Operational Definition Location and Subject

Reza Taufik Maulana, 2014 NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER NHT: AN ENDEAVOUR TO IMPROVE STUDE NT’S SCIENTIFIC CREATIVITY AND MASTERY CONCEPT IN LEARNING GLOBAL WARMING Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 3. For Students As an alternative solution to have discussion learning so that there will be a chance among students to be able to share their knowledge and help each other beside of expanding it. 4. For Other Researchers As the data comparison or reference for the possibility of having the similar research with different subjects or area of research.

F. Operational Definition

1. The implementation of Numbered Heads Together NHT in this research regards to the stage of NHT. Steps to be done the NHT are 1 Teacher divides students in the class into the Group into 4-5 persons, 2 Teacher gives Number to each member of the group, 3 Teacher Gives every group the problem to be solved, 4 Students put their “heads together” to solve the problem, 5 Teacher ask representative of students by calling out hisher number to present their discussion result. To assess NHT it can be seen using oral test based on students’ answers toward the questions that given previously. 2. The students’ mastery concept in this research is seen from the improvement in revised Bloom’s taxonomy using Cognitive level 2 C2 until cognitive level 4 C4, the Revised Taxonomy RT can be used as a standard to measure the cognitive domain of students’ achievement. Students’ mastery concept will be determined using pre-test and post-test using objective test. 3. Students’ Scientific Creativity is represented by improvement of unusual use of object, sensitivity to science problem, improvement of technical product, and science problem solving. Those indicators will be measured by the existence of answer for each indicator as stated in the scientific creativity test for secondary students using the scoring procedures developed by Hu and Adey 2002. 4. Students’ response in this research is seen from students’ response toward the implementation of NHT measured by the questionnaire of students’ impression. Reza Taufik Maulana, 2014 NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER NHT: AN ENDEAVOUR TO IMPROVE STUDE NT’S SCIENTIFIC CREATIVITY AND MASTERY CONCEPT IN LEARNING GLOBAL WARMING Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

G. Assumptions

Based on previous results of research there are some assumptions that is underlying this research as stated by the study of Luna 1998 as its written in Lago and Nawang, 2007 proved that cooperative learning groups learned better than the group of students whom used the traditional teaching-learning process. This proved is happening based on the situation that students were conducting discussion among the group member, which eventually lead to the result that the lesson are retained better in their memory. Casinillo 1999 cited by Lago and Nawang 2007, and in his study, “Gender and Groupings: Their Effects on Problem-Solving AchievementScores”, concluded that when students solve their problems cooperatively it will influence positively toward their achievement and attitudes. As have been stated by some findings above it can be concluded that cooperative learning can be a medium for students to apply their ability critical thinking, reasoning, problem solving and etc. by mean to help each other through interaction and discussion among students. And also it has been proved that by having cooperative learning it can increase their achievement in learning as well as their attitudes during the learning process. As to scientific creativity of secondary school students, several tests have been developed. Friedlander 1983 as cited by Hu and Addey 2002:392 developed a test in which 143 high school students responded to a plant or animal stimulus through a series of divergent thinking questions dealing with data collection, problem solving, hypothesis construction, and planning experiments. The test showed enough test-retest reliability and significant correlations with criterion measures of science ability. Reza Taufik Maulana, 2014 NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER NHT: AN ENDEAVOUR TO IMPROVE STUDE NT’S SCIENTIFIC CREATIVITY AND MASTERY CONCEPT IN LEARNING GLOBAL WARMING Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


A. Location and Subject

1. Location of Research This research is implemented in Private Junior High School in Bandung on April 2014. The school is using National Curriculum of 2006 Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikanKTSP 2. Population and Sample Population of this research is all of junior high school students‟ ability in scientific creativity and cognitive achievement. The sample of the student is one class of 7 th grader. The sampling method that is carried out is convenient sampling the sampling technique based on soliciting due to the possibility of sampling availability in the field. Hultsch, Macdonald, Hunter, Maitland, Dixon, 2002

B. Research Method and Design