Timun Mas and her family He had two daughters named Dewi Galuh and One day he fished a beautiful fish The lake is now called a lake Toba The lake is now called Toba lake It means lake Bagendit. It means Bagendit lake. Finally a beautiful and magnificent

agreed with the requirement. with the requirement. 8. Mbok Rondho was confused why Buto Ijo give her cucumber seed. 8. Mbok Rondho was confused why Buto Ijo give her a cucumber seed. 28 24. That rain made the ground got flooded and became lake. 24. That rain made the ground got flooded and became a lake. 25. She turned into a fish again and man became the island of Samosir. 25. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir. Type 1. Pronouns Text Error identification Correction 3 11. The son ran home and asked her mother. 11. The son ran home and asked his mother. 5 9. One day his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. 9. One day his daughter was so hungry and she ate her father’s lunch. 6 6. Her mom asked Samosir to run the hills. 6. His mom asked Samosir to run the hills. 9 13. The daughter ran home and asked his mother. 13. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. 13 43. Timun Mas and his family lived happily together.

43. Timun Mas and her family

lived happily together. 26 3. Candra Kirana was a very beautiful and kind girl but his sister was an evil. 3. Candra Kirana was a very beautiful and kind girl but her sister was an evil. 5.This engagement made Dewi Galuh envi to his sister . 5.This engagement made Dewi Galuh envi to her sister . 28 16. Unfortunately, her father saw that her daughter ate all the food. 16. Unfortunately, her father saw that his daughter ate all the food. Type 1. Cardinal Number Text Error identification Correction 26 2. He had two daughter named Dewi Galuh and Candra Kirana.

2. He had two daughters named Dewi Galuh and

Candra Kirana. Type 2. Adjectives Text Error identification Correction 4 3. One day he fished a fish so beautiful .

3. One day he fished a beautiful fish


15. The lake is now called a lake Toba


15. The lake is now called Toba lake

. 6 7. And around the hills had become a lake named the lake Toba. 7. And around the hills had become a lake named Toba lake. 8. In the middle of that, we have an island called it the island Samosir . 8. In the middle of that, we have an island called it Samosir island . 7 1. A long time ago, there lived a young orphan farmer in the north of the island of Sumatra. 1. A long time ago, there lived an orphan young farmer in the north of the island of Sumatra. 9 19. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island Samosir . 19. She turned into a fish again and the man became Samosir island . 10 21. It means lake Bagendit. 21. It means Bagendit lake. 15 16. Finally the gate of a beautiful and magnificent finished in one night.

16. Finally a beautiful and magnificent gate

finished in one night. 16 3. A very blacksmith famous named Professor of fittings.

3. A very famous blacksmith

named Professor of fittings. 17 5. When he was holding it, the fish turned into a princess so lovely . 5. When he was holding it, the fish turned into a lovely princess. 18

15. “Go away you old lazy woman