Scientific Approach Literature Review


A. Literature Review

1. Scientific Approach

Teaching and learning process for all grades of education as stated by Kurikulum 2013 are delivered by using scientific approach. It is a learning approach that makes the students as the main doers. According to the Regulation of Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture 2013, it has the criteria: 1 Learning materials are based on the fact or phenomenon that can be explained by logical thinking, not only as imagination, but also legend and folklore. 2 Teacher’s explanation, students’ responses, teacher- students educative interaction is not subjective 3 the learning supports and inspires the students to do critical, right, and analytical thinking in identifying, understanding, solving the problem, and applying learning material. 4 The learning supports and inspires the students to be able to think the hypothetic in observing sameness, difference, or linkage in a material. 5 The learning supports and inspires the students to be able to understand, apply, and develop rational thinking pattern and objective in responding the learning materials. 6 The learning is based on concept, theory, and empirical facts. 7 The aim of learning is formulated simple and clear, while the service system is interesting. Curriculum 2013 focuses on modern pedagogic dimension in learning, namely scientific approach. It includes observing, asking, trying, associating, serving, concluding, and creating for all subjects. Observing is very useful for students’ curiousness. By observing, the students find the fact that there is a relation between the analyzed object and 9 learning material used by the teacher. By observing pictures, the students tell what stated in indicator of a subject the Regulation of Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture, 2013. Students will not ask a question if there is no interesting media. The teacher has to be ready to inspire the students to ask a question. When a teacher gives a question, she he should facilitate the students to have a question well. When a teacher answers a question, the teacher encourages the students to be the good listeners. The teacher’s question is for getting verbal answer the Regulation of Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture; 2013. Term “associating” in learning process is to describe that teachers and students are active doers. It emphasizes that the students are more active than a teacher. Associating is a logical and systematical thinking based on empirical facts which can be observed to get a conclusion knowledge. Associating highlights to associating learning, it is an ability to relate new experience to another experience the Regulation of Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture; 2013. Trying is a skill to develop natural science using scientific methods in daily problem solving. To get authentic students’ achievement, the students have to do experiments. The concrete activities are: determining theme topic according to the curriculum, learning the procedures to use tools and materials, learning relevant theory, doing and observing in experiment, noting phenomena, analyzing, giving data, concluding the experiment, making report, and present the experiment 10 result the Regulation of Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture. The steps in scientific approach can be seen at table 1. Table 1. The Steps in Scientific Approach Fauziah, 2013:170 Learning Steps Learning Activities Observing Reading, listening, seeing, sensing, without or within media Asking Having a question after observing Associating Doing experiment, reading another source, interviewing an expert Trying Processing data, reporting and concluding result Communicating Presenting experiment result according to analyzed result in written or spoken language

2. Local Wisdom