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8 the students to have a monolingual dictionary in order to know how exactly a word is being used in a context. This strategy is aimed to encourage the learners to have wider vocabulary knowledge and increase the students’ interest in learning a new word in a particular sentence. Reading can help the students to increase their vocabulary knowledge, therefore the teacher needs to teach vocabulary through reading. Pikulski and Templeton 2004 stated that teaching vocabulary through reading was more effective rather than asking the students to memorize the written words list. That is because the students will automatically memorize the words while reading the textbook. As the result, the students can easily follow the discussion and automatically learn new unknown words. In short, the teacher should teach some strategies used in learning vocabulary to the students so that they can be independent learners. Reading is a good strategy to increase the students’ words knowledge because they will automatically learn new words. Besides, the teachers need to motivate the students by saying that “words are interesting and fun” so that they can easily follow the material discussion Pikulski Templeton, 2004. In reading, the students are expected to know 95 vocabulary in the textbook so that they can comprehend the textbook easily. Therefore, encouraging the students is necessary for the teacher to give them opportunity in enriching their words knowledge.

D. Previous Study

Some researchers have conducted studies about vocabulary profiler at Satya Wacana Christian University SWCU. First was a research done by Trifosa 2014 that was conducted in English Teacher Education Program by profiling a students’ textbook, which is an Integrated Course IC Book 1 and 2. This focused discussion was based on comparison between K1, K2, and AWL word. It showed that high frequency words K-1 words in IC 9 Book 1 and 2 achieve 81.46 and 83.93 . Second, K-2 words in IC Book 1 and 2 had less percentage than K-1 words, which are 7.54 and 7.12 . Third, as much as 2.1 and 1.72 came under AWL words in IC Book 1 and 2. The rest 8.94 and 7.11 came under Off-List Words . The results indicated that those books should be easy for the learners since the AWL word frequency was not very high. In addition, Ardyny 2014 conducted the same research in Satya Wacana Christian University. A textbook entitled Introduction to Language Education is the sample of the research. The instrument is called The Compleat Lexical Tutor, v.4 that can be accessed on . The finding shows three results. First, the total frequency of K-1, K-2, and AWL words achieves 80.81, which indicates that the book is understandable while the rest of the textbooks need more effort to comprehend. Second, the easiest chapter is found in Chapter 1 since it has low AWL word. Then, the hardest Chapter is located on Chapter 5, which contains low frequency of K-1 words, which is belong to the first 1000 words that mostly appeared in the textbook. Finally, she suggests that in creating a studen ts’ course book, the lectures should consider the students’ vocabulary background knowledge. The studies about vocabulary profiler have been conducted several times in some faculties at Satya Wacana Christian University. However, the same research has never been conducted yet in Faculty of Economics and Business at Satya Wacana Christian University. Therefore, the goal of this study was to analyze the vocabulary profile in students’ textbook in Management and Global Business Strategy Course at Management Program in Faculty of Economics and Business at Satya Wacana Christian University. THE STUDY A. Method of Research This study used a descriptive method in analyzing the data. According to Lambert and 10 Lambert 2012, descriptive method can be done to analyze a particular case, person, or place. They stated that the data are analyzed descriptively to answer the research question. Based on these explanations, this study described the vocabulary profiler of economic students’ textbook in Management and Global Business Strategy Course at Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Satya Wacana Christian University. The description included four categories of words, which are K-1, K-2, AWL, and Off-Lists Words OLW of students’ textbook entitled International Business: Environment and Operations Fifteenth Edition published by Pearson Education Limited 2015.

B. Sample of the Study