Learning Discipline Literature Review

21 3 Locomotion, having the cognitive activities and adding individual learning experiences. This is an ability to take the activity responsibly. 4 Occupation, using the tools equipments media to help their work. This aspect is also shown by the increasing of learning process. 5 Social Relation, joining to organization or gathering with friends. This is about public relation. 6 Communication, talking with the people around himher directly or indirectly well. They can give and receive message from others. Social maturity is a person’s ability to look after his her self and participate to the society to get independence.

7. Learning Discipline

Tu’u 200 : 93 states that good students’ achievement is because of good intelligence, consistence and rigid school’s rule, self- discipline in learning, and good behavior. A good learning process is a learning process that makes the students to understand the learning material well. Discipline is really necessary to achieve the good learning process. Learning discipline will improve the skills and memories of the students because there is self awareness and motivation to study. So, the students will solve the problems well. a. Discipline has an important role in character building. According to Tu’u 200 :37 discipline is important because of these reasons: 22 1 Self discipline will support the students in their study. In the other hand, the students that like to break the rules at school will impede potency and achievement. 2 School and class will not be comfortable for learning activity if there is not good disciplinary. Discipline will support silence and class control. 3 The parents look forward the children are able to apply norms, moral values, and discipline. 4 Discipline is a way for the students to study and work successfully. b. Discipline term is also explained in Goods’s Dictionary of Education Sutisna, 1985:97 as below: 1 A direction to get achievement or effectiveness. 2 An attitude that is selective, energetic, active, and self- directed, although there are many problems. 3 An attitude controlling ourselves directly and authoritatively through gift and law. Based on those statements, the most important aspect of discipline is a strength and obedience to the rules. There is a self- awareness to do the rules to get the goals achievement. c. Wijaya and Rusyan 1994:18-19 states that discipline has the characteristics: 1 Doing the rules well, because rule is the certainty for obedience. 2 Obeying the wisdoms 23 While Gunarso 2004: 52 states that discipline is on time, responsible, and distinct. The discipline person will manage the time for doing everything, making the schedule, and selecting the activity based on priority. Learning discipline is an attitude that shows obedience to learn according to the schedule and does something in a right way.

8. Integrated Learning