
The Persuasive Utterances Used by Barack Obama in His

Political Campaign Speeches


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Rochmawati Amilatu Sholihah NIM: A83212179

English Department

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University ofSunan Ampel Surabaya



The Persuasive Utterances Used by Barack Obama in His

Political Campaign Speeches


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Rochmawati Amilatu Sholihah NIM: A83212179

English Department

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University ofSunan Ampel Surabaya








Sholihah, Rochmawati. A. 2016. The Persuasive Utterances Used by Barack Obama in His Political Campaign Speeches. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd

Key Words : Persuasive utterances, Campaign, Speech Act, Persuasive Functions, Persuasive Techniques

This research is conducted to analyze persuasive utterances that have function to influence and persuade the other people to vote Barack Obama in the general election. This research focuses on the persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama when he conveyed his campaign speeches in the first period (2007-2008) and the second period (2012). The researcher believes that most of the Obama’s campaign speeches contains about kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances and also relate with persuasive functions and persuasive techniques. Therefore, the aims of this thesis are to describe and explain the kinds of speech acts (representative, expressive, commissive, directive, and declarative) contained in persuasive utterances, the kinds of persuasive functions (command, request, hope, suggestion, allow, persuasion, appeal, invitation, urging, prohibition, congratulation, curse, convince, assert, pressure, and permission), and the persuasive techniques (rationalization, identification, suggestion, conformity, compensation, displacement, and projection) used by Obama in his campaign speeches.

In conducting this research, the researcher uses qualitative approach. The researcher uses the speech act theory by Searle (1969) and persuasive techniques theory by Keraf (1985). The data were taken from Barack Obama’s utterances in his campaign speeches texts form and only focus in persuasive utterances. The researcher collected the data by identifying and classifying it into some tables to make the researcher easier to analyze. Then, based on the table the researcher analyze and identify which utterances can be categories as the kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances by Searle’s theory, kinds of persuasive functions, and kinds of persuasive techniques by Keraf’s theory.

After conducted this analysis, the researcher finds out that persuasive utterances are important for someone who is running in the election. Because they need support from other people to achieve their goals. The most strength of persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his campaign speeches is to make his audience feel convinced that he can be a good leader for America and also give motivation to Americans that they can get the brighter future when Obama becomes a president. So, Barack Obama tries to influence his audiences to vote him as President of US.



Sholihah, Rochmawati. A. 2016. The Persuasive Utterances Used by Barack Obama in His Political Campaign Speeches. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing : Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd

Kata Kunci : Ucapan-Ucapan Persuasif, Kampanye, Tindak Tutur, Fungsi Persuasif, Teknik Persuasif

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis ucapan-ucapan persuasif yang berfungsi untuk mempengaruhi dan membujuk orang lain untuk memilih Barack Obama dalam pemilihan umum. Penelitian ini fokus pada ucapan-ucapan persuasif yang digunakan oleh Barack Obama ketika beliau menyampaikan pidato kampanyenya di periode pertama (2007-2008) dan di periode kedua (2012). Penulis percaya bahwa sebagian besar pidato kampanye Obama berisi tentang macam-macam tindak tutur yang terkandung dalam ucapan-ucapan persuasif dan juga berhubungan dengan fungsi ucapan persuasif dan teknik persuasif. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan macam-macam tindak tutur (representatif, ekspresif, komisif, direktif, dan deklaratif) yang terkandung dalam ucapan-ucapan persuasif, macam-macam fungsi dari ucapan persuasif (memerintah, meminta, berharap, mensugesti, menyilahkan, membujuk, memohon, mengundang, mendesak, melarang, memberi selamat, mengutuk/bersumpah, meyakinkan, menyatakan, memaksa, dan meminta ijin), dan macam-macam teknik persuasif (rasionalisasi, identifikasi, sugesti, konformiti, kompensasi, subtitusi, dan proyeksi) yang digunakan oleh Obama dalam pidato kampanyenya.

Di dalam pembuatan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan teori tindak tutur dari Searle (1969) dan teori teknik persuasif dari Keraf (1985). Data diambil dari ucapan-ucapan Barack Obama dalam pidato kampanyenya dalam bentuk teks dan hanya fokus pada ucapan-ucapan persuasif. Penulis mengumpulkan data dengan cara mengindentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan data-data ke dalam beberapa tabel untuk membuat peneliti lebih mudah mengalisanya. Kemudian, berdasarkan tabel tersebut peneliti mengalisa dan mengidentifikasi kata-kata mana yang bisa dikategorikan sebagai macam-macam tindak tutur yang terkandung dalam ucapan-ucapan persuasif dengan teori Searle, macam-macam fungsi ucapan-ucapan pesuasif, dan macam-macam teknik persuasif dengan teori Keraf.

Setelah menyelesaikan penelitian, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ucapan-ucapan persuasif juga penting bagi seseorang yang mengikuti pemilihan. Karena mereka membutuhkan dukungan dari orang lain untuk mencapai tujuan mereka. Kekuatan dari ucapan persuasif yang paling sering digunakan oleh Barack Obama dalam pidato kampanyenya adalah untuk membuat pendukungnya merasa yakin bahwa dia bisa menjadi seorang pemimpin yang baik untuk Amerika. Jadi, Barack Obama mencoba untuk mempengaruhi pendukungnya untuk memilihnya sebagai presiden Amerika.



Inside Cover ... i

Inside Title ... ii

Declaration Page ... iii

Dedication Page ... iv

Advisor’s Approval Page ... v

Examiner’s Approval Page ... vi

Motto ... vii

Acknowledgement... viii

Table of Contents ... x

Abstract ... xiv

Intisari ... xv

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the study ... 1

1.2. Research of Problems ... 9

1.3. Objectives of the Study ... 9

1.4. Significance of Study ... 10

1.5. Scope and Limitation ... 10

1.6. Operational Definitions ... 11


2.1.1. Kinds of Speech Acts ... 13 Representatives ... 13 Commissives... 15 Expressives ... 16 Declaratives ... 17 Directives ... 18


2.2.1. Rationalization ... 20

2.2.2. Identification ... 21

2.2.3. Suggestion ... 21

2.2.4. Conformity ... 22

2.2.5. Compensation ... 22

2.2.6. Displacement ... 23

2.2.7. Projection ... 23

2.3. Functions of Persuasion ... 25

2.4. Persuasion ... 26

2.5. Campaign Speech ... 27

2.6. Review of Previous Studies ... 28

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research Approach ... 32

3.2. Data and Data Source ... 31

3.3. Research Instrument ... 34

3.4. Data collection ... 34

3.5. Data analysis ... 37

3.5.1. Identifying the Data ... 38

3.5.2. Classifying and determining the Data ... 40

3.6. Interpret the data ... 42

3.7. Drawing conclusion ... 42


4.1.1. Kinds of Speech Acts Theory ... 44 Representatives ... 45 Expressives ... 46 Commissives ... 48 Directives ... 50


4.1.2. Functions of Persuasive Utterances ... 53 Command ... 55 Request ... 56 Hope ... 57 Suggestion ... 58 Allow... 60 Persuasion ... 60 Appeal ... 61 Invitation ... 62 Urging ... 63 Prohibition ... 64 Congratulation ... 65 Curse ... 66 Convince ... 68 Assert ... 69 Pressure ... 70 Permission ... 70

4.1.3. Kinds of Persuasive Techniques ... 71 Rationalization ... 73 Identification ... 74 Suggestion ... 75 Conformity ... 77 Compensation ... 78 Displacement ... 79 Projection ... 81

4.2. Discussions ... 82







The first part of this research is introduction of study which consists of background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives research, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.

1.1. Background of Study

The main purpose of persuasion is to convincing other people to change their belief, attitude and behaviour. According to Sayuti (2014) persuasion is an important aspect of communication in daily life. We are urged to buy products, to maintain social relationship, to support reforms and to vote political candidates. Persuasive utterances can be interpreted as an approach to communicate in order to convince and persuade the audience.

According to Nimmo (2004) language is the most important thing for a social life, because language is a communication system used by human to express their feeling. The term of “communication” comes from the Latin communis its mean “equal”, communico, communicatio, or communicare which means “make similar” (to make common). The first term of communis is a term most often used as the origin of the word communication. Communicating is a human way to express their opinions and feelings. In addition, the communication also has function to influence others to do something according our wishes.



In the process of communication, there are five basic elements proposed by Harold Lasswell (1948). Success or failure a communication depends on the five basic elements, they are Who (source or communicator), Says What (the messages), In Which Channel (the channel), To Whom (Receiver), With What Effect (Kevin Hogan, 2004).

According to Nurudin (2011: 137), there are two kinds of communications such as personal communication and mass comunication. Personal communication is communication that involve two people. Meanwhile mass communication is communication that involve a lot of people. Party campaign is a mass communication because it involves gatekeeper, many audiences, and use a mass media as a channel. Political campaign speech is a speech that intend to influence people to choose or vote party or someone who is running in general election. In political campaign speech, the communicator always uses persuasive utterances to persuade the listener to choose them in general election.

Persuasion is very necessary in the world of politics, for example as a means to build support for people who are running to be a president in a campaign. The campaign is a time when a politician or party try to persuade people to vote them. In a campaign, presidential candidates will be deliver a speech which aim to persuade and influence the listener to support and elect them as a president. Citizens of democratic countries have the opinion to go to the ballot boxes on election days and vote for one person or one party. Whether their decision goes along with a political conviction or



not, it is most likely based on communication through language (Charteris –Black, 2005:1).

Jones and Wareing (1999) argue that the ability to convey the message that speaker and listener want the samething plays a decisive role in the process of establishing an ideology (Jones & Wareing, 1999:34). To achieve a sense of congruence between audience and speaker, politician often make use of symbols to foster national unity (Ball & Peters, 2000:81).

In the political speeches during the election campaigns, the words and expression are used or omitted to affect meaning in different ways. Political speeches are composed by a team of professional speech writer, who are educated in the use of persuasive language. A political speech is not necessarily a success because of correctness or truth, rather it may be a matter of presenting valid arguments (Beard, 2008:18).

Study of persuasive language can not be separated from the pragmatic theory. In this research, the researcher uses speech act theory to analyze the data. The researcher uses speech act theory because there are some reasons. The first reason is if analyze the data use speech act theory, so we can know and understand about the contens, the messages, and the purposes of speech in persuasive utterances. The second reason is persuasive is form of directives principles. Both of them have the same function, such as to commanding, ordering, or asking the audiences to take action. Besides the directive, persuasive characteristics can also be found in other kinds of speech acts, such as the representatives, expressives, commisives, and



declaratives. Therefore, in this analysis the researcher wants to discuss the kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances in Barack Obama’s speech and to explain the relevance of persuasion with kinds of speech act and persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in order can be studied intact and integrated, so illocutionary function that spoken by the communicator can be understood by the listeners.

According to Horn and Ward (2004) there are some philosophers who proposed speech act theory they are, Austin (1962) and Malinosski (1923). Austin (1962) is a British philosopher who put forward the speech acts theory through the Malinowski’s theory (1923). Besides Austin and Malinowski, there are some linguists who developed the speech act theory they are, Jakobson (1960), Searle (1969) and Kreidler (1998).

Austin (1976) classified speech act into three types of action: (a) locutionary act is physical actions to produce speech, (b) llocutionary act is acts done on purpose speech uttered, (c) perlocutionary act is the effect produced through acts locutions and illocutionary. The meaning of an utterance can not be concluded through locutionary act, but should be based on illocutionary act too. If the meaning that contained in illocutionary speech act is understood well, then the listener will give a response well too. Meanwhile, Searle divided illocutionary acts into five kinds such as representative, expressive, commissive, declarative, and directive. The researcher give more explanation about kinds of speech acts by Searle in the next chapter.



This research describes study of persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches. The specific aims of this research are to describe the kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in the political campaign speeches, the functions of persuasive utterances, and the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama to influenced the audiences to supported him as a president in his political campaign speeches by Keraf’s theory. Barack Obama used persuasive utterances to influence his audiences to elect him as a America President. In this study, the researcher also compares the frequency of persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in the first period and the second period of candidacy for US president. Barack Obama won the election because he has a great ability to communicate with his audiences. So, the audiences will understand the message conveyed by him easily.

The researcher is interested in analyzing the persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama when he delivered a speeches on his nomination to be an America president. The reason why the researcher chose to analyze a political campaign speech because of the political campaign speech has so many persuasive utterances that used by presidential candidates to influence and persuade their audiences to choose and support themself. Barack Obama also use persuasive utterances to influence his audience to elect him to be a president of America.

The researcher also has some reasons why choosing speeches from Barack Obama. The reasons are Barack Obama is a phenomenal figure in the world of politics in the United States. Barack Obama appointed as president for the first time



defeated John McCain in 2009. In the second period Barack Obama won re-election defeated Mitt Romney. According to Munf (2008) Barack Obama is the only black American president and he can prove that everyone can achieve their dreams without discriminate ethnicity, race, or culture. Besides that, Barack Obama is also known for good speaking ability. Barack Obama has a way of speaking that is polite but firm. Reportedly, this makes the American people are interested and empathetic to him. Obama is known smart enough to convey political ideas. Because of his expertise and ability in speech, Obama always get the attention of his audience. Barack Obama always gives pause at every sentence that he said, so the listeners can understand the meaning of his utterances. Barack Obama always looks calm and relaxed in his speeches, because of that Barack Obama able to control the emotions of listeners, so they will follow everything that he wants. Obama is regarded as someone who could be a bridge between poor and rich, black and white even Democrats and Republicans. Obama promises to begin the reform process that actually started from the demands of the American people, especially in terms of building a new image of America in the eyes of the world.

The researcher uses some related studies in the same topic to conducting this research, such as Fatmah Nur (2005), Kani Sulam Taufik (2014), and Sugeng Santoso (2015). The first previous study was done by Fatmah Nur (2005). She analyzed persuasive communication used by a mother to made her children wanted to do islamic activities, such as prayer, reading holly quran, fasting and so on. Her research used an approach of simbolic interaction and used qualitative method. The simbols



used was persuasive simbols that has functions as appeal and persuasion. In her research, she proved that persuasive communication could shape the behavior of prayer in children without made the child felt burdened or forced. She conducted research for five months. In her research, she did a few stages included selected who will be the object of research and dig up information on the object to be studied, she did observations and interview, the last stage is the analysis data which she had got.

The second previous study was done by Kani Sulam Taufik (2014). He described the result of the research studied of persuasive utterances used by the campaign speakers of the Regent and vice Regent election at Pasuruan, East Java. The specific aim of his study is to describe the patterns, strategies and culture-social norms of persuasive utterances used in the political campaign based on the pragmatic perspective. Taufik and the researcher have same similarity that is use descriptive qualitative approach, because we explain the persuasive utterances of someone who is running in the election. The result of Taufik’s research are the patterns of persuasive utterances which are theoretically categorized into “directive speech acts”, mostly used indirect utterances (assertive, commissives, expressives, and declaration), most of the strategies used by the speakers were indirect strategies, both the forms and strategies of persuasive utterances used in the campaigns mostly reflected the positive social norms, namely: the culture of politeness, the reciprocally helping, the unity or harmony, and the obedience to the kiai or ulama (scholars) so that the politeness values became higher.



The last previous study was done by Sugeng Santoso (2015). He analyzed about persuasive strategies in Barack Obama’s speech. In his analysis, he focused on explained the types of persuasive strategies in Obama’ speeches (2009) and the language functions related to the persuasive strategies in Obama’s speeches. He used qualitative approach. He used persuasive theory proposed by Bee&Bee (2012) and theory of language functions proposed by Holmes (1996). After conducted the research, he concluded that persuasive strategies was very needed in speech, especially in campaign speech. He also found the language functions related to persuasive strategies in Barack Obama’s speeches.

Based on the previous studies above, there are some similarities and differences between their research and this research. The similarities are that we have the same interest about persuasive utterances. Some previous studies above used video of campaign speech as research object. We also use qualitative approach in conducting the research. Meanwhile, the differences are that Nur (2005) used a mother and her child as an research object and she focused on how the persuasive communication could made a child to did a prayer activities. Taufik (2014) used campaign speech of regent and vice regent in Pasuruan and he focused on described the patterns, the strategies and culture-social norms of persuasive utterances used in the political campaign based on the pragmatic perspective, but he did not discussed about functions of persuasive and persuasive techniques in his research. Santoso (2015) only focused on explained the types of persuasive strategies and functions of speech by Holmes’s theory (1996). So, in this analysis, the researcher focuses on to



describe the kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances in Barack Obama’s speeches, the functions of persuasive utterance and the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama to influence his audiences. In this study, the researcher compares the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in the first period and the second period of candidacy for US president.

The researcher hopes that this research will make the readers more understand about persuasive utterances. The researcher hopes that the listeners do not believe in invitation and promises delivered by the presidential candidates easily. Audiences should be critical of the appointment, so they can choose a president who is considered to be a good leader.

1.2. Research of Problems

In this analysis, the researcher will be focus in three problems, they are:

1. What are the kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches?

2. What are the functions of persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches?

3. How are persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches to influence his audinces?

1.3. Objectives of the Study



1. To describe and explain the kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches. 2. To describe and explain the functions of persuasive utterances used by

Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches.

3. To describe and explain the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches to influence his audinces.

1.4. Significance of Study

The researcher expects that the result of this analysis can be useful not only for the researcher, but also for other people who read and need an information about persuasive utterances based on the theory used by the researcher. This analysis can be used as a reference for someone who wants to analyze the persuasive utterance related to kinds of speech act. The researcher also expects that this research will give a comprehension about how to interpret the kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances, functions of persuasive utterances, and persuasive techniques as well. So, the communication purpose will be reached.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

In this research, the researcher limit the material in order to the discussion of the material is not out of the topic. The researcher focuses on three problems, that are describe the kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches by Searle’s theory. The second discussion is to describe the functions of persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his



political campaign speeches. The third discussion is to show and describe the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches by Keraf’s theory.

The discussion about the meaning and functions of persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama is very important, because it can affect the actions audiences. If the audiences can not understand the meaning, so the purpose of communication will not be achieved.

1.6. Operational Definitions

a) Persuasive utterances are utterances used to influence other people to do or believe something.

b) Campaign speech is speech which tells of promises and plans of a candidate who is running in an election.





The second part of this research is review of related literature which consists of speech acts theory, techniques of persuasion, functions of persuasion, persuasion, campaign speech, and review of previous studies.

In this research, the researcher analyzed the kind of speech act contained in persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches by Searle’s theory. The kinds of speech act contained in persuasive are directives, representatives, expressives, commisives, declaratives. The researcher also discusses about the functions of persuasive utterances and the persuasive techniques by Keraf such as rationalization techniques, identification techniques, and suggestion techniques, conformity techniques, compensation techniques, displacement techniques and projection techniques.

2.1. Speech Acts Theory

According to Searle, to understand language someone must understand the speaker’s intention. Since language is intentional behavior, it should be treated like a form of action. Thus Searle refers to statements as speech acts. The speech act is the basic unit of language used to express meaning, an utterance that expresses an intention. Normally, the speech act is a sentence, but it can be a word or phrase as long as it follows the rules necessary to accomplish the intention. When one speaks, one performs an act. Speech is not just used to designate something, it actually does



something. Speech act stresses the intent of the act as a whole. According to Searle, understanding the speaker’s intention is essential to capture the meaning. Without the speaker’s intention, it is impossible to understand the words as a speech act. Study of persuasion can not be separated from the speech act theory. Because by speech act theory, we can know and understand about the contens, the messages, and the purposes of speech in persuasive utterances.

The indicators of the speech act utterances are the speaker intends to make the listener to take action, the utterances are to inform or ask something, the speech act utterances can affect the physiology of the listener, so that the listener will do what is desired by the speaker.

Persuasive speech is a form of speech acts that are formed on the basis of a directive speech acts. As with any directive speech acts, persuasive speech also has a function for commanding, ordering, or asking the other person to take action. This kind of speech act have values of persuasive, because the context of the speech based on the intent and desire of speakers who aim to influence the listeners.

2.1.1.Kinds of Speech Acts

The researcher analyzed kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political speeches used Searle theory (1969).

Speech acts which bind the speaker to the truth of what he said. For example : “Wegave a lot of evidence, andnot just a promise."



The sentence above has a function to claimed that what they say is not just a promise, but the truth that will happen. The words are included in the representative are:

a. Affirming : to state firmly or publicity that something is true or you support something strongly.

Example : I can affirm that no one can lose their job.

b. Believing : To feel certain that something is true or somebody is telling you the truth.

Example : I believe that I will success in examination.

c. Boasting : To talk with too much pride about something you can to do. Example : I don’t want to boast, but I really can speak four languages.

d. Claiming : To say something that is true although it has been proved and other people may not believe it.

Example : I don’t claim to be expert.

e. Complaining : To say that you are unhappy or not statisfied about somebody or something.

Example : She never complains everything to her brother.

f. Concluding : To believe something as a result of what you have heard or seen. Example : He concludes from their remarks that they not favor of the plan. g. Denying : To say that something is not true.



h. Forecasting : To say that what do you think will happen in the future based on information that you have now.

Example : The forecaster of the weather said that tommorow will be rain. i. Informing : To tell somebody about something, especially in an officially


Example : The information academicals can be saw in the offfice.

j. Reporting : To give people information about something that you have heard, seen, and done.

Example : The committe will report it on research.

k. Stating : To formality write/say something, especially in careful and ceraly way.

Example : Austin stated that speech acts divided into three aspects.

Speech acts which bind the speaker to promised or make a commitment. For example :

Mr. Bob : Oke fine. I will see you at 11.00 Monday morning for your schedule interview.

Margareth : Oke, thank you.

The sentence above is a commissive sentence because the speaker is bounded to do what he said. Mr. Bob promised to meet with Margaret to do an interview on Monday at 11.00 am.



The words are included in the commissives are:

a. Guaranteeing : To promise to do something, to promise something will happen.

Example : He guarantees that he will never sad again.

b. Offering : To say that you are willing to do something for somebody. Example : I decide to offer a job for my sister.

c. Promising : To tell somebody that you will definetely happened. Example : I will come to you.

d. Swearing : To make a serious promise to do somthing. Example : I swear that I never leave you.

e. Threatening : To say that you will make a trouble if you do not get what you want.

Example : The attacker threatened them.

f. Vowing : To make a formal statement that is true.

Example : My brother vowed that he never meet you again.

Speech acts that express the speaker's attitudes and emotions towards the proposition.

For example : “Thank you for the trust and support from all of you.”

With gratitude, then the listener will feel happy because they feel appreciated. The words include in expressives are:



a. Apologizing : To say that yu are sorry for doing something wrong or causing a problem.

Example : I am sorry.

b. Blaming : To say that somebody/something is responsible for something bad. Example : I blame you for all of the disorder.

c. Congratulation : To tell somebody that you are pleased about their success. Example : I congratulate them for all of their achievement.

d. Pardoning : To ask somebody to repeat something because you did not hear it. Example: You are beautiful


I said that you are beautiful.

e. Praising : To express that you thanks to God are grateful for something. Example : Thank you / Alhamdulillah

Thanking : To tell somebody that you are grateful for something. Example : Thank you, Mom.

f. Welcoming : To great someone in friendly way when they arrieved somewhere.

Example : Welcome to our place.

Speech acts that change the reality in accord with the proposition of the declaration.



Example : “I declare you as a president of Indonesia.”

The utterance above changes a man status. The status ofthe man changes from someone who does not has any rights to organizes the Indonesia’s government becomes a man who has rights to organizes the Indonesia’s government and has tasks to make Indonesia be better than before. The words include in declaratives are :

a. Appointing : To choose somebody for a job/position for responsibility. Example : She has appointed a new partner.

b. Arresting : To stop a proccess or development or make somebody notice something and to pay attention to it.

Example : They success to arrest the bussiness decline.

c. Dismissing : To decide that somebody or something is not important or not worth thinking or talking about.

Example : They dismiss them in their mind. d. Naming : To give name to somebody or something.

Example : This is television.

e. Resigning : To accept something unpleasant that can not be change and avoid or to officially telling somebody that you are leaving your job.

Example : I resign from your company.

f. Sentencing : To punishment given by a court of law. Example : A lawyer sentences him because of his result.



Types of speech acts meant to make listeners take action in accordance with the desired by the communicator.

For example: “I would like to invite you all to do a new movement for Indonesia is more advanced.

The words include in directives are :

a. Advising : To tell somebody what you think you should do in particular situation.

Example : He advise Mrs. Tina about the shipment.

b. Asking : To tell somebody that you would like them to do something. Example : My father says “ Open the window”!

c. Begging : To ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want and need it very much.

Example : Don’t leave me. I beg of you.

d. Challeging : To request wether a statement or an action is right to accept. Example : They didn’t like if many people challeging their problem. e. Commanding : To tell somebody to do something.

Example : A goverment commanded to avoid a corruption.

f. Recommanding : To tell somebody that something is good or useful. Example : A teacher recommended some books to all students.

g. Requesting : The action of asking for something formally and politely. Example : Can you speak louder, please?



h. Suggesting : To tell somebody about suitable person, thing, method for particular job or purpose or to put an idea in somebody’s mind.

Example : He suggests that his brother must be patient.

NO Kinds of Speech Acts The Direction of


S = Speaker X= Situation

1 Representatives Make words matching with world

S believes X

2 Expressives Make words matching with


S feels X

3 Commissives Make the world matching

with the words

S intends X

4 Directives Make the world matching

with the words

S wants X

5 Declaratives Words change the world S causes X

2.2. Techniques of Persuasion

As a method to persuade people, persuasion should apply some techniques in order to understand the meaning of persuasion. There are some persuasive techniques proposed by Keraf (1985) they are, rationalization, identification, suggestion, conformity, compensation, projection, and displacement.



2.2.1. Rationalization

Rationalization technique use evidence which can be accepted by common sense to pave the way for the wishes, attitudes, decisions or actions that have been determined to be justified by the listener (Keraf, 1985:124).

For example : “Ladies and gentlemen, if we want to be a brain of our country, became heart of our country, became the backbone of our country!!. So wehave tomake sacrifices fora lot more thanwe have given. Iwant to tell you, thatwe participate in political competition. Not want to seizepower. But making power as a toolfor changegreatin the middle ofour society ..”

Speaker explains with reason of religious sacrifice shape that rests on the rule of sincerity in Islam.

2.2.2. Identification

The speaker tried to “making himself equal” with the listener or audience. Match is based on the common efforts made so, that the speaker can really feel and fulfill the wishes of listeners (Keraf, 1985: 125).

For example : “And last night, preceding this event, Icertainly understand, how we must respect theleaders, leadersof our nation,theleadersof our society, and that I initiated activities with a pilgrimage to the tomb of Seikh Hashim Asari, thentothe tombK.H.AbdurrahmanWahid.”



Speaker tries to equate himself with the audiences because the speaker know that if he do that, then the listeners will feel interested because they have same vision and mission.

2.2.3. Suggestion

An attempt to persuade or influence others to accept a belief or establishment by using the power of words accompanied by a full and authoritative tone (Keraf 1985: 125).

For example : “We've been through a long turbulence during this year. And I think today when we do muster here, we all witnessed thevictory sign.”

The words “a long turbulence” and “victory sign” used to give a sugestion to the listeners.

2.2.4. Conformity

It is a conforming act to something that has been intended or to make something is similar with the others. In campaign speech, this technique is applied to make the audience convinced with their ability. The candidates will adapt his or her self with people as the object of persuasive. This technique of conformity will present more to make the audience that their can present something which is suitable with the people want.



That sentence is a persuasive sentence that use the technique of conformity. In this sentence, the presidential candidate is trying to interpret himself that he is the most knowledgeable about Indonesia, which recognize Indonesia. This is evident from the word “Prabowo-Hatta, Paling Indonesia”. In that example, presidential candidate is trying to prove that he can do something like other people do.

2.2.5. Compensation

An act or the result of an effort to find a substitution thing which is unacceptable. This effort arises from the frustration of some previous situations. The candidates will utilize this situation to influence people that they can get or do the other thing in order to move from their frustration. Compensation is a process of finding alternative way in order to move away from unintended condition.

For example : “Garuda di dadaku, Lindungi dan Kembangkan pasar tradisional.

In this sentence stated that “Garuda di dadaku, Lindungi dan Kembangkan pasar tradisional”, can be interpreted if the president with an symbol of eagle elected as president so, the compensation to be obtained is the traditional market is still exists and growing. This is to attract society who still use traditional market to shop for their daily needs.



2.2.6. Displacement

A process of displacing an intention or something which faced an obstacle with other means. In short, displacement is attempted to take mind off an emotion and avert it to the new object. It is the continuation of the previous technique.

For example : “Gerindra Menang. Prabowo Presiden”.

The sentence above indicates a displacement from Gerindra to be Prabowo. Gerindra is a party that carries Prabowo as a presidential candidate. If Gerindra win in the campaign, so Prabowo will be a president of Indonesia. This is shown in the phrase “Gerindra Menang. Prabowo Presiden”.

2.2.7. Projection

It is a technique to make subject become the object. If someone is asked to describe somebody whom he hates, he will try to describe a good thing for himself. A mistake that is done by somebody shifted the mistake to other people, and said that he has it. So, projection is a technique which presents the superiority and the weakness of the ability’s candidates to show the differences with other.

For example : “PRABOWO HATTA Indonesia Bangkit! Pilih SATU untuk Indonesia Makmur”.

The sentence above “Pilih SATU untuk Indonesia Makmur” is a phrase that projecting a prosperity that will be achieved when choosing presidential candidate number 1. This is intended to give a good impression of presidential candidate who number 1. The sentence of PRABOWO-HATTA was a great name to be selected and can make Indonesia be better.




1 Rationalization a. The justification for a problem. b. Not an absolute truth.

c. Justifying a mind of its own. d. Can control emotions. e. Involves ratios and mind.

2 Identification a. Show identification.

b. The mention of the name or identity of an object or person.

3 Suggestion a. One thing that could persuade

b. Provide a basis of trust.

c. Give suggestions with words and tone of voice that is authoritative. d. Considered omniscient.

e. Relying on the strength of an emotional.

4 Conformity a. Make yourself the same or similar.

b. There are efforts to adapt, adjust, or fit in.

c. Impressed able to do or act like something intended or target. 5 Compensation a. Contains an act or the result of an


b. To achieve a goal.

c. Inviting to create better circumstances.



b. Tried to divert the reader's attention to a particular object or goal.

7 Projection a. A technique to make attraction

becomes the object.

b. Properties that do not want to be recognized.

c. The transfer from one person to another or from one problem to another problem.

d. Describing good things about himself.

2.3. Functions of Persuasion

Persuasive speech act is a speech delivered by the speaker to the listener as an attempt to influence others to follow the desire or the will of the speaker. Message of persuasion is a proposition is designed sender of the message as a conscious effort to influence emotions message recipient using language symbols. Thus, persuasive messages designed to manipulate motives towards the objectives set.

There are several kinds of persuasive functions, they are pressure, command, request, hope, suggestion, allow, persuasion, appeal, invitation, urging, prohibition, provision of congratulations, permission, curse, convince, and assert.



2.4. Persuasion

Communication can not be separated from the human life. No one can life without communicate. In communication science there is a persuasive. Persuasion is a verbal art that purposely convincing someone to obey what the speaker’s said in this moment or in the present time. It means that the purpose of persuasion is the speaker tries to persuade the listener to act something with no violence and coercion. A persuader should make their object believe that they are trusted agent. So, people will decide a right decision by their consciousness. The persuasion can be used in political communication. For example, in every election, every candidates will conduct a campaign to announce their candidacy and ask support from others.

The primary key of the candidates to be elected in the general election is good communication. In a campaign, the candidates use persuasive utterances to influence the audiences, so they will give a support and select them as the country’s leaders. If the candidates can communicating well, then the public will give good respon. Likewise, if the candidates use bad communication, so the society will not be interested and tend to ignore the candidate.

The main purpose of communication is to convey information or a specific message. Similarly, persuasive communication used in the campaign. Persuasive communication is done so the message can be conveyed properly. Some factors that influence the success of persuasive communication are communicator, message, channel, and receiver.



Persuasive communication is successful if the audience can understand the meaning of each sentence said by communicators, so the purpose of the communication can be achieved. To discuss and parse the persuasive utterances the researcher uses speech act theory, because persuasive and speech acts have same characteristics. For example, directive speech acts has same principles with persuasive. Because both of them have function to influence and ask other people to do something.

2.5. Campaign Speech

Political campaign speech is a speech that effort intended to influence the decision making process of voters and political campaigns often refer to the campaign in the general election. The message of the campaign is the protrusion of the idea that the candidate or candidates want to share with voters. Most strategic campaigns or candidates dropping other candidates who prefer to keep a broader message in order to attract the most potential voters. A message that is too narrow to be able to isolate the candidate or candidates with the voters or by slowing down the detailed explanations program.

Political campaign is the process of conveying political messages that one of its functions provide political education for the community. Each political party has always tried to find the most effective ways to recruit the masses as much as possible. One way is through the mass recruiting political messages from the candidates.



2.6. Review of Previous Studies

To understand more about persuasive strategies, the researcher reviews the previous studies. The first previous studies was done by Fatmah Nur (2005). She analyzed persuasive communication used by a mother to made her children wanted to do islamic activities, such as prayer, reading holly quran, fasting and so on. The aim of this study is to look at how persuasive communication of mothers and children in shaping the behavior of the child prayer performed on consciousness. Her research used an approach of simbolic interaction and used qualitative method. The simbols used was persuasive simbols that has functions as appeal and persuasion. In her research, she did a few stages include pre-field stage that she selected who will be the object of research and dig up information on the object to be studied. The second stage is she did a few stages to obtained the data, include observations by considering the process of persuasive communication that occured between mother and child and paid attention the prayer activities done by children.

Besides observation, she also did an interview with a way asked some questions that have been prepared before. The last stage is the analysis data that she had got.

The results of her study is very useful for parents to apply prayer activities in their child's behavior. Because many children who do not implement a religious order because of lazy and busy with school assignments.

The second previous studies was done by Kani Sulam Taufik (2014). He described the result of the research studied of persuasive utterances used by the



campaign speakers of the Regent and vice Regent election at Pasuruan, East Java. The specific aim of his study is to describe the patterns, strategies and culture-social norms of persuasive utterances used in the political campaign based on the pragmatic perspective. There are some similarities in Taufik’s research (2014) and this research. The result of Taufik’s research could be concluded : (a) The patterns of persuasive utterances which are theoretically categorized into “directive speech acts”, mostly used indirect utterances. These forms were actualized in the “directive speech acts” in the forms of: assertive, commissives, expressives, and declaration. (b) Most of the strategies used by the speakers were indirect strategies. (c) Both the forms and strategies of persuasive utterances used in the campaigns mostly reflected the positive social norms, namely: the culture of politeness, the reciprocally helping, the unity or harmony, and the obedience to the kiai or ulama (scholars) so that the politeness values became higher. These speakers behaviors and attitudes can produce the “positive politeness”. Taufik (2014) uses descriptive qualitative approach, because he explains and describes the persuasive utterances used by regent and vice regent in Pasuruan. In this thesis, the researcher also uses descriptive qualitative approach because in this research, the researcher describes and explains the persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches in deeply to make the audience more understand about the content, the message, and the purpose of persuasive utterances.

The last previous studies was done by Sugeng Santoso (2015). He analyzed about persuasive strategies in Barack Obama’s speech. In his analysis, he focused on



explain the types of persuasive strategies in Obama’ speeches (2009) such as using hope, use emotion arousing word, using appeal for several emotion (pride), use appropriate fear appeal for several emotion (courage), use specific evidence and use evidnce to tell a story, and explain the language functions related to the persuasive strategies in Obama’s speeches such as referential, expressives, directives, and phatic. He used qualitative approach. He used persuasive theory proposed by Bee&Bee (2012) and theory of language functions proposed by Holmes (1996). After conducted the research, he concluded that persuasive strategies was very needed in speech, especially in campaign speech. He also found the language functions related to persuasive strategies in Barack Obama’s speeches.

According to the previous studies above, this research has almost the same interest about persuasive utterances but has different object. The researcher hopes that this research will make the reader will be more understand about persuasive strategies. In this analysis, the researcher focuses on describe the kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances in Barack Obama’s speeches, the functions of persuasive utterance and the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama to influence his audiences. In this study, the researcher compares the frequency of persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in the first period and the second period of candidacy for US president.

The researcher hopes that this research will make the readers more understand about persuasive utterances. The researcher hopes that listeners do not believe the invitation and promises delivered by the presidential candidates easily. Audience



should be critical of the appointment, so they can choose a president who is considered to be a good leader.




The third part of this research is methodology which consists of research approach, data and data sources, research instruments, data collection, data analysis, interpret the data, and draw the conclusion.

3.1. Research Approach

As mentioned in the research problem, this study described about the kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances, functions of persuasive utterances and the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches. So, this research used descriptive qualitative. The researcher used this method because the researcher describes and analyzes every persuasive utterances in Barack Obama’s campaign speeches. This approach was chosen because it can provide in-depth and detailed understanding relating to a matter concerning the persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his campaign. Qualitative approach used in this study is intended to generate descriptive data in the form of words spoken or written from a human or a human behavior that can be observed. Moleong (1994) said that form of descriptive research are words, sentences, picture, not number. The purpose of descriptive research is to give clear explaination and description about the research object.

1.2. Data and Data Source

The data of this research were all of utterances in Barack Obama’s campaign speeches which contain the persuasive utterances. The data source is



videos of Barack Obama’s campaign speeches. The researcher obtained the videos of political campaign speeches from Youtube. The researcher chose videos of Barack Obama’s campaign speeches because he is a great figure, because he tried achieved of American’s dream without discriminate the race, skin color and culture. In addition, the researcher chose a political campaign videos to conducted the research about persuasive utterances through speech act theory, in order to the society can more understand about the purpose and meaning of the utterances that said by someone in political campaign speech. So, the listeners can do the right act.

The researcher chose six videos of Barack Obama’s speeches. The three videos from first period (2007-2008) and three videos from second period (2012).


No Date / Place Titles of Videos Duration

1 February 10, 2007/ at Springfield,


Barack Obama

Official Announcement of Candidacy for US President

22:03 minutes

2 November 10, 2007 / at Veterans Memorial Auditorium, Des

Moines, Lowa

Barack Obama

Speech at the Jefferson-Jackson

Dinner 20:49 minutes

3 January 8, 2008 / at Nashua, New


Barack Obama

New Hampshire Primary Concession Speech: Yes We Can




No Date / Place Titles of Videos Duration

1 October 19, 2012 / at Fairfax,


Barack Obama

Campaign Rally in Fairfax, Virginia

21:31 minutes

2 October 27, 2012 / at Nashua, New


Barack Obama

President Obama campaigns in Nashua

22:04 minutes

3 November 5, 2012/ at Des Moines, Lowa

Barack Obama

Obama's Last Campaign Rally in Iowa 2012 - Election Night

41:30 minutes

3.3. Research Instrument

The main instrument to collected the data was the researcher. The researcher collected the data, identified the data (kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances, functions of persuasive utterances, and kinds of persuasive techniques), classified it into table, analyzed it and drawed conclusion. However the researcher also needed some tools, such as laptop, papers, pen, internet, and headset to help the researcher collected the data.

3.4. Data collection

The technique used to get the data in this study was the observation techniques. Observation techniques by their nature into two parts, they are direct and indirect observation techniques. Direct observation techniques was the technique of data collection by direct observation of the phenomena subject to be investigated. Whereas indirect observation techniques was the collection of data



through observation of phenomena subject to be investigated by an intermediary tool. This study used data collection techniques indirectly. Because the researcher obtained the videos of political campaign speeches from Youtube.

Data is the most important aspect to conduct a research so, the data must be collected effectively, easily, and in a correct step. To collect the data, the researcher did some steps as follows:

1. The researcher searched and downloaded vidoes of Barack Obama’s campaign speeches from Youtube.

Figure 3.1 Search and Download Barack Obama’s Videos from

2. After that, the researcher searched and downloaded the scripts of Barack Obama’s speeches



Figure 3.2 Search the scripts of Barack Obama’s speeches from

Figure 3.3 Search the scripts of Barack Obama’s speeches from e=1150



3. The researcher matched the scripts with the videos by reading the scripts and listening Barack Obama’s videos.

4. And the last, the researcher used the scripts to find and collect the data of persuasive utterances uttered by Barack Obama in his potical campaign speeches by give underline.

Figure 3.4 Finding and Collecting Persuasive Utterances

3.5. Data analysis

The data analysis was done after the data were collected and classified description and interpretation to answer the various problems that have been mentioned above. To analyzed the data, the researcher established some steps, such as:

3.5.1. Identifying the kinds of speech act, functions of persuasive utterances, and kinds of persuasive techniques.



In this part, the researcher begins to identified the kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances by Searle’s classification (representatives, expressives, commissives, directives, and declaratives), functions of persuasive utterances , and persuasive techniques by Keraf’s classification (rationalization techniques, identification techniques, suggestive techniques, conformities techniques, compensation techniques, displacement techniques and projection techniques). The researcher gave codes the data in order to make the researcher easily to classify the data.

1. Codes for Kinds of Speech Acts a. Representatives will be codes R

b. Expressives will be codes E

c. Commissives will be codes C

d. Directives will be codes Di

e. Declaratives will be codes D

2. Functions of Persuasive Utterances a. Pressure will be codes Pre

b. Command will be codes C

c. Request will be codes R

d. Hope will be codes H

e. Suggestion will be codes S

f. Allow will be codes A

g. Persuasion will be codes P

h. Appeal will be codes Ap

i. Invitation will be codes I

j. Urging will be codes U

k. Prohibition will be codes Pro

l. Congratulation will be codes Co



n. Curse will be codes Cu

o. Convince will be codes Con

p. Assert wil be codes As

3. Kinds of Persuasive Techniques a. Rationalization will be codes R

b. Identification will be codes I

c. Suggestion will be codes S

d. Conformity will be codes C

e. Compensation will be codes Cm

f. Displacement will be codes D

g. Projection will be codes P

Figure 3.4 Example of Identifying Data Note :

1c/1/Rep/Con/su :

Persuasive Techniques

Functions of Persuasive utterances Kinds of Speech Acts

Data 1

Video number 3 First period



3.5.2 Classifying and determining each kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances, functions of persuasive utterances, and kinds of persuasive techniques.

The researcher classified the kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances, functions of persuasive utterances, and kinds of persuasive techniques and put it in the form of table.

To know the highest frequency of kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances, functions of persuasive utterances, and kinds of persuasive techniques, the researcher applied it in the precentage by using this formula:

Percentage of each kind: X 100 %

a : Frequency of each kinds of speech acts, functions of persuasive utterances, and kinds of persuasive techniques

b : The total number of frequency

No Kinds of Speech Acts Data Frequency Percentage

1. Representatives 2. Expressives 3. Commissives 4. Directives 5. Declaratives



No Function of

Persuasives Utterances Data Frequency Percentage

1. Pressure 2. Command 3. Request 4. Hope 5. Suggestion 6. Allow 7. Persuasion 8. Appeal 9. Invitation 10. Urging 11. Prohibition 12. Congratulation 13. Permission 14. Curse 15. Convince 16 Assert

Table 3.2 Example of Classifying Functions of Persuasive Utterances

No Kinds of Persuasive


Data Frequency Percentage

1. Rationalization 2. Identification 3. Suggestion 4. Conformity 5. Compensation



6. Displacement 7. Projection

Table 3.3 Example of Classifying Kinds of Persuasive Techniques

3.6 Interpret the data

The next step was the researcher will analyzed the data of persuasive utterances based on speech acts classification by Searle’s theory, the function of persuasive utterances, and the persuasive utterances based on Keraf’s classification. The researcher explained it in depth so, the readers can understand clearly.

3.7. Drawing conclusion

The last proccess of this research, the researcher made a conclusion about the finding of the kinds of speech acts contained in persuasive utterances based on Searle’s classification, functions of persuasive utterances, and the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches based on Keraf’s classification.





In this chapter, the researcher analyzed the data which were collected from videos of Barack Obama’s campaign speeches in the first period and the second period. The data were analyzed used speech act theory by Searle and persuasive techniques theory by Keraf. In the findings, the researcher described the process of collecting the data and the data finding. Then, in the discussion the researcher deduced the findings.

4.1 Findings

The researcher did the research and obtained the complete data from videos of Barack Obama campaign speeches in the first period and the second period. To gain the objectives of the research, the researcher had analyzed the data systematically and accurately. The data were analyzed in order to draw conclusions about the objective of the study.

The researcher described the findings in this chapter into three parts. The first part showed the description of kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in political campaign speeches. The second part showed the description of functions of persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in political campaign speeches. And the third part show the description of kinds of persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in his campaign speeches to influnce his audiences



to support him as a president. In this part, the researcher also compared the frequency of persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in the first period and second period.

4.1.1 Kinds of Speech Act

Based on the data analysis, the researcher found 230 data about kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances. The table below showed the data of kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances which were divided into five kinds. It presented in total number and frequency of each kind.

No Kinds of Speech


First Period

Second Period

Frequency Percentage

1 Representatives 38 51 89 38,6%

2 Expressives 2 0 2 0,8%

3 Commisives 0 6 6 2,6%

4 Directives 53 77 130 56,5%

5 Declaratives 1 2 3 1,3%

Total 230 100%

The table above is made to answer the first question about kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches. From the table, we can see that directives is the dominant utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches. It is the highest number with the total of 56,5% or 130 data from the total of 230 persuasive utterances found in the



speeches. Barack Obama uses directive utterances to influence his audience to support him as a president. Then, the researcher discusses the kinds of speech act in detail and also takes some examples. Representatives

In this illocutionary, the speaker tied to the truth of the utterances that he said. Representatives are normally characterized by the use of words such as states, report, propose, complain, express opinions, and conclude, remind, and so on. In representatives, the speaker is considered to represent the world, so what he says must match with the reality in the world.

The representatives utterances that are found in this research is 89 data or 38.6%. In his campaign speeches, Barack Obama Often used representative utterances to convincing his audiences that he could be a good president in America. Here, the researcher takes example of representatives utterance that found in Obama's speeches.

Excerpt 1 Datum 1a/11

It was here, in Springfield, where North, South, East, and West come together that I was Reminded of the essential decency of the American people - where I Came to believe that through this decency, we can build a more hopeful America. And that is why, in the shadow of the Old State Capitol, where Lincoln once called on a house divided to stand together, where common hopes and common dreams still live, I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America.



In his campaign speech, Barack Obama has a goal to encourage and influence the audiences to choose him in the election. That sentence above is pronounced in a campaign speech delivered on February 10, 2007 at Springfield, Illinois.

The sentence “I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America” is an example of representative utterances contained in persuasive utterances. The purpose of that utterances is to state or give information to all Americans that he would run for president of the United States. From that speech, the readers get the information that Barack Obama will be a nomination to be a president of America. In pragmatics, that speech aims to motivate the audiences to support him in the presidential election.

Based on the speech, it is known that Barack Obama says the sentence to make audiences feel interested so, it can affect the mind and strengthen the hearts of the audience to select him. Therefore, Barack Obama tries to says words that could inspire the hearts of his audience. This fact can be seen from Barack Obama speech that asserting “where I came to believe that through this decency, we can build a more hopeful America.” When Barack Obama said that, there will be an impression that Barack Obama will be a president who is able to make America into a big country. Because of that, the audiences will support Barack Obama to be a president. The fact can be seen in the campaign video (Official Announcement of Candidacy for US President). When Barack Obama declared his candidacy for president, the audiences were cheering and calling his name. It shows that Barack Obama is able to persuade his audience to give him support.


47 Expressives

Expressives utterance to express the speaker’s feeling. Some utterances that included in expressives are expression of joy, sense of disappointment, apologizing, praising, thanked, congratulating, and so on. Expressives utterance has aims to express the feeling that is felt by the speakers. The utterance is expected to affect the audience to follow someone’s wishes.

The expressives utterances that found in this research whit the total of 2 data or 0.8%. In his campaign speeches, Barack Obama uses expressive utterances to give congratulating and thanked to his supporters. Here, the researcher takes example of expressives utterance that found in Obama’s speeches.

Excerpt 2 Datum 1a / 3

Let me ... Let me begin by saying thanks to all you who've Traveled, from far and wide, to brave the cold today. I know it's a little chilly, but I'm fired up.

The example above is Barack Obama’s utterances pronounced in a campaign speech delivered on February 10, 2007 at Springfield, Illinois.

Persuasive utterances that reveals about the praise, gratitude, congratulations, apology, disappointment, concern and admiration can be classified into the expressive utterances. The indicators of this utterances can be seen from the function of utterances that contains the expression of speaker’s feeling that describe feeling of happy, sad, disappointed and so on. That utterances can give an attraction for the audiences because in psychologically the utterances can give pleasure to the audiences.




CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION The fifth part of this research is conclusion and suggestion.

5.1. Conclusion

After conducted this research, the researcher finds out that persuasive

utterances are important for someone who is running in the election. Because they

need supports from other people to achieve their goals. Here, the researcher

focused on describing the kinds of speech act contained in persuasive utterances

used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches, the functions of persuasive utterances used by Barack Obama in his political campaign speeches,

and the persuasive techniques used by Barack Obama in his political campaign

speeches to influence his audinces. In this research, the researcher used speech act

theory by Searle and persuasive techniques theory by Keraf.

The findings of this result showed that there is 230 data included in the kinds of speech act that found in Barack Obama’s campaign speeches in the first period and second period. Kinds of speech act were most used are directives. All

of the data about directive speech acts can be seen in the appendix 1. The

characteristic of the directive speech act is the utterance that has function to make

or persuade the other people to do something. Directive utterances and persuasive utterances have the same function to influence or persuade the other people to take an action. For example, Barack Obama says “So, let us begin. Let us begin this

hard work together. Let us transform this nation. Let us be the generation that



us” to invite his audiences to make a better future for America. So, the audience will think that Barack Obama can be a good leader for America. Beside that, Barack Obama also uses the words “That’s why I am asking for your” at the end of his speech to ask support from his audience and persuade them to vote him in

general election.

The functions of persuasive were most used in Barack Obama’s campaign

speeches is convince with total data is 56 data or 24,3% from 230 data. All of the

data about convincing utterances can be seen in the appendix 2. The characteristic

of convincing utterance is that utterance has function to make the people believe with the truth that we say. For example, in the second period of campaign

speeches, Barack Obama tells the truth that as long as he becomes

Americapresident in the first period, he has been discontinued war in Iraq in

accordance his promise during the campaign. The truth will change the thinking

of the audience, so the audience will think that Obama not only makes promises but he is also able to realizes his promises. Barack Obama uses the function of

convincing to influence his audiences to vote for him as a president. He

convincing his audiences that he can do whatever he said and can fulfill all the

needs of Americans.

There is also 230 data about persuasive techniques found in Barack

Obama’s campaign speeches. The dominant techniques that were mostly used are

suggestion with the total of 40,8% or 94 data. All of the data about utterances that

use the suggestion techniques can be seen in the appendix 3. The characteristics of



something, use the words and tone of authoritative, the speaker is considered a

knowledgeable, and so on. In his campaign speeches, Barack Obama behaved as

if only he can give prosperity for Americans through the ways or programs that he

offers in his speeches. Barack Obama deliveres his vision and mission with

authoritative words and a voice full of conviction. So, Barack Obama able to

control the emotions of his audiences and attract the sympathy from his audience

easily, so the audiences will elect him as a president of the United States.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the research findings that have been presented at the conclusion

above, the researcher offers some suggestions related to the benefits of research.

The findings of this study are expected can give contribution for the

development of the theory of the study of meaning using a pragmatic approach.

Every findings that related to kinds of speech act contained in persuasive

utterances, functions of persuasive utterances and persuasive techniques are

expected to enrich the study of meaning by pragmatics approach. For this purpose,

it is advisable for language experts and observers of the field of study of meaning

to utilize this research findings regarding the persuasive utterances as contribution

to developing the discipline of pragmatics as fields of linguistics.

The researcher hopes the next research can improve the validation, correct,

and complete the results of this study, so it can provide more adequate

contribution to the development of study of meaning field.

For users of speech acts, in specially for the orators or speakers, when



to realize their promises after they were elected in the election. To receivers

(audiences), the researcher hopes that they are not convinced by the invitation and

promises delivered by speakers. Audiences should be critical people so, they can




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