Setting of The Writer

16 time in her room where she can express her feelings by writing in her diary.

2.5 Setting of The Writer

Divorce is a huge wrench thrown in to mess everything up. Because of this dynamic time of a teens life and the unsettled nature of adolescene, their reaction to divorce maybe: anger, a pressing need for a stable home, and a need for clear boundaries between them and their parents. Teenagers need a secure base so they can grow up and leave, and divorce shakes that base First Family Institute of Kansas. Since everyone is free to express hisher feelings during this period of time, Conctance Briscoe takes note the moments she experiences and her feelings in her diary. She begins to write when she is still very young. She may feel angry when she tells about her past experience. She shows her dissapoinment of life through her writing. She spends most of her time in her bedroom,where she can express her feelings by writing on her diary. Young black women are targeted as the less beautiful women amongst the various types approaching in all forms, shapes, and shades. The black woman as ever is seldom signified as an object of beauty. If they are, they tend to have less African and more European features Campbell, 2010. Of course Constance Briscoe writes her experiences based on what in her minds are at that time. She writes her idea about her mother, father, sisters, and the people around her. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter consists of three parts: object of study, approach of the study, and the method used in the study. The object of the study is the book used to conduct this study. The approach contains the approach applied in this study. The method is the steps of writing this study.

A. Object of the Study

The researcher used Constance Briscoe’s novel entitled Ugly as the object of this study. It is written in 1998 and first published in 2006 in paperback in Great Britain by Hodder and Stoughton. It consists of 25 chapters and 433 pages. This novel is written based on true story. As the author of this novel, Constance Briscoe, is a black woman, she often uses her “black English”. Since this novel is based on true story, the words within the dialogues are also often used in daily conversation. Briscoe uses her own words to tell the situation and her feelings. This novel tells about Briscoe’s family. She writes her childhood’s experiences. She is tortured and humiliated by her mother. Though there are many bad situationsconditions experienced by Clare, at the end of the novel she finally achieves her ideas. She then begins her new life. In this study, the researcher tries to analyze the main character’s reactions to the violent actions conducted by her mother, which are addressed to her, in order to find the true meaning behind her reactions. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI