Negative Vocabulary Profiles of K-1 Words Negative Vocabulary Profiles of K-2 Words Negative Vocabulary Profiles of AWL

15 list that was found by some experts. The used of NGSL is to make a clear picture about the words appeared in the textbook for the researchers and lecturers. Therefore, it is necessary for lecturers to know these words because it may contain some useful words for the students to enrich the students’ vocabulary knowledge, especially in academic words. This section is divided into four parts, which are Negative Vocabulary Profiles of K-1, K-2, AWL and block frequency of OLW .

1. Negative Vocabulary Profiles of K-1 Words

This part of analysis reveals all the headwords or word families that belong to K-1 Words, which were not found in the textbook. Below is the summary of K-1 Words Negative Vocabulary Profiles. The percentage bellow refers to number of families headwords in the text. K-1 Total word families : 964 K-1 families in input : 739 76.66 K-1 families not in input : 226 23.44 Summary above shows that as much as 76.66 of K-1 word families were found in the input text, while the rest 23.44 were missing. This comparison indicates that the book is easy to comprehend by students. Below are some headwords that cannot be found in the textbook. The complete version of Negative K-1 Words is listed in Appendix A . ACTOR APPOINT BATTLE BLOOD BRANCH ACTRESS ARMY BED BREAD BLOW ADVENTURE ARRIVE BELONG BLUE BRIGHT AFFAIR ARTICLE BENEATH BOAT BROTHER ANIMAL BALL BIRD BOY BURN

2. Negative Vocabulary Profiles of K-2 Words

16 K-2 Total word families : 986 K-2 families in input : 317 32.15 K-2 families not in input : 670 67.95 The second part of this section presents Negative Vocabulary Profiles of K-2 Word in which summary can be seen above. The total number of K-2 Words found by the experts was 986 word families. However, the result of the total input in the textbook only shows 317 headwords where the rest of 670 word families were missing. It indicates that the students need more effort to comprehend the textbook since the percentage of K-2 words is below one-two percent of the total words family. Below are some examples of Negative K-2 Words that may useful for the learner to increase their skills in reading the textbook. The complete list has been put in Appendix B. ABSENCE ABSOLUTELY ACCIDENT ACCUSE DECEIVE DEED DEER DELAY LODGING LOG LONE LOUD SCOLD SCORN SCRAPE SCRATCH

3. Negative Vocabulary Profiles of AWL

The following analysis discusses the missing words of Academic Vocabulary Profiles in the textbook. Below is the summary of AWL Negative Vocabulary Profile in input text. As much as 75.40 of word families appeared in the textbook, but the rest 24.78 of headwords are missing. It means that more than two-three percent of total headwords in AWL were appeared in the textbook. It indicates that students need more effort to comprehend the textbook since it contains many AWL words that are only appeared in academic text. 17 AWL Total word families : 569 AWL families in input : 429 75.40 AWL families not in input : 141 24.78 Here are some examples of AWL Negative Profiles. The complete version of those words can be seen in Appendix C. ABSTRACT ACADEMY ACCOMPANY ACKNOWLEDGE ADJACENT DENOTE DENY DEPRESS DETECT DEVICE INTERMEDIATE INTERVAL INVESTIGATE INVOKE JOURNAL RELEASE RELUCTANCE RESTORE RESTRAIN REVEAL

4. Block Frequency of Off-List Words OLW