Kinds of Phrasal Verb

2.2.5 Kinds of Phrasal Verb

After discussing about the properties of phrasal verbs, now we will discuss the following chapter that is about kinds of phrasal verbs. According to Biber 1999:403 Phrasal verbs in English fall into one of two categories: transitive or intransitive. Transitive phrasal verbs are those that occur with a direct object. In semantic terms, the direct object is the entity or thing that is affected by the action described by the verb. Intransitive phrasal verbs are those that do not. There are two kinds of phrasal verbs, they are: 1 Separable phrasal verbs 2 Inseparable phrasal verbs Separable Phrasal Verbs

According to Wishon 1980:321 define that when phrasal verbs are transitive, they usually can be separated. The object is placed between the verb and the particle. Phrasal verbs are used in the same way as normal verbs. For examples: we put back the book verb particle noun object It can be: We put the book back or We put it back. The point to keep in mind is that when a two-word verb is followed by an object noun, we have the option of separating the verb and the adverb, but when the phrasal verb is followed by object pronoun, we must separate the verb and the adverb. More examples; Universitas Sumatera Utara a We took apart the bicycle. We took it apart. Took apart means ‘disassemble’ b He promised to help me, but then he let me down. Let someone down means ‘disappoint by failing to act as expectedpromised’ c We found out the truth. We found it out. Found out means ‘discover’. d We talked over the situation. We talked it over. Talked over means ‘discuss’. Inseparable Phrasal Verbs

Intransitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. For examples:  Come on, tell me about Nick.  Hold on What are doing there? But some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. The object is placed after the particle. Transitive Inseparable Phrasal verbs are marked by placing ‘aan’ after the preposition adverb Wishon and Burks, 1980:320. For examples:  I run into an old friend yesterday. Incorrect: I run an old friend into yesterday. Run into means ‘meet’.  We made up a story about a poor girl. Incorrect: We made a story up. Universitas Sumatera Utara Made up means ‘create’.  I came across an interesting article. Incorrect: I came an interesting article across. Came across means ‘find’. The difference of separable and inseparable phrasal verbs are, in speech, the particle separable phrasal verb usually receives more stress than the verb, but the particle of an inseparable verb does not. Another difference between the two kinds of phrasal verbs arises when a short, one syllable pronoun like me, you, him, and them is used as an object. The pronoun object is placed before a separable particle, and it is placed after an inseparable particle, for examples :”The man will call them up”. Compare with “The man call up them” incorrect. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Method In writing this thesis, the writer used library research method. As quoted from Nawawi 1993:30 “Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara menghimpun data dari berbagai literature baik di perpustakaan maupun di tempat-tempat lain.” Library research is done by collecting the data from any kinds of source in the library or any other places. All the informations were gathered from the relevant text books that are concerned with the phrasal verbs.

3.2 Data and Source Data

The source of the data is the novel My Sister’s Keeper. The novel consists of 52 chapters and 423 pages. The data are sentences that contain Phrasal Verbs taken from all the chapters.

3.3 Data Analyzing Method

In the analysis, a descriptive method is used. As quoted from Nawawi 1993: 63: “Metode deskriftif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan atau melukiskan keadaan subyek atau obyek penelitian seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat, dll pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta- fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya”. Descriptive Method is a way in solving a problem by describing the fact of subjectobject of the research as the way they are. Universitas Sumatera Utara

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