



By: DiahAsrifah NIM: 08360125








This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education


By: DiahAsrifah NIM: 08360125










Cherish yesterday, live for today and reach for



T his thesis is dedicated to my beloved:

Father and M other who always support me

to finish this mission until end of school day,

T hanks!!

For all readers of this thesis,

H opefully this stuff will be useful for you.

Amin !!!





Language is an important feature of human life. People using language as a medium. Furthermore, language used as a media of communication when people need to know each other, even establishing a social relationship. Every people has a different language. The differences of language cause language variation. One of language variation is jargon. Jargon is one of language varieties that is used based on the use or some purposes. This study was intended to investigate phenomenon of jargon used by the teenagers found in Facebook and their meanings. In this study, the writer used descriptive qualitative as her research design which described the phenomena about the jargon used by the teenagers in Facebook. The subjects of this study were 30 teenagers. The instruments used to collect the data were observation and documentation. In the observation, the writer observed the dialogues and conversations that occurred among Facebookers. So, in collecting the data, the writer used participant observation.

The result of this study showed that there were 72 jargons found in Facebook. It was found 72 (seventy two) jargons used by the teenagers in Facebook. They were: 6 jargons found on June 16th, 9jargons found on June 17th, 13 jargons found on June 18th, 11 jargons found on June 19th, 9 jargons found on June 20th, 9 jargons found on June 21st, 9 jargons found on June 22nd, and 6 jargons found on June 23rd.The jargons were used in informal situation. Then, the meaning of each jargon was checked by looking at the context of dialogues and conversations among Facebookers exactly the teenagers.

Key words: Teenagers, Jargon, Facebook.

The Advisor I, The Writer,




Alhamdulillah, the Almighty and the Merciful, all praise for Allah SWT, who has given a chance and inspiration to finish this thesis. Shalawat and salam are always for our prophet Muhammad SAW, who is the best leader to obey and also the best apostle to convince.

The writer would like to express her deep appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Masduki, M. Pd. And Ms. Fardini Sabilah, M. Pd. for their patient, willingness and guidance as well as suggestion for the completion of this thesis. She also wants to say thanks to the entire lecturers of English Department for their contribution and suggestion.

Her deepest gratitude is also addressed to her beloved parents A. As’ary and A. Nasticha who always pray for her everyday and give her love, motivation, attention and financial supports. She also thanks to her little brother Bagus Adi F. and her beloved boyfriend Agus Sazali, S.E. for the supports.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis is useful to the students of Sociolinguistics subject for deeper comprehension and the next researcher will be better. Thank you all.

Malang, October 2012 The Writer,




Content Page







CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 4

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms ... 5


2.2.Language in Society ... 8

2.3.Speech Community ... 9

2.4.Varieties of Language ... 10

2.4.1 Dialect ... 10

2.4.2 Style ... 11

2.4.3 Colloquial Speech ... 11

2.4.4 Slang ... 12

2.4.5 Register ... 12

2.4.6 Jargon ... 13

2.5 Facebook ... 15

2.5.1 Definition of Facebook ... 15

2.5.2 History of Facebook ... 16

2.5.3 Usage of Facebook ... 17

2.5.4 Features of Facebook ... 17




3.3 Research Instrument... 22

3.3.1 Observation ... 22

3.3.2 Documentation ... 23

3.4 Data Collection ... 23

3.5. Data Analysis... 24

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Research Finding ... 25

4.1.1 The Jargons Used by the Teenagers ... 25

4.1.2 The Meaning of Jargon Used by the teenagers Found in Facebook 31 4.2 Discussion ... 33


5.2 Suggestion ... 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY




Anderson, Lars G, and Trudgill, Petter. 1990. Bad Language. Cambridge: Penguin Books Ltd.

Ary, Donald, Lucy Cheser Jacobs and Chris Sorensen. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education, Eighth Edition. Canada: Nelson Education, Ltd.

Chaika, Elaine. 1982. Language: The Social Mirror. Rowley: Newbury House Publisher, Inc.

Cohen, Louis; Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison.Research Method in Education, Sixth Edition. Canada: Routledge.

Coupland, Nikolas and Adam Jaworski. 1997. Sociolinguistics: A Reader and Coursebook. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd.

Endiarrningsih, Yuli. 2007. The Study of Jargon Used in “Ikatan Gaya Arema”- EastJava. Unpublished Thesis: University of MuhammadiyahMalang.

Febriani, Adisty. 2007. A Study of Jargons Used at Friendster Testimonial in Indonesia. Unpublished Thesis: University of MuhammadiyahMalang.

Fromkin, Victoria; Robert Rodman and Nina Hyams. 2003. An Introduction to Language, Seventh Edition. Boston: Thomson Corporation.

Oxford, Dictionary. 2003. New York: Oxford University Press.

Trask, R, L. 1999. Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics. New York: Routledge.

Trudgill, Petter. 1983. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society.

Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York: Brazil Blackwell Ltd, Inc.

( retrieved on Mei 24th,2012 at 10 p.m.).

( retrieved on Mei 24th,2012 at 11 p.m.).



( retrieved on Mei 24th,2012 at 2 a.m.).

( retrieved on Mei 24th,2012 at 3 a.m.).



This chapter discusses background of the study, statement of the problems, purposes of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.

1.1. Background of the Study

Language has an important role for human daily life in society. By using language, people can interact, share their ideas, and transfer their thoughts or get some information from each other. Trudgill (1983: 13) states that language is not simply a means of communicating information about the weather or any subject. It is the main point to hold relationship with other people.

Due to the fact that people in the world want to communicate and interact with each other and they have different purposes, different geographic condition, so they also have different language. The differences of language cause language variation. Language variation is the existence of observable differences in the way language is used in a speech community (Trask,1999: 333). Language will be developed based on the development or the growth of social life where the people use it by society itself. However, language is not static. Any language can change in any way its people want it to, or need it to and as soon as they wish. Every language has built into its vary structure of the mechanisms of change. For example, the people



make up new words, use old words in new ways, and compose sentences they have never heard before.

Actually, the standard language experiences many changes, both its grammar and vocabulary, so, it sounds like new languages. The appearance of those languages happened just like that in society, including Indonesia. Those kinds of language include to folk speech or more well known as “jargon”. Jargon is a language created

for specific functions by the people who engage in them regularly (Chaika, 1982) .It is used only for the activity which is created by the people. For example, jargon used to communicate only in a specific group in order to make their conversation easy to understand for their group.

There are some studies related with Jargons. Yuli (2007) studied about jargon used in “Ikatan Gaya Arema (IGAMA)” East Java. In her thesis, she found that there were 205 jargons used by IGAMA members. Jargon was found in four languages such as English, Indonesia, Javanese and Sundanese. From that study, the writer can learn that the jargons are used to make communication easier and funny, even hold good relationship between each other. Furthermore, Febriani (2007) has conducted a study about jargons used at Friendster testimonial in Indonesia and the result of her study showed that there were 30 jargons found and used in Friendster testimonial in Indonesia. Many words come from acronym and abbreviation. Based on her thesis, the writer has already known the advantages of using jargon in Friendster testimonial. By using jargon, communication will be simple, quick and easier.

Based on the two previous researches, the writer has different object that is Facebook used by teenager. The scope is also different based on the several



considerations. First previous research in IGAMA (is very small community), people who are outside of the group do not understand about their language. The second previous research in Friendster, the messages can be sent only to people who become their friend. This means that the jargons do not exposed to everyone. Meanwhile in Facebook (is a large community),the message can be sent not only to people who become their friend. The other difference is jargon in Facebook is understandable by everyone although he does not have Facebook.

The other difference is in the statement of problems. In Yuli’s research, she investigated the jargon used in IGAMA and the most dominant one. Meanwhile in Febriani’s research, she investigated the jargon used in friendster testimonial, the function of the jargon and its meaning. According to some differences, the writer is interested in knowing the real application of jargons in society.

There are many language varieties found in Facebook, one of them is jargon. A study on jargon is an important part of sociolinguistics study. It shows us more about how the language community exists in our country and in the member of Facebook especially for the teenager. Jargon used by the community that create it. Jargon usually arises rapidly until it is used and understood by its community. It created suddenly without any plans before. Actually, jargon is efficient way of communicating because it is more economical to have a single word to refer it than a lengthy phrase .For instance: aplud means upload, lutu means lucu=>fun, tanen

means kangen => miss, GPP means tidak apa-apa => never mind, coz I luv u means



Facebook is defined as one of friendship sites or social networking sites and consist of typical terms such as wall, friend request, status update, etc. Facebook also one of media to make a friend, share daily activity and share information about anything in human life. This is most typical characteristics of social networking sites.

In this study, the writer analyzes jargon and the meanings of the jargons used by the teenagers in Facebook because the writer finds that the teenagers in Facebook often create a new jargon.

Based on the background of the study above, the writer is interested in discussing jargon used by the teenagers in Facebook. The reason is that jargon which is used in Facebook exposes the creativity of the Facebooker by abbreviating their words, but some words are relatively the same and are not abbreviated. Furthermore, this study is expected to give contribution to English Department in a field of Sociolinguistics specifically in one of language varieties called Jargon.

1.2.Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of study, the research problems are formulated as follows:

1. What are jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook?

2. What are the meaning of jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook?

1.3.Purposes of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to provide adequate answers to the questions in the problems of the study, that are:



1. To find out the jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook.

2. To know the meanings of jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook.

1.4. Significance of the Study

It is expected that the result of this study gives some contributions in sociolinguistics fields especially in language variety. For the students of English Department at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang can enrich new vocabulary and jargons found in Facebook. It is also expected that this study may be used by other researchers as a reference and will encourage them to carry out similar studies.

1.5.Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is jargons. Meanwhile, the limitation of this study is the meaning of jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook start from June 16th up to June 23rd 2012.

1.6. Definition of the Key Terms

Some definitions of the key terms are presented to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting in this study:

a. Language as a means of communication and particularly good in social roles, at maintaining social ties and influencing others.

b. Jargon is a set of words that is used in conceivable science, profession, trade and occupation (Fromkin and Rodman: 2003).



c. Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. A member of Facebook can make all his/her communication visible to everyone.

d. Teenager is person who is between 13 and 19 years old (Oxford dictionary: 2003).



This chapter discusses background of the study, statement of the problems, purposes of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.

1.1. Background of the Study

Language has an important role for human daily life in society. By using language, people can interact, share their ideas, and transfer their thoughts or get some information from each other. Trudgill (1983: 13) states that language is not simply a means of communicating information about the weather or any subject. It is the main point to hold relationship with other people.

Due to the fact that people in the world want to communicate and interact with each other and they have different purposes, different geographic condition, so they also have different language. The differences of language cause language variation. Language variation is the existence of observable differences in the way language is used in a speech community (Trask,1999: 333). Language will be developed based on the development or the growth of social life where the people use it by society itself. However, language is not static. Any language can change in any way its people want it to, or need it to and as soon as they wish. Every language has built into its vary structure of the mechanisms of change. For example, the people


make up new words, use old words in new ways, and compose sentences they have never heard before.

Actually, the standard language experiences many changes, both its grammar and vocabulary, so, it sounds like new languages. The appearance of those languages happened just like that in society, including Indonesia. Those kinds of language include to folk speech or more well known as “jargon”. Jargon is a language created for specific functions by the people who engage in them regularly (Chaika, 1982) .It is used only for the activity which is created by the people. For example, jargon used to communicate only in a specific group in order to make their conversation easy to understand for their group.

There are some studies related with Jargons. Yuli (2007) studied about jargon used in “Ikatan Gaya Arema (IGAMA)” East Java. In her thesis, she found that there were 205 jargons used by IGAMA members. Jargon was found in four languages such as English, Indonesia, Javanese and Sundanese. From that study, the writer can learn that the jargons are used to make communication easier and funny, even hold good relationship between each other. Furthermore, Febriani (2007) has conducted a study about jargons used at Friendster testimonial in Indonesia and the result of her study showed that there were 30 jargons found and used in Friendster testimonial in Indonesia. Many words come from acronym and abbreviation. Based on her thesis, the writer has already known the advantages of using jargon in Friendster testimonial. By using jargon, communication will be simple, quick and easier.

Based on the two previous researches, the writer has different object that is Facebook used by teenager. The scope is also different based on the several


considerations. First previous research in IGAMA (is very small community), people who are outside of the group do not understand about their language. The second previous research in Friendster, the messages can be sent only to people who become their friend. This means that the jargons do not exposed to everyone. Meanwhile in Facebook (is a large community),the message can be sent not only to people who become their friend. The other difference is jargon in Facebook is understandable by everyone although he does not have Facebook.

The other difference is in the statement of problems. In Yuli’s research, she investigated the jargon used in IGAMA and the most dominant one. Meanwhile in Febriani’s research, she investigated the jargon used in friendster testimonial, the function of the jargon and its meaning. According to some differences, the writer is interested in knowing the real application of jargons in society.

There are many language varieties found in Facebook, one of them is jargon. A study on jargon is an important part of sociolinguistics study. It shows us more about how the language community exists in our country and in the member of Facebook especially for the teenager. Jargon used by the community that create it. Jargon usually arises rapidly until it is used and understood by its community. It created suddenly without any plans before. Actually, jargon is efficient way of communicating because it is more economical to have a single word to refer it than a lengthy phrase .For instance: aplud means upload, lutu means lucu=>fun, tanen

means kangen => miss, GPP means tidak apa-apa => never mind, coz I luv u means


Facebook is defined as one of friendship sites or social networking sites and consist of typical terms such as wall, friend request, status update, etc. Facebook also one of media to make a friend, share daily activity and share information about anything in human life. This is most typical characteristics of social networking sites.

In this study, the writer analyzes jargon and the meanings of the jargons used by the teenagers in Facebook because the writer finds that the teenagers in Facebook often create a new jargon.

Based on the background of the study above, the writer is interested in discussing jargon used by the teenagers in Facebook. The reason is that jargon which is used in Facebook exposes the creativity of the Facebooker by abbreviating their words, but some words are relatively the same and are not abbreviated. Furthermore, this study is expected to give contribution to English Department in a field of Sociolinguistics specifically in one of language varieties called Jargon.

1.2.Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of study, the research problems are formulated as follows:

1. What are jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook?

2. What are the meaning of jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook?

1.3.Purposes of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to provide adequate answers to the questions in the problems of the study, that are:


1. To find out the jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook.

2. To know the meanings of jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook.

1.4. Significance of the Study

It is expected that the result of this study gives some contributions in sociolinguistics fields especially in language variety. For the students of English Department at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang can enrich new vocabulary and jargons found in Facebook. It is also expected that this study may be used by other researchers as a reference and will encourage them to carry out similar studies.

1.5.Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is jargons. Meanwhile, the limitation of this study is the meaning of jargons used by the teenagers found in Facebook start from June 16th up to June 23rd 2012.

1.6. Definition of the Key Terms

Some definitions of the key terms are presented to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting in this study:

a. Language as a means of communication and particularly good in social roles, at maintaining social ties and influencing others.

b. Jargon is a set of words that is used in conceivable science, profession, trade and occupation (Fromkin and Rodman: 2003).


c. Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. A member of Facebook can make all his/her communication visible to everyone.

d. Teenager is person who is between 13 and 19 years old (Oxford dictionary: 2003).