditya Agung Setiawan, Ervan Kristiansyah, Ulum Vahidin, Dimas Mawardi Parlindungan, Imaduddin Qowim, Zainal, Benni Indo, Sandhya Purnama Putra, Mukhlison, Shidiq Putra Romadhani, Syahrial Fachrur Rozi and for all of friends who cannot mention one by one for their encouragement, love, care, suggestion and pray so that the researcher can finish this thesis. Hopefully, Allah SWT will always bless all of them. Amin

Malang, September 3, 2015











CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem ... 3

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 4

1.4 Significant of the Study ... 4

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6 Definition of Key Term ... 5


2.2 Language and Society ... 7

2.3 Language and Coommunication ... 9

2.4 Speech Community ... 9

2.5 Language Variatons ... 10

2.5.1 Dialect ... 10

2.5.2 Idiolect ... 12

2.5.3 Slang ... 13

2.5.4 Register ... 14

2.5.5 Style ... 14

2.5.6 Jargon ... 16

2.6 Barack Obama’s Campaign ... 19


3.2 Research Object ... 21

3.3 Research Instrument ... 22

3.3.1 Observation ... 22

3.3.2 Document Analysis ... 23

3.4 Data Collection ... 24

3.5 Data Analysis ... 25


4.1.1 Political Jargons Used by Barack Obama’s Campaign for The US Predential Election ... 26



Campaign for The US Predential Election ... 27 4.2 Discussions ... 46


5.1 Conclusion ... 48 5.2 Suggestion ... 49





Agha, Asif. 2007. Studies in the Social and Cultural Foundations of Language 24. New York. Cambridge University Press

Angrosino, Michael. 2007. Naturalistic Observation (Qualitative Essential). Florida : Left Coast Press

Ary. Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education (Fourth Edition). USA. Blackwell Publishers

Ary, Donald. 2009. Introduction to Research in Education, 8th Edition. Canada: Wadsworth Publishing

Benenson, Bob.2008.Elections A to Z Third Edition. Washington DC: CQ Press

Bogdan and Bicklen. 2006. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction

to Theories and Methods (Fourth Edition). New York. : Pearson Education

Fromkin, Victoria. 2003. An Introducton to Language Seventh Edition. Boston. Michael Rosenberg

Fromkin, Victoria. 2009. An Introduction to Language, Tenth Edition. Boston. Wadsworth

Hartman and Stork. 1986. Dictionary of Language and Linguistic. London : Applied Science

http://Muslich-M.Blogspot.Com/2012/03/Jargon-Politic.Html (Accesed on Friday, 8 of May 2015, 08. 15 P.M) http://www.whitehouse.gov/

(Accesed on Friday, 8 of May 2015, 08. 15 P.M) http://americanhistory.si.edu/presidency/home.html

(Accesed on Friday, 8 of May 2015, 08. 15 P.M)

https://presidentialcampaignselectionsreference.wordpress.com/2012-campaign- election/speeches-documents-transcripts/barack-obama/barack-obama-campaign-rally-speeches-remarks/

(Accesed on Monday, 9 of March 2015, 03.30 P.M)

Hughes, Vincent. 2012. USA Electionsin Brief. USA :Bureau Of International Information Programs

Llamas, Carmen. 2007. The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistic. New York. Routledge



Mesthrie, Rajend. 2009. Introducing Sociolinguistics, Second Edition. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

Meyerhoff, Meriam. 2006. Introducing Sociolinguistic. New York : Routledge

Yule, George. 2006. The Study of Language: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Medeiros. De Micahael. 2009. Remakable People Barack Obama. New York. Weigl Publisher Inc.

Trask. 1999. Key Concepts in Language and Linguistic. New York : Routledge

Wardaugh, Ronald. 2002. An Introduction to Sociolinguistic. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers

Singh, Robert.2002. American Politics and Society Today. Cambridge: Polity Press

Tyagi and Misra. 2011. Advanced technical communication.New Delhi: PHI Learning

Todd, Chuck and Sheldon Gawiser. 2009. How Barack Obama Won. New York. Vintage Book

Wardaugh, Ronald.1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistic, Fifth Edition.

Oxford: Basil Blackwell

Wardaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistic. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing




This chapter discusses relevant point to tap in required information namely; background of the study, the statement of problems, purpose of the study, the significance of the study and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the study

In society, language has an important role for human beings to communicate with each other; people cannot be separated with language because language is what the member of particular society use for communication. Wardaugh (2006:1) also stated that “language is the member of particular society speaks”. Based on this statement, language is a part of society and very important in social life for communication. By using language, people can express their feeling, opinion, idea, suggestion, and give advice in order to make an easier communication to each other. A study about language is called linguistic. People use language to communicate with their society.

Related with society, one of the linguistic branches study is sociolinguistic. It studies about the relation between language and society. Sociolinguistics may be usefully defined as the study of variation in language, or more precisely of variation within speech communities.



There are many factors that may impact to language in society such as culture influences and technology advancement. The development of language is influenced by society itself, so there are many kinds of language variation. They are including dialect, registers, slang, colloquial, accent, pidgins, argot and jargon.

The language variation depends on two main focuses, which are focus on user and focus on uses. The language focuses on user are dialect, idiolect, and social dialect (sociolect), and the language focuses on uses are register, style and jargon. According to Llamas et al (2007), jargon is technical or specialist vocabulary most commonly associated with a professional or special interest group. The jargon usually are having purposes in used, such as to make easy in communication, to make short and understandable communication people or group of people with a certain field of occupation. Jargon it’s also has a function to persuade of people in community such as used in campaign and demonstration.

According to Tyagi and Misra (2011: 31), jargon is a word or expression used by particular profession or group. Based on the theory, jargon is usually found in community or group such as professions, since, law, academic, social community, or even in campaign. On the previous research, Novita (2012) at Brawijaya University studied about jargon “An analysis of jargon used in ‘Test’ rubrics of Pulsa tabloid”. She found that there were 64 jargons which belong to information technology (IT) jargon. The researcher can learn that the jargon is used to make communication



easier. Furthermore, Erna (2013) at Brawijaya University studied about “An analysis of information technology (IT) jargon found in PC media magazine. She found that there were 32 information technology jargons. In this thesis the researcher wants to elaborate about jargon use in politics by Barack Obama’s campaign for the US president election 2012.

The jargon is found an election campaign; it can be seen in election campaign used by Barack Obama. He used some political jargon in US president election 2012. On the other hand, his jargon is very popular and there are many people used it. This phenomenon makes the researcher interested to be studied about it, because jargon that used by Barack Obama’s has unique and very interesting to persuade American People in US Presidential Campaign.

Based on the reason above, the researcher will discuss about jargon used by Barack Obama’s campaign for the US president election in 2012. It can be said that his campaign is worth-analysing as there are many kinds of his jargon are very effective to win his presidential election. The researcher is interested in analyzing the political jargon used by Barack Obama, because the jargon is unusual compare like the other. Not only the jargon used by Barack Obama, but also in this research the researcher wants to analyse and describe the meaning of the jargon.



Based on the background of the study above, this research tries to answer the problems as follows:

1. What are political jargons used by Barack Obama’s Campaign for The US

Presidential Election?

2. What are the meanings of political jargons used by Barack Obama’s Campaign for The US Presidential Election?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of the study should be stated clearly from the beginning as the principle guidance. They are formulated as follows:

1. To find out the political jargon used by Barack Obama’s campaign for the US president election.

2. To identify the meaning of political jargon used by Barack Obama’s campaign for the US president election.

1.4 Significance of the Study

By conducting this research, the researcher greatly expects the result of this research can give contribution in sociolinguistics fields especially in language varieties. For the English department students, hopefully this result can enrich new vocabulary of jargon found in Barack Obama’s campaign.



The result of this research has both theoretical and practical values.

Theoretically, the writer expects that the result of this research can give contribution to the readers to learn and develop their knowledge especially on jargon. Practically, this research is important for the readers, because political jargon used by Barack Obama are different with jargon used by others in general because it is very significant to persuade American voters in the US President Election.

The researcher hopes that the result of this research can be used as reference for readers who want to research and share their knowledge to others about jargon. In additon, the result of this research may be used by other researcher and will encourage them to carry out similar studies.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is political jargon words and meaning that were speech by Barack Obama’s; the limitation of this research is political jargon words and meaning used by Barack Obama’s campaign on 2012 US president election.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

The following definitions are intended to make the readers have understanding or perception of some terms used in this research. To avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding, the writer gives the definition of key terms. The terms are defined are follows:



1. Jargon is a special word to the member of profession or group, e.g.,

airstream mechanism for phoneticians (Fromkin, 2003:585).

2. US election occurs in every even-numbered year for congress and some states and local government in the United States (Hughes, 2012:3).

3. Barack Hussein Obama is the first African-American chosen to run for president for a major U.S. political party (Weigl Publishers Inc, 2009:5). 4. Political Jargon is the words and phrases or special terms that may affect the

political discourse to acquire the confidence of the public in the political domain. (http://muslich-m.blogspot.com/2010/03/jargon-politik.html)



This chapter discusses relevant point to tap in required information namely; background of the study, the statement of problems, purpose of the study, the significance of the study and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the study

In society, language has an important role for human beings to communicate with each other; people cannot be separated with language because language is what the member of particular society use for communication. Wardaugh (2006:1) also stated that “language is the member of particular society speaks”. Based on this statement, language is a part of society and very important in social life for communication. By using language, people can express their feeling, opinion, idea, suggestion, and give advice in order to make an easier communication to each other. A study about language is called linguistic. People use language to communicate with their society.

Related with society, one of the linguistic branches study is sociolinguistic. It studies about the relation between language and society. Sociolinguistics may be usefully defined as the study of variation in language, or more precisely of variation within speech communities.



There are many factors that may impact to language in society such as culture influences and technology advancement. The development of language is influenced by society itself, so there are many kinds of language variation. They are including dialect, registers, slang, colloquial, accent, pidgins, argot and jargon.

The language variation depends on two main focuses, which are focus on user and focus on uses. The language focuses on user are dialect, idiolect, and social dialect (sociolect), and the language focuses on uses are register, style and jargon. According to Llamas et al (2007), jargon is technical or specialist vocabulary most commonly associated with a professional or special interest group. The jargon usually are having purposes in used, such as to make easy in communication, to make short and understandable communication people or group of people with a certain field of occupation. Jargon it’s also has a function to persuade of people in community such as used in campaign and demonstration.

According to Tyagi and Misra (2011: 31), jargon is a word or expression used by particular profession or group. Based on the theory, jargon is usually found in community or group such as professions, since, law, academic, social community, or even in campaign. On the previous research, Novita (2012) at Brawijaya University studied about jargon “An analysis of jargon used in ‘Test’ rubrics of Pulsa tabloid”. She found that there were 64 jargons which belong to information technology (IT) jargon. The researcher can learn that the jargon is used to make communication



easier. Furthermore, Erna (2013) at Brawijaya University studied about “An analysis of information technology (IT) jargon found in PC media magazine. She found that there were 32 information technology jargons. In this thesis the researcher wants to elaborate about jargon use in politics by Barack Obama’s campaign for the US president election 2012.

The jargon is found an election campaign; it can be seen in election campaign used by Barack Obama. He used some political jargon in US president election 2012. On the other hand, his jargon is very popular and there are many people used it. This phenomenon makes the researcher interested to be studied about it, because jargon that used by Barack Obama’s has unique and very interesting to persuade American People in US Presidential Campaign.

Based on the reason above, the researcher will discuss about jargon used by Barack Obama’s campaign for the US president election in 2012. It can be said that his campaign is worth-analysing as there are many kinds of his jargon are very effective to win his presidential election. The researcher is interested in analyzing the political jargon used by Barack Obama, because the jargon is unusual compare like the other. Not only the jargon used by Barack Obama, but also in this research the researcher wants to analyse and describe the meaning of the jargon.



Based on the background of the study above, this research tries to answer the problems as follows:

1. What are political jargons used by Barack Obama’s Campaign for The US Presidential Election?

2. What are the meanings of political jargons used by Barack Obama’s Campaign for The US Presidential Election?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of the study should be stated clearly from the beginning as the principle guidance. They are formulated as follows:

1. To find out the political jargon used by Barack Obama’s campaign for the US president election.

2. To identify the meaning of political jargon used by Barack Obama’s campaign for the US president election.

1.4 Significance of the Study

By conducting this research, the researcher greatly expects the result of this research can give contribution in sociolinguistics fields especially in language varieties. For the English department students, hopefully this result can enrich new vocabulary of jargon found in Barack Obama’s campaign.



The result of this research has both theoretical and practical values. Theoretically, the writer expects that the result of this research can give contribution to the readers to learn and develop their knowledge especially on jargon. Practically, this research is important for the readers, because political jargon used by Barack Obama are different with jargon used by others in general because it is very significant to persuade American voters in the US President Election.

The researcher hopes that the result of this research can be used as reference for readers who want to research and share their knowledge to others about jargon. In additon, the result of this research may be used by other researcher and will encourage them to carry out similar studies.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is political jargon words and meaning that were speech by Barack Obama’s; the limitation of this research is political jargon words and meaning used by Barack Obama’s campaign on 2012 US president election. 1.6 Definition of Key Terms

The following definitions are intended to make the readers have understanding or perception of some terms used in this research. To avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding, the writer gives the definition of key terms. The terms are defined are follows:



1. Jargon is a special word to the member of profession or group, e.g., airstream mechanism for phoneticians (Fromkin, 2003:585).

2. US election occurs in every even-numbered year for congress and some states and local government in the United States (Hughes, 2012:3).

3. Barack Hussein Obama is the first African-American chosen to run for president for a major U.S. political party (Weigl Publishers Inc, 2009:5). 4. Political Jargon is the words and phrases or special terms that may affect the

political discourse to acquire the confidence of the public in the political domain. (http://muslich-m.blogspot.com/2010/03/jargon-politik.html)