The Process of Translating Indonesian Slang in The 5cm Movie Script into English Language





Job Training Report in Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat

Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

DALIMAN 63710009








1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Daliman

b. Address : Kotasari RT 002 / 001, Pusakanagara, Subang.

c. Place and Date of Birth : Subang, 15 Februari 1992

d. Sex : Male

e. Religion : Moeslem

f. Phone : 087828101956

g. E-mail :

2. Educational Background 2.1Formal Education

No Year Institution

1. 1998 – 2004 SDN PELITA SUBANG 2. 2004 – 2007 SMPN 1 PUSAKANAGARA 3. 2007 – 2010 SMAN 1 PUSAKANAGARA




2.2Informal Education

No. Year Event Certified

1 2011 Feminist, Feminine and Text Seminar Yes 2 2011 Semiotics : Literature and Media Seminar and



3 2011 Public Speaking Seminar Yes 4 2011 Copywriting Seminar and Workshop Yes

5 2012 English Contest Yes

6 2012 Talkshow “Kreatif Menulis, Rezeki Tak Akan Habis” Bersama Raditya Dika


7 2012 Hari Sastra Yes

8 2012 English Literary Internal Training of Education


9 2012 Character Building Training Yes

10 2013 Translation Workshop Yes

11 2013 Copywriting Seminar “Go Viral” Yes

3. Competency

There are some competencies that the writer has. They are as follows:  Good at English both oral and written.

 Translation form English to Indonesia and the reverse.  Operating Computer (Ms. Office, Ms. Excel and Internet)  Installing Operating System Windows all series.

4. Organization and Work Experiences No Year Organization



1 2008 - 2009 Member of OSIS SMAN 1 Pusakanagara 2 2010 - 2012 Member of HIMA SAIS UNIKOM










1.1Background to the Topic 1

1.2Scope 2

1.3Objectives 3

1.4Significance to Knowledge 2

1.5Framework of the Theories 3

1.6Research Method 4









I would like to express the deepest thanks and appreciation to:

1. Mr. M. Rayhan Bustam, M.Hum, as the coordinator of job training, for guiding all students who conducted the job training.

2. Mr. Yusup Irawan M.Hum, thanks for guiding me through job training.

3. Mrs. Nenden Rikma Dewi, M.Hum, as my advisor who helps and encourages to finish this report.

4. All my friends and also my girlfriend.

However, this paper still has many weaknesses and needs the improvement. Hopefully, this paper is expected to give the benefit for the readers and also the writer in the future.

Bandung, November 2014




Dhirgantoro, Donny. 2005. A 5cm movie script. Novel. Jakarta: Grasindo.

Eriksen, Mads Holmsgaard. 2010. Translating the use of slang. Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University Institut for Sprog og Erhvervskommunikation Cand.ling.merc, Engelsk – Tolk & Translatør.

Watini, Rina. 2011. The process of translating “Pesona Wisata” Leaflets in Department of Culture and Tourism West Bandung Regency from Indonesian Language (SL) into English Language (TL). Job training report (unpublished). Bandung: English Department, Faculty of Letters, Indonesia Computer University.



1.1Background to the Topic

Communication is the process of how people, community, organization and society creating and using information that connected with environment and other people. Communication is divided into two types; there are non-verbal communication and verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is the process communicating indirectly, such as gestures, sign language, facial, face, and touch. Meanwhile, verbal communication is the process communicating directly by using language. The language used in the verbal communication can be formal language or informal language, it depends on speaker and receiver’s context. Formal language is a language in accordance with the rules that exist in the dictionary and may rarely use in daily conversation. Due to that, most people use informal language than formal language to communicate. Informal language widely used within a certain society.

Michael Adams, as quoted Mads Holmsgaard Eriksen mentioned that the objective of using sets of slang words and expressions is to achieve something on a social level. The speaker uses slang in order to achieve social dynamics with the people to whom he/she is speaking and slang outlines social space, and attitudes towards slang helps identify and construct social groups and identity (2009:57). In that case, slang is often used when a social level gathering together in certain place, and the conversation use slang. Those phenomenon is existed in 5cm movie script that already translated by the researcher.



The slang used in the 5cm movie script is not in accordance with the rules of Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) such as “Awas lu kalo garing!“Kapan

nyokap gua ngelahirin lu?”and”Sejak kapan gua jadi abang elo?”. An issue is occurred when these slang should be translated into standard idioms dictionary that corresponds to it. Mildred L. Larson (2005:22) stated process translation from Source Language into Target Language has complicated process, which is transferring meaning. Transferring meaning becomes a complicated process because in process of translation both Target language and Source Language have different culture. Therefore, in translating slang language, the translator has to understand the language concept so that translating word by word will not happened. Finding some references of slang in Target Language movies will help the translator to understand the meaning of certain statements.

Therefore, the first thing to execute in this research is to understand rules in Indonesian language as Source Language, so that the process of translation can be done into the Target language (English). Based on the description above, this report is entitled "The process of translating Indonesian slang in the 5cm movie script into English Language.”


In this report, there are two problems found in translating the 5cm movie script that will limit the research:

1. What issue occurred during process of translation 5cm movie script from the Source Language into the Target Language?

2. How to solve the problem translating 5cm movie script from the SL into the TL?




The objectives of this job training report are as follow:

1. To know how is the process of translating 5cm movie script from Source Language (Indonesian Slang) into Target Language (English).

2. To know how 5cm movie script are revised into the appropriate and correct Indonesian language.

1.4Significant to Knowledge

It is hoped that this report can provide benefits to students, so the students get a greater insight about the correct and good process of translating, especially from the source language (Indonesian) into the target language (English). The finding of this research is hoped to enrich the knowledge about translation theoretically and practically for the writer herself. Therefore, the writer is not only analyzing all those things related to process translation, but also applying them in the real life in a certain situation.

1.5The Framework of the Theory

To get transferring the meaning process from SL into TL, a translator should have more references to understand how process translation happen.

As quoted by Rina Watini (2011) from Mildred L. Larson who is said that:

“Translation is basically a change form and complicated process.

However, a translator who is concerned with transferring the meaning will find that the target language has a way in which the desired meaning can be expressed, even though it may be very different from the source language

form”. It means of “complicated process is where we must improve and

translate overall with appropriate and correct.” (Larson Mildred: 2005:22).

Therefore, as a translator has complicated process to translation each words, especially to translate form Indonesian to English. We should very carefully, because



sometimes a translator might forget the essential, expressed the meaning. And of course source language has different form with target language. So, as a translator, we need some references. From there we can learn how to translate some word which are difficult. We need improvement, because it is necessary to become the translation more effective. So, this is to make it in appropriate and correct way.

1.6Research Method

The research method used in this research was a qualitative descriptive method. John Wiley & Sons state:

“Qualitative descriptive studies have as their goal a comprehensive summary of events in the everyday terms of those events. Researchers conducting qualitative descriptive studies stay close to their data and to the surface of words and events. Qualitative descriptive study is the method of choice when straight descriptions of phenomena are desired”. (2000:334-340)

Since this report is about process translating, all the data, which were found in 5cm movie script, were described deeply to get the comprehensive summary about the process translating phenomena itself. Thus, this method was a proper method to use in analyzing the data in this research since they were analyzed by describing them regarding the event or situation that happened in every utterance.

This method describes the problem and discussion during implementing job training. The job training is implemented in Balai Bahasa Bandung West Java. It is located at Jalan Sumbawa, no II, Bandung 40113. This activities are conducted from July, 14th, 2014 until August, 22th, 2014. This job training times begins at 08.00 am until 04.00 pm.




2.1 The problem in translating process 5cm movie script

In analyzing the data, the writer focused on answering and explaining the issue occurred during process of translation 5cm movie script from the Source Language into the Target Language and solves the problem translating 5cm movie script from the SL into the TL.

According to Larson (2005:22) that translation has change form and complicated process. However, a translator who is concerned with transferring the meaning will find that the target language has a way in which the desired meaning can be expressed, even though it may be very different from the source language form”. It means of “complicated process is where we must improve and translate overall with appropriate and correct. Then it can be solved by translating slang as Source Language into language accordance with the rule of KBBI which means Indonesian formal language. After changed form from slang to formal language, then translate them into English as a Target Language with the rules of Grammar. That ways the writer thinks is easier to translate slang commonly in daily conversation particularly adolescent.

Since the process translation in relation to speech situation, Michael Adams (2009:57) the objective of using sets of slang words and expressions is to achieve something on a social level. The speaker uses slang in order to achieve social dynamics with the people to whom he/she is speaking and slang outlines



social space, and attitudes towards slang helps identify and construct social groups and identity. This means that when you use slang, you expose yourself, your ideas and your attitude as to how you want to perceive the people with whom you are interacting, and how you want, these people to perceive you, while you rely on the people with whom you are speaking to be able to infer what you mean.

Slang actually exist because of the culture, which was originally only used by freeman in Jakarta but currently by young people. Therefore, from this 5cm movie script can be summed up why they use slang. They use slang because nowadays the influence of socialization of young people is wanted to look great with keeping track of the time that is.

In analyzing the 5cm movie script the writer hope to solve problems regarding the issue translation process that is complicated. According In the reality slang is apparently used by a certain communities and teenagers socializing in life even it is used speak with friends or with anyone who older. Slang used in wherever, whenever, and anytime by anyone while communicating with the opponent’s interlocutor.

The existence of the problem about slang that has become daily conversation among adolescents be able to analyze how to solve those problems in the process translation slang into Target Language. Related to it, during the job training in Balai Bahasa in West Bandung, there are problems found in translating

“5cm movie script”. The 5cm movie script is in Indonesian language and in incorrect structure. They are changed form to Formal Language then translated into English as the target language.



Data 1:

Zafran : Eh, iya udah bener ke rumah Bang Arial aja.

Sekalian kita silaturahmi sama Bokap Nyokap. Ngomong-ngomong, Dinda ada di rumah kan, Bang Arial?

In the data above tells when “the five us” who are Genta, Zafran, Ian, Arial and Riani was in the gas station after they hanged out and did not know where to go. After they argued about their next destination, Arial was offering to visit his house. Zafran agreed to visit Arial’ place. He was not only wanted to visit Arial’s place, but also Zafran wanted to meet Arial’s sister. What Zafran wants is approaching his sister, so that he called him with Bang Arial means bro. His purpose had proven in this sentence Ngomong-ngomong, Dinda ada di rumah kan, Bang Arial? It means he need to know whether his sister at home or not.

What Zafran said “Ngomong-ngomong, Dinda ada di rumah kan, Bang

Arial?” is inappropriate. He used the words which contains three Indonesian language category. They are non-formal, formal and slang. The words without underline are non-formal and the slang are going marked below:

Zafran : Eh, iya udah bener ke rumah Bang Arial aja. Sekalian kita silaturahmi sama Bokap Nyokap.


Ngomong-ngomong, Dinda ada di rumah kan, Bang Arial?

The non-formal that is used are “Eh, iya udah bener ke rumah Bang Arial



The word iya becomes Ia. The word udah becomes sudah, and Bener becomes benar. The word Bang becomes Kak and the last is aja becomes saja. Sekalian kita silaturahmi sama Bokap Nyokap. The explanation of this sentence accordance with the rules of KBBI are: The word sekalian becomes bersama-sama. The word silaturahmi becomes berkunjung, it is load word. The word sama becomes dengan. The word bokap and nyokap are slang, this will be explained next in further subtitle.

Data 2:

Zafran : Yal, adik elo ada di rumah nggak ya?

Arial : Tau.

Zafran : Duh, sayang banget ya. Padahal Bang Zafran

membawa sejuta bunga untuknya.

Genta : Lu kalo kesini sendiri aja kenape? Beraninya kalo

ada kita melulu?

Ian : Awas, ada abang galak. Gede lagi badannya.

Dibanting sekali juga ilang lo dari peredaran.

In the data above tells when they wanted visit Arial’s place. Zafran asked to Arial about his sister at home or not. However, her brother dislike him. This is show with the word Tau. He is too lazy answer Zafran’s question. So, Zafran makes sure his attention to Adinda which has proven with this sentence Duh,

sayang banget ya. Padahal Bang Zafran membawa sejuta bunga untuknya to him.



Dinda. Furthermore, Ian told him that he must careful because Arial truly protect her.

What Zafran’s question “Yal, adik elo ada di rumah nggak ya?” is

inappropriate because in Indonesian culture when young people asks to older is not allowed use the word elo although both of is a best friend. He used the words which contains three Indonesian language category. They are non-formal, formal and slang. The words without underline are non-formal and the slang are going marked below:

Zafran : Yal, adik elo ada di rumah nggak ya?


Arial : Tau.

Zafran : Duh, sayang banget ya. Padahal Bang Zafran

membawa sejuta bunga untuknya.

Genta : Lu kalo kesini sendiri aja kenape? Beraninya


kalo ada kita melulu?

Ian : Awas, ada abang galak. Gede lagi badannya.

Dibanting sekali juga ilang lo dari peredaran. Slang

The non-formal used in conversation above is “Yal, adik elo ada di rumah

nggak ya?” The explanation of sentence above accordance with the rules of KBBI are: The word elo is slang this will be explained next in further subtitle. The word nggak becomes tidak. Tau. The explanation of this word accordance with the rules of KBBI is Tidak tahu. It means He didn’t know where Dinda was. The word tau means knowing thing turn into means knowing nothing is because Arial’s



utterance contains with an emotion. He was in the bad situation but Zafran forced

him to answer Zafran’s question. Duh, sayang banget ya. Padahal Bang Zafran

membawa sejuta bunga untuknya. The word Duh becomes Aduh. The word

sayang banget ya becomes sayang sekali yah.

Lu kalo kesini sendiri aja kenape? Beraninya kalo ada kita melulu. The word lu is slang that will be explained further in next subtitle. The word kalo becomes kalau. The word aja becomes saja. The word kenape becomes kenapa because this word adapted by Betawi dialect. The word kalo becomes kalau. The word melulu becomes terus. Awas, ada abang Galak. Gede lagi badannya, dibanting sekali juga ilang lo dari peredaran. The word abang becomes kakak. The word gede becomes besar. The word ilang becomes hilang. The word lo is slang that will be explain further in next subtitle.

After the writer found two problems in the analysis above they are slang and some words not in accordance with the rules of KBBI will be explain in the Solution on problems.

2.2 Solution on problems

After getting some mistakes in previous subtitle the next steps are revising and translating the correct data into the English as target language with the rules of Grammar. Solving the problems from Data 1 explain below.

Zafran : Eh, iya udah bener ke rumah Bang Arial aja.

Sekalian kita silaturahmi sama Bokap Nyokap. Slang



The writer offering two changes form from non-formal to formal language. They are:

1. Teman-teman, Arial benar. Kita kerumahnya saja, sekaligus

silaturahmi dengan ayah dan ibunya.” Ngomong-ngomong

Dinda ada dirumah, bang Arial? or

2. Bagaimana jika kita bersama-sama kerumah arial untuk

berkunjung kepada ibu dan ayahnya?

Berbicara soal berkunjung kerumah arial, apakah Dinda ada di rumah, kak Arial?

Therefore, those sentences should be changed form, which is from source language as Indonesian slang to formal language with the rules of KBBI. The term slang above changed from bokap nyokap becomes ayah ibu. Then translate them to English as Target Language into an appropriate sentences accordance with the rules of Grammar.

Then, translate the whole sentence into English as Target Language:

Zafran : Ah, Arial is right. Let’s just go to his place, we could say hi to his parents. By the way, Dinda's at home, right, brother Arial? Or

Zafran : How about if we together visit to Arial’s house which is say hi to his parents? Speaking of visiting

Arial’s house, is Dinda at home, brother Arial?

After getting some mistakes in previous subtitle the next steps are revising and translating the correct data into the English as target language with the rules of Grammar.



Zafran : Yal, adik elo ada di rumah nggak ya?


Arial : Tau.

Genta : Lu kalo kesini sendiri aja kenape? Beraninya kalo


ada kita melulu?

Ian : Awas, ada abang galak. Gede lagi badannya.

Dibanting sekali juga ilang lo dari peredaran.


The writer offering two changed form from non-formal to formal language. They are:

1. Zafran : Yal, apakah adik kamu ada dirumah?

Arial : Tidak tahu.

Genta : Apakah berani kamu datang kesini sendiri? Beraninya ketika ada kami terus.

Ian : Awas, ada kakaknya yang galak, dia

mempunyai badan yang besar dan dia bisa membantingmu dalam sekejap lalu

menyingkirkanmu dari muka bumi ini.

2. Zafran : Yal, Apa adikmu berada dirumah?

Arial : Entahlah.

Genta : Apakah kau berani datang kesini sendiri?

Ketika ada kami, kau berani.

Ian : Hati-hati, kakaknya galak. Badannya besar

dan dia bisa membantingmu dalam sekali hentakan kemudian menyingkirkanmu dari dunia ini.

Therefore, those sentences should be changed form, which is from source language as Indonesian slang to formal language with the rules of KBBI. The term slang above changed from elo, lu, lo becomes kamu mu kau. Then translate them to English as Target Language into an appropriate sentences accordance with the rules of Grammar.



Then, translate the whole sentence into English:

1. Zafran : Yal, is your sister at home?

Arial : No idea.

Zafran : Such as shame. I brought a million words

of poetry for her.

Genta : Can you come here on your own? You only

got the guts when we're around.

Ian : Careful. Her brother's a bulldog, he has a

tank, too and he could smack you by one hit then he drop you from this world.

2. Zafran : Yal, is your sister at home?

Arial : I don’t know.

Genta : Can you come here by alone? You guts

when we around you.

Ian : Careful boy. He has a bulldog and he

could smack you by one hit then drop you from this world.

The sentences above are the result of translating “5cm movie script” during executing job training.





Based on the data in the chapter II, there are two data which have been analyzed. The problem result which is occurred during process of translation 5cm movie script and the analysis result can be explained below:

Issue occurred during process translation 5cm movie script is in transferring meaning. It becomes a complicated process because in process of translation both Target language and Source Language have different culture. Solving problems regarding the issue translation process is complicated. The writer used three Indonesian categories which are non-formal, formal, and slang to solve the problems in the process of translation 5cm movie script. The writer also used KBBI to changed form from non-formal to formal and offering two changed form.

Therefore during the process of translation, translator should understand rules in Indonesian language as Source Language and grammatical structure in English as Target Language, so that the process of translation can be done.




This research more focused in the process translation. So, next researchers who are interested in translation can discuss about English slang which is British slang or American slang in a book or a movie script. The most important thing to do for next researcher is find the theory that will discuss. It will help you when do analyze.




Zafran : Yal, adik elo ada di rumah nggak ya? Slang

Arial : Tau.

Genta : Lu kalo kesini sendiri aja kenape? Beraninya kalo Slang

ada kita melulu?

Ian : Awas, ada abang galak. Gede lagi badannya. Dibanting sekali juga ilang lo dari peredaran.


The writer offering two changed form from non-formal to formal language. They are:

1. Zafran : Yal, apakah adik kamu ada dirumah?

Arial : Tidak tahu.

Genta : Apakah berani kamu datang kesini sendiri? Beraninya ketika ada kami terus. Ian : Awas, ada kakaknya yang galak, dia

mempunyai badan yang besar dan dia bisa membantingmu dalam sekejap lalu

menyingkirkanmu dari muka bumi ini. 2. Zafran : Yal, Apa adikmu berada dirumah?

Arial : Entahlah.

Genta : Apakah kau berani datang kesini sendiri? Ketika ada kami, kau berani.

Ian : Hati-hati, kakaknya galak. Badannya besar dan dia bisa membantingmu dalam sekali hentakan kemudian menyingkirkanmu dari dunia ini.

Therefore, those sentences should be changed form, which is from source language as Indonesian slang to formal language with the rules of KBBI. The term slang above changed from elo, lu, lo becomes kamu mu kau. Then translate them to English as Target Language into an appropriate sentences accordance with the rules of Grammar.



Then, translate the whole sentence into English:

1. Zafran : Yal, is your sister at home?

Arial : No idea.

Zafran : Such as shame. I brought a million words of poetry for her.

Genta : Can you come here on your own? You only got the guts when we're around.

Ian : Careful. Her brother's a bulldog, he has a tank, too and he could smack you by one hit then he drop you from this world.

2. Zafran : Yal, is your sister at home? Arial : I don’t know.

Genta : Can you come here by alone? You guts when we around you.

Ian : Careful boy. He has a bulldog and he could smack you by one hit then drop you from this world.

The sentences above are the result of translating “5cm movie script” during executing job training.


14 3.1Conclusions

Based on the data in the chapter II, there are two data which have been analyzed. The problem result which is occurred during process of translation 5cm movie script and the analysis result can be explained below:

Issue occurred during process translation 5cm movie script is in transferring meaning. It becomes a complicated process because in process of translation both Target language and Source Language have different culture. Solving problems regarding the issue translation process is complicated. The writer used three Indonesian categories which are non-formal, formal, and slang to solve the problems in the process of translation 5cm movie script. The writer also used KBBI to changed form from non-formal to formal and offering two changed form.

Therefore during the process of translation, translator should understand rules in Indonesian language as Source Language and grammatical structure in English as Target Language, so that the process of translation can be done.




This research more focused in the process translation. So, next researchers who are interested in translation can discuss about English slang which is British slang or American slang in a book or a movie script. The most important thing to do for next researcher is find the theory that will discuss. It will help you when do analyze.

