1. Types of Interruption

Four types of interruption, i.e. simple interruption, overlap interruption, butting-in interruption, and silent interruption appear in the movie 12 Angry Men. Those interruptions occur in different frequencies as found in the movie. Each type of interruption is explained in detailed through some examples. a. Simple Interruption This types of interruption are commonly discovered in every conversation taken by the participants. The most widely range to find this interruption is in institutional setting such as in courtroom, doctor’s office or hospital, business centre, and etc. Simple interruption is an interruption which is simultaneous speech occurs between the speakers. One speaker loses his turn because the other is handling the floor to give his idea. In 12 Angry Men, simple interruption reaches the second rank as the highest interruption after overlap interruption. This interruption is found as much as 14 data out of 39 data in the movie. Simple interruption happens because the current speaker cannot finish his utterance since the interrupter grasp his floor. An example of simple interruption found in the movie is described in datum number 2. TEN : Great. I heard pretty good story last night… EIGHT : That’s not why we are sitting here for. TEN : All right. Then you tell me what are we sitting here for? 213:42:196 – 13:44:364 The dialogue above happens after all the jury begin to enter the jury room for discussing whether the defendant stabs his father four inches into the chest or not. Then all the jury gathered to vote. There are eleven jury voting not guilty out of twelve jury. In addition, in the preliminary vote, there is one juror who votes not guilty, juror number eight. Juror number Eight votes not guilty under the reason that the child is about 18 years old. Juror number three assumes that 18 years old is old enough for someone to be punished. Some jury debate with the juror number Eight about his vote. Juror number Seven says that eleven jury think the guy is guilty. However, juror number Eight says that it is irresponsible to send a boy off to die without thinking about the case seriously. He seriously thinks to separate the fact from the fancy as the judge tells to all the jury and gives the boy amnesty if he is innocence. A silence comes out after some arguments from juror number Seven and Eight. In a couple of second forward, the Foreman asks who wants to give opinion. Juror number Nine uttered that he is willing to sit an hour for discussing the case. However, the juror number Ten prefers to tell about his last night story. Before he tells about his story and finish his utterance, juror number Eight interrupts him to show his disagreement toward juror number Ten. This interruption is categorized as simple interruption because juror number Ten cannot finish his utterance. The next example of simple interruption is explained in datum number 3. TEN : Now listen… NINE : Do you think you were born with a monopoly on the truth? 314:50:472 – 14:53:392 This second example of interruption is found in the movie as the second data in appendix. This interruption is found after juror number nine explains that the kid encounters a miserable eighteen years. He just lives with his father since his mother is dead when he is only nine years old. A couple years later, his father is sent to jail for forgery. Juror number nine thinks that this is not a happy beginning for the kid. Unfortunately, juror number Ten explains that it is hard to believe a kid from slum background. He intends to say that the kid from slum background cannot be trusted. Simple interruption is done by juror number Nine who disagrees with juror number Ten who states that “the kid cannot be trusted in every word they say”. Juror number Nine disagrees with juror numb er Ten by implying a statement “Do you think you were born with a monopoly on the truth? ” By saying this utterance, juror number Nine succeed to interrupts juror number Ten who actually wants to explain his reason why he does not believe the kid’s story. The utterance which is stated by juror number nine not only cuts juror number Ten’s utterance but also shows him that everyone cannot claim that he knows the truth. The word ‘monopoly’ in juror number Nine’s utterance, in the view point of economy, means having a control of something. In this movie, juror number Nine, actually, wants to say that no one possesses the truth. In more sarcastic meaning, juror number Nine intends to say that juror number Ten is an arrogant. Simple interruption is also found in in another example which is stated in the following dialogue. ELEVEN : Don’t you care… SEVEN : now, wait a minute. 3501:16:33 :953 – 01:16:35:00 1