Methodical Characteristics of John Doe

clever, and methodical. Some of those characteristics reveal the characteristics of psychopathic behavior. The first characteristic of John Doe which reveals the psychopathic behavior is a loner for both by a choice and social rejection. Coleman and Broen‟s Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life states that one of the characteristics of psychopath is antisocial behavior which is considered as incompetent to be loyal to others, society, or moral values driving him to be rejected socially 1972: 366. John Doe has an antisocial behavior. John Doe is rejected by society because he is viewed as incapable man to show appropriate reaction to appreciate the kindness from others Cleckley, 1988: 354. This condition in result drives John Doe to be a solo for everything he does. He does not care for what people think about him or any kind of circumstance. He ignores all obligations in society Cleckley, 1988: 341. The second characteristic of John Doe which reveals the psychopathic behavior is his selfishness. As stated in Cleckley‟s The Mask of Sanity that psychopath is pathologically egocentric and unable to love 1988: 347. He puts no affection to anyone because he only matters his business. He exaggerates his selfishness into something which is difficult to be accepted by society. In addition, he has incapacity of love which brings him to have no deep feelings such as mature, wholehearted anger, consistent wrath, truthful, sorrow, maintain of pride, deep joyfulness, and despair. His egoism also shows his characteristic for having remorseless. As stated in Fredy Wijaya‟s undergraduate thesis entitled Psychopathic Personality as Seen in the Main Character of Richard Wright’s Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth that a psychopath takes no blame for what he has done no matter good or evil actions and sees others as the problem ones “typically see the world as having the problems, not him or herself” 2007: 44. He refuses to be blamed for killing innocent people as said by Mills. He corrects his murders because what he comprehends is that those people are just a bunch of sinners who are reasonable to be killed as he says “I only took their sins to logical c onclusions” Walker, 1994: 107. Psychopath cannot accept any blame for his attitudes, refuses to be guilty Lahey and Ciminero, 1980: 319, and ignores the responsibility and turns it to others; moreover he shows no shame at all for putting his life into trouble without considering any regret Cleckley, 1988: 343. According to Febrianto in his undergraduate thesis, The Character of Miss Waynflette as a Psychopath as Seen in Agatha Christie’s Murder is Easy, Miss Waynflette as a psychopath is described as remorseless person for murdering people which is caused by the distinct way of her thought seeing society and everything “…can do that again and again without any regret and afraid of being in prison” Febrianto, 2012: 46. Miss Waynflette has similar thought with John Doe for having a different way to think and no regret to kill. John Doe is difficult to learn the punishment which can make him to be scared. The punishment thing puts him to be fearless and doubtless to take the murders again and again. Doe is willing to put his own life into trouble but he never notices the consequences in the future. He just thinks in present time not in past or future. Besides his selfishness, John Doe‟s characteristic shows violent behavior as stated in Lahey and Ciminero ‟s Maladaptive Behavior: An Introduction to Abnormal Psychology that psychopath is an aggressive behavior which provokes criminal acts of violence and vandalism 1980: 318. John Doe kills his victims in exaggerated sadistic ways as the writer described in previous subchapter. The psychopath lacks insight in the way his attitudes affect others Cleckley, 1988: 350. What really matters for himself is his eagerness to get pleasure in every step he takes. He is a pleasure seeker appearing to find any thrills and excitement for his actions Lahey and Ciminero, 1980: 319. As John Doe said, “nothing wrong with a man taking pleas ure in his work. I won‟t deny my own personal desire to turn each sin against the sinner” Walker, 1994: 107, this quotation reveals his confession that he is indeed happy for doing the job killing people and considering all his work as normal as other pe ople‟s work. The psychopath also shows incredible intelligence ability Cleckley, 1988: 339. John Doe is doubtless a psychopath. He plans his murders in terrific ways which are difficult to be traced by the detectives. For each murder, he always leaves l etters written in the crime scene such as “one is GLUTTONY ” Walker, 1994: 17 written behind the refrigerator, “GREED written on the wall in blood, near a modern art painting” Walker, 1994: 30, sloth written on the wall “in excrement” Walker, 1994: 52, “LUST scratched into the red paint on the wall in big letters” Walker, 1994: 85, and “PRIDE written in lipstick on a full length mirror” Walker, 1994: 92. He designs