Directed attention Problem Self evaluation The learner evaluates the Planning. Directed attention. Self-management Problem Planning. Selective

The Table of the Learning Strategies Used by the Subjects Who Take Speaking Class N o Learning Strategy S1 S2 S3 1 . Metacogni- tive strategy a. Planning. The learner needs plan- ning, to handle the task.

b. Directed attention

. The learner has full con- centration during the lesson ignores irrelevant distracters ad pays atten- tion to the teacher c . Selective attention: The learner pays attention to specific aspects of long input and situational de- tails d . Self-management The learner understands the condition that help her success in learning e. Self-monitoring The learner monitors the Comprehension and per- formance of language task

f. Problem

identification The learner identifies her problem in language task

g. Self evaluation The learner evaluates the

production and her ability in listening explanation and instruction

a. Planning.

The learner needs plan- ning to handle the task.

b. Directed attention.

The learner has full con- centration during the lesson, ignores irrelevant distracters ad pays atten- tion to the teacher c. Selective attention: The learner pays atten- tion to specific aspects of long input and situ- ational details

d. Self-management

The learner understands the condition that help her success in learning e. Self-monitoring The learner monitors the comprehension and per- formance of language task.

f. Problem

Identifica- tion The learner identifying her problem in language task g. Self-evaluation The learner evaluates the production and her abil- ity in listening

a. Planning.

The learner needs planning to handle the task. b. Directed attention. The learner concen- trates in the beginning of the lesson and usu- ally looses it in the middle until it is fin- ished

c. Selective

attention: The learner pays at- tention to the pronun- ciation and vocabulary d. Self-management The learner under- stands the condition that help her success in learning

e. Self-evaluation: