Game Of Dam Daman

Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA 47 Edisi. .. Volume. .., Bulan 20.. ISSN : 2089-9033 maximize for each player, only one value needs to be checked at each position on the board. On the board in the position where it is opposed to the play, we minimize the score, so that only a minimum score can change and we just need to check against alpha. If it is our turn to play, we maximize value, and so the beta is only required [6].

2.5 Analysis Of The Problem

This game is a strategy game that can sharpen the skills and mindset of the players, the game uses a board or board to draw a game. This game is a simple game that can be played anywhere as long as there is nowhere to draw the game board. Drafts daman need 16 pieces pawns for each player. Before doing do suit the game beforehand to determine the first player. The game is said to be complete when one player has lost all of the pieces. In drafts daman if there are no rules where players get the chance to take opponents pawns but do not eat it then it will be subject to punishment, the punishment is called the dam. The dam penalty that took three pawns players were punished. 2.6 Analysis Game Of Dam Daman At the beginning of the game to determine who the first player. If it has been determined then the first player to start the game by moving one of his pawns forward, sideways or diagonally on track. Rota players declared over after the player finishes moving the pieces, in one turn a player can only move one piece only. Next turn your opponent to move the pieces. And so on each in turn move the pawns each until one opponent pawn exhausted. Figure 4. Flowchart Game Of Dam Daman

2.7 Analysis Of Algorithm

In this section will explain the game of checkers daman solving using algorithms negamax. Negamax implement tree search that opponents bad step is the step that you are good. Here is a picture of a flowchart algorithm negamax. Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA 48 Edisi. .. Volume. .., Bulan 20.. ISSN : 2089-9033 Figure 5. Flowchart Algorithm Negamax The first step of this flow is the provision of board initialization value, maxdepth, currentdepth, alpha and beta. After that negamax algorithm will check the value of board and currentdepth whether one of them is equal to the value of maxdepth, if it is equal then the search process is complete. If the value is not the same as the next step to search in the search tree. At the root position alpha value filled with an integer min to beta max filled integer, for CurrentValue filled with 0 and for bestvalue also filled with integer min. Figure 6. Tree Search Algorithm Negamax At the time of searching for the maximum value of the evaluation value of its child nodes must be negative evaluation value, because at the time of taking the value of the evaluation value will be negated in advance. Negatives of the negative value of the evaluation is the evaluation value, so when looking for maximum value will get the maximum value of the evaluation value. At the time of searching for the minimum value of the evaluation value of child nodes should be the positive value of the evaluation, because at the time of taking the value of the evaluation value will be negated in advance. Negative than positive evaluation score evaluation score is negative, then when it sought the maximum value will be obtained from the minimum value of the evaluation value.

2.8 Analysis of Non-Functional Requirements

2.8.1 Analysis Of Hardware Requirements

The hardware needed to run an application in order to support the work processes of a system. Analysis of the hardware used to know about the hardware specifications to build and deploy applications, there are two specifications that will be explained, the hardware specifications developers and hardware specifications Users. The following are the hardware specifications used in building this application, 1. Processor 2.7 GHz 2. VGA 2 GB 3. 2 GB RAM 4. Hard Drive 1 TB 5. Display Resolution 1280 x 1024 6. Keyboard and Mouse standards The following are the specifications of the users hardware or the minimum specifications to run this application, 1. Processor 1 GHZ 2. 512 MB RAM 3. Hard Drive 200 MB

2.8.2 Analysis Of Software Requirements

Analysis software is used to determine the specifications of the software to build and deploy applications, there are two specifications that will be explained, namely the specification of software developers and software specifications of the user. The following are the specifications of the software used in building this application, namely: 1. Operating System Microsoft Window 7 2. Visual Studio 2012

2.8.3 Analysis Of User Needs

In addition to the need for software and hardware, Player or the user is a very important part to implement this application. User analysis is needed to ascertain the target potential users who can use the application. In this research, application development aimed at testing the implementation of the algorithm