Statement of Research Problem Research Objectives Benefits of the Study

xix P o oli ggo. It o sists of fou te h i ues hi h a e suita le fo guidi g the stude ts iti g activity from the control activity to the freer one. CQG“ sta ds fo Co t olled Co positio , Questio a d A s e , Guided Composition, and Sentence Combining. Those techniques have been arranged chronologically for teaching writing started from very controlled activity to the freer one and are done based on the controlled to free writing approach which means all writing the students do for which a great deal of the content and or form is supplied. In controlled tasks, for example, more is given to the students: an outline to complete, a paragraph to manipulate, a model to follow, or a passage to continue. Even though, the researcher thinks that CQG“ as a part of drilling activity was still important for practicing new patterns of language, it did not mean that he totally agreed with what behaviorists thought that to teach a perfect teaching method the errors would never be committed in the first place. According to Behaviorist Richards, 1974: 20, drilling was as a way of making students become perfect in understanding and using the language for communication, so the process of teaching and learning would be able to avoid students of making mistake in using language. In this case, it did not mean that the researcher would not give any free writing activity at all to the students. But, it would be done by the students as a final task of the process of learning writing after the had got p a ti e of CQG“ . Co side i g that the hole p o ess of teaching learning used Genre Approach as an umbrella of the strategies of teaching writing, making errors in producing the language was a part of natural way of the learner in acquiring the new language.

B. Statement of Research Problem

Based on the background of the study the problems can be formulated as: 1. Ca CQG“ i p o e stude ts iti g o pete e at the g ade VIIIC of SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo? xx 2. Ho effe ti e a e CQG“ te h i ues to improve students writing competence at the grade VIII C of SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo? 3. What a e the eak esses a d st e gths of usi g CQG“ to i p o e the stude ts iti g competence at the grade VII of SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo?

C. Research Objectives

The objectives of teaching writing at grade VIIIC SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo are to find out whether or not: 1. CQG“ te h i ues a i p o e the stude ts iti g o pete e. 2. CQG“ te h i ues a e effe ti e to i p o e the stude ts iti g o pete e 3. The e a e so e eak esses a d st e gths of usi g CQG“ i tea hi g iti g.

D. Benefits of the Study

This iti g a gi e o e o ete des iptio o the st e gth of CQG“ te h i ues, the strategy on how to apply it in the classroom, and how to score it. 1. For students It encourages the students to be motivated in expressing their ideas using English and to e o e a eful i iti g the a u atel . Mo eo e , he the stude ts a a e ess of the importance of writing text as a means of communication increases, they will be motivated to write texts more frequently and, at the same time, their mastery of vocabulary will increase automatically. 2. For Teachers This writing encourages the teachers to apply it in order to achieve the target of Curriculum of English that is the writing competency. Besides, the teachers are also more motivated to be more creative and innovative in preparing the contextual materials that are not xxi o l suita le ith CQG“ te h i ues ut also suita le ith the stude ts eed. O the ea ly state when facilitating teaching learning process, the teachers are able to encourage the students to write English without worrying to make mistakes so that the students can realize that making mistakes in writing is natural in learning process. Moreover, it makes the teacher aware of importance control writing activity that can help the students to be able to write accurately. 3. For school It motivates the school to facilitate the students to display their creativity in daily writing English through boar d e s. If the e is e ough fu d the s hool a fa ilitate the stude ts creativity in writing short article or story by publishing English school bulletin or magazine. xxii