The objective of Research Time and Location The Population and sample The Technique of Data Collecting Research Instrument


A. Research Methodology

1. The objective of Research

The objective of research for this ‘skripsi’ is to find empirical evidence the most common error made by 8 th grade students of SMP Islamiyah Sawangan. This in turn, will be beneficial for teachers in this school in their attempt to improve the students’ writing skills in the writing of descriptive text.

2. Time and Location

The research is held at SMP Islamiyah Sawangan, 8 th grade. It is located at Jl. Raya Muchtar No.136 Sawangan Kota Depok 16511. To obtain the data which is used as the object of this study, the writer asked the students to writer asked the students to write descriptive text on November 5 th , 2009 at 14.00-15.00 WIB.

3. The Population and sample

In this research the writer took the population of the Eight grade of SMP Islamiyah. “The writer mixes all subjects of the population and the students had a chance to be a sample. All the sample is the same, no sample which is specialized” 21 . The number of population of these classes is 65 students. The sample taken is only 20 students. The writer used random sampling to get the representative data 1 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta,Edisi revisi VI Agustus 2006.p.134

4. The Technique of Data Collecting

The next step is collecting the data. The writer gives writing test to the 8 th grade students of SMP Islamiyah Sawangan and it focuses on descriptive text. Beside giving the test to the students, she also interviewed the English teacher to know the method and curriculum in teaching learning English.

5. Research Instrument

To collect the data of this research, the writer gives a descriptive text test by using pictures to the 10 th grade students of SMP Islamiyah Sawangan and it focused on the descriptive writing, which are related personal pronouns, spelling, article, capitalization, subject-verb agreement, noncount nouns.

6. The Technique of Data Analysis