Review on Related Studies

a. Attitudes We learn attitudes in our daily life. Our attitudes which are formed about favorable or unfavorable things give direction to our behavior causing uss to act in predisposed ways in different situations Koch 1995: 135. b. Motives Things that are reasons or something that pull us to do something is called motives. There are two kind of basic motives; they are physical motives and social motives. Physical motives refer to basic human drives, such as hungry, thirsty, threatened, and so on. It is different from social motives. Social motives are learned. For an example, a baby learns to cooing, smiling, laughing, and the like, win approval Koch 1995: 136. c. Specific Motive Appeals Specific motive appeals are motive which is used to attract people. Some examples of specific motive appeals are; sex, security, approval, conformity, success, creativity. The first one is sex. Sex plays an important role in persuasion area. In advertisements and public entertainment, we usually found that sex is used to attract people. The second one is security. Everyone does some activities in order to protect something, whether it is the wealth, life, family, or etc. The third one is approval. A person might do kind of thing in order to be approved by the society or other people. Next is conformity. Conformity closely related to the approval motive is the motive to conform. Even in the most primitive societies, people have customs. Mores, and rules to which they must conform in order to live in harmony with their peers Koch 1995: 137. Then success is also the specific motive appeal. The desire to be success can be a powerful motive Koch 1995: 137. The last one is creativity. Creativity motive usually comes from the person himself. Creativity motive usually does not come out because of a person being forced by any other person. 2. Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics is different from sociology of language. It is because, while sociology is about the study of society in their relation with language, sociolinguistics is the study of language in their relation with society. According to Wardhaugh, sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication 1986: 13. Susan Ehrlich, in Alan Davies’ and Catherin Elder’s The Handbook of Applied Linguistics, added that at least in 1970s and 1980s, the correlations between linguistic variables and the aspect of social identities such as age, race, ethnicity, and sex, exist before and determinate linguistics behavior 2004: 304. The debates of gender are still happening in British society during the first two decade of the twentieth century. One of the debates of gender is the gender segregation which leads the objects of everyday life being judged to be ‘appropriate’ or ‘inappropriate’ for women and for men. Although the separation is not complete, in contemporary Britain as many other Western industrial societies, paid work, jobs, levels of job hierarchies, payment, and the prospects for training and promotion are segregated by gender Pilcher 2004: 30-65. For the example, while men have a primary responsibility as the financial provider for the household, women’s primary responsibility is as the one who should do the housework and take care of the household. Ehrlich in Davies’s and Elder’s book The Handbook of Applied Linguistics added the examples by saying that women and men involved in same-sex dyadic conversations with friends. They also concluded that it was the demands of a particular type of talk – friendly conversations with same-sex individuals – and not gender that was responsible for the emerge of this speech style 2004: 307. In the relation with sociolinguistics, the gender segregation is reflected through the use of language. It is proven by Verdonk’s statement in his book Stylistics. According to Verdonk, girls and boys talk differently even if they are from the same family. Girls and boys, even those who have been brought up in the same family, like sisters and brothers, grow up in different worlds with different behaviors and different languages Verdonk 2002: 73. It is proven that the boys do not use some words that the girls usually use and vice versa. The way parents talk to their children is also determined by the sex. Usually, girls are being told to talk and act more polite and calm, while the boys usually use more dirty or impolite words in their communication. This also happens to them when they grew up.