An Analysis of Managing Situational Implicit to Explicit Information in Sheldon’s Morning, Noon & Night and Its Translation (A Study of Communicative Translation)



(A Study of Communicative Translation)



Bandung, July 2010

Approved by:

Acknowledged by: Head of English Department

Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum. NIP 4127.20.03.004

Advisor I

Drs. Yani, M.A.

Advisor II

Nungki Heriyati, S.S., M.A. NIP 4127.20.03.020



1.1 Background to the Study

In the process of translating a text, there are several aspects that may cause a problem because of the different form of language between source and target text. One of them is implicit information towards communication situation that may indicate missinterpretation. It involves the situational meaning which may be only known by the author and the reader of the SL text. This also happens in the process of translating English into Indonesian text. The situational implicit information in the source text has to be made explicit in the translation in order to get the correct meaning by the translator. Besides, the translator has to manage the amount of information both implicit and explicit information.

Larson stated: “...the amount of information included in the text will depend

on the amount of shared information..” (Larson, 1984: 38). According to the

statement above, the process of transferring the meaning is conducted by considering the impression of the message that must be delivered accurately in the translation as well as in the source. Hence, communicative translation can be achieved.

One of the processes of making a communicative translation is managing implicit to explicit information. The implicit meaning of the source text, however includes a whole and also partly meaning implied on some information. To make it more natural, it has to be stated by making explicit information in the target text.


A number of previous studies related to this research have been conducted by; Sari (2006), entitled “Analisis Sintaksis dan Semantis Beban Informasi Pada Beberapa Cerita Anak-anak dan Terjemahannya (Tinjauan Terhadap Terjemahan Komunikatif)”, and Rosadi (2007), entitled “Analisis Makna Implisit pada Penerjemahan Novel Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban karya J.K Rowling”.

The findings of these studies have not revealed specific aspect of management towards situational implicit to explicit information. Those studies leave several problems as follows:

 First, the previous study described that the research was generally concerned with managing implicit and explicit information. It left the analysis of managing implicit to explicit information especially on implicit situational information.

 Second, the previous study was only focused on findings the type of implicit meaning and the technique in figuring out its translation equivalent. It missed some management on the aspect of presupposition which brings to the communication.

Due to this fact, this research tries to describe the way to manage situational implicit to explicit information. This type is taken as the consideration that the factor of communication situation is important to analyze since there are different social and culture between source and target text.


1.2 Research Question

This research is intended to answer the questions as follows:

1. In what way is situational implicit information managed to explicit information in order to get the translation equivalent?

2. What are the effects of managing situational implicit to explicit information towards information loads?

On the first research question, the description is conducted through the management of situational implicit information that is made into explicit information. It is intended to find out the communication situation on the text that has the influence for the appearance translation equivalent. To obtain the readability of the target text, however, the second question is focused on how far both information deal with information load that has to be understood accurately by the reader of target text.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of the research are:

1. To describe the way to manage situational implicit information to explicit information in gaining translation equivalent;

2. To find out the effects of managing situational implicit to explicit information towards information load


1.4 Significance to Knowledge

The result of the research is intended to provide others with the description on managing implicit to explicit information. It is important since the description will share the knowledge used in managing the case. Sharing of how to deal with them and of how to employ the translation equivalent are also the significance of this research. Besides, the importance of the speed of information will be introduced towards the information load. Hopefully, those matter can bring the benefit for the reader to interpret both implicit information properly in gaining the correct meaning of the text.

1.5 Framework of the Theories

In the process of translating, the understanding towards the whole text must be mastered because there is a fundamental aspect of translating the implicit information that is expressed explicitly (Larson, 1984: 38). On a book Meaning

Based Translation – A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence, Larson also stated

that the meaning is classified into three type; Referential meaning, Organizational meaning, and Situational meaning (Larson, 1984: 36). Therefore, to limit the research problems, this research is focused on the managing situational implicit meaning.

Concerning with situational meaning above, the research was be conducted through several aspects as follows: the relationship between the writer or speaker and the addressee; time and place where the communication took place; the age, sex and social status of the speaker and hearer; the presuppositions


that each brings to the communication; and the cultural background. (See also Larson, 1984)

Since the implicit and explicit information have to be treated well, the goal of thus treatment is to deal with communicative translation. It employs to deliver the message clearly, briefly, and simply of the natural style (Newmark, 1988: 48). In other words, communicative translation can be achieved by adapting equivalent translation that reflects the readability of the text. According to that matter, the framework of theories in this research can also be described by the diagram as follows:


Figure 1.1: The Framework of Theories Managing Implicit to

Explicit Information

Implicit Situational Information


1. Relationship between the speaker and the addressee,

2. sex, age and social status between the speaker and the addressee,

3. Time and Place where communication took place,

4. Presupposition which bring to the communication,

5. Cultural background between the speaker and the addressee.

Information load Communication


The amount of new information



This research is conducted through some theories including the theories of translation and of problems in translation. Those are following description for the reviews of theories.

2.1 The Definition of Translation

When the translator is going to translate the text, he has to master the knowledge of the translation. Besides, the competency in mastering Source Language (SL) and Target Language (TL) is also important to employ. It is intended to make an translation equivalent. It is also meant to deliver the same information in the TL as well as in SL though in the different forms. According to the aspects above, there are some theories based on the viewpoint of the experts.

According to Larson (1984: 3), translation is defined as the process of delivering the meaning of SL to TL. In this process, the study of lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and the cultural context is important in determining how to translate some text in an acceptable way. In other words, the translator has to master more knowledge to make the translation appropriately.

In addition, Newmark (1988: 5) stated that translation is the process of transferring the meaning from SL to TL considering the author’s intention of the SL text. It means that the author’s intention is important because the translator has


to learn what message that the author deliver to the audience. Thus, the message is expected to be understood appropriately by the reader.

Another opinion comes from Cartford (1965: 20) which defines translation as the substitution of the textual material in SL into the equivalent textual material in TL. The textual material is defined as what text that is expected to be translated. It reflects the SL text that may not be translated entirely because there is the replacement signed by the TL equivalents.

To sum up, the three theories above argue that translation is the process of transferring the meaning. Besides, they also put the other aspects that have to be considered in this process. Those are contemplating the study of lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and the cultural context; considering the author’s intention; and studying the textual material of the text.

2.2Communicative Translation

The translator must make a communicative translation in TL. It means that its aim is to be understood properly by the reader of the TL. It can be achieved by adapting the natural style related to the form of the language of TL text. On A

Textbook of Translation, Newmark said that, “communicative translation is

social, concentrates the message and the main force of the text, tends to under-translate, to be simple, clear and brief, and is always written in a natural and a resourceful style.” (1988: 48). This statement means that the communicative translation concerns with the natural result by transferring the messages simply, clearly and briefly.


On the basis of Larson (1984: 15), communicative translation is called idiomatic translation which delivers the meaning naturally from SL text to TL text. It expects that the translation can have the same impression as well as the original text.

Summing up the two theories above, we can conclude that communicative translation or idiomatic translation is the method used to deliver the meaning accurately based on the forms of TL text. This method will give the same impression on the meaning both SL and TL as the representation of the natural style of the adaptation in the process of translating.

2.3 Problems in Translation 2.3.1 Information Load

The goal of the translator in translating the text is to gain the translation equivalent when delivering the information of SL text to TL text. Information load needs to be maintained in order to get the readability of the text by the reader. However, to obtain that aspect, translator has to consider the information load.

The information load shown in new information of the translation reflects the speed of the information that may cause some problems. The speed of information is related to the addition or reduction of the information in SL text when the SL text is translated into TL text. If the information is added, the speed will be introduced slowly. On the other hand, if the information is reduced, the speed will be introduced faster. As stated by Larson, The information load is


related to the speed at which new information is introduced, and to the amount of new information that the language normally incorporates in particular

constructions. (Larson 1924: 438). Thus, the aspect of information load in this

research is focused on managing situational implicit to explicit information that has to be handled by concerning the speed of new information (the information introduced in TL text).

2.3.2 Explicit and Implicit Information

The explicit and implicit information in the text is the information that has to be translated properly. Both information have different ways when delivering its message. Explicit information introduces the stated information while implicit information is implied information. Each of them also influences the readability of the text. Explicit Information

Translation also notices the information that can be introduced by the existence of its surface structure. It is called by explicit information. On Meaning Based Translation - A Guide to Cross Language Equivalence, Explicit information is the information which is overtly stated by the lexical items and grammatical forms. It is a part of surface structure forms (Larson, 1984: 38).

On the statement above, the information that is left explicit is the surface information shown by grammatical forms and lexical items. The information is easy to understand since it is clearly stated in the text.

(12) Implicit Information

One of the meanings that translator has to be aware is implicit meaning. It needs to be treated appropriately because it has the implied information which the reader may not know. To make it clear, it has to be stated by the translator. As the statements of Larson, The implicit information is part of the meaning which is to be communicated by the translation, because it is part of the meaning intended to

be understood by the original writer (Larson, 1984: 38).

The meaning conveying the implicit information has the implied message that is a part of a whole meaning. It has to be understood when it is communicated to the target text. This meaning is defined as the implicit meaning that is introduced entirely. There is a term that is not included entirely but the meaning still as a part of a whole meaning. Thus, it is called implicit information.

On the same book Larson also stated the implicit information as follows:

“However, it is information which the author and readers of the text have in common, or it is old information already mentioned in the text. Since it

clearly understood by both the author and the readers, it is implicit

(Larson, 1984:452).

The statement above indicates that implicit information is also introduced partly because there are the terms known only by the author and the readers of the SL text. The information is called an old information because it has already introduced in the previous text (SL text). There is a term that is not included partly but the meaning still as a part of a whole meaning. Thus, it is called partial implicit information.


The two theories above describe the implicit information that is introduced entirely and is introduced partly. Firstly, there is the implied message that is the part of the whole meaning. It is only known by the author of SL text. Secondly, the implied message refers to the old information that have already introduced in previous, so there is a part of the message which is shown partly.

A. Implicit Situational Information

In producing the translation, the translator has to know some kinds of meaning that need to manage. For instance, the translation of implicit information based on the situational meaning. It deals with several aspects related to the communication situation. If the text is introduced to someone who does not know the situation in SL, so it will be hard for the reader of TL to understand the information. Due to this fact, this information has to be made explicit in TL text.

According to Larson (1984: 37), implicit situational meaning is pointed to meaning that is made in a given communication situation. He divided it into several aspects including the relationship between the speaker and the addressee; the age, sex, and social status of the speaker and the hearer; the relationship between them; time and place where the communication took place; presupposition which brings to the communication; and the cultural background of the speaker and of the addressee.


2.3.3 Managing Implicit to Explicit Information

Implicit information of source language is made explicit for the correct meaning and then it is improved by adding information. It is called managing implicit to explicit information.

Some information for the reader of target text will be unnatural if it is translated literally without considering the context. In order to deliver the message accurately, it needs additional information (Martaya, 1989: 30). Additional information will reduce the speed of information. However, it is produced in order to get more natural result because there is some implied information that has to be stated clearly. However, a specific guideline may be useful to cover that case especially in managing implicit information of the SL text to be explicit on TL text (Larson, 1984: 455). Those are:

a) When required of the grammar of the target language;

b) When necessary for correct and clear expression of the source text


c) When needed for naturalness of style or to create some emotive effect as the

source text;

d) Only if truly implied in the source text.

Making a text to be understood by the reader is very complicated. Translator could not be left to add or to reduce some information in order to make it readable (See also Nababan, 2003: 62).


Since the managing implicit to explicit information can not be separated with the old and new information, it is important to know the differentiation both them.

Given (old) and new information in every language has the different ways to deliver. In order to perceive the natural style, the form of language have to considered properly. Larson stated that: “Old information is that which had already been introduced in the text. New information is that not previously referred to in the text” (Larson, 1984: 442). Another statement comes from O’Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Aronoff on Contemporary Linguistic who stated the definition of both information as follows:

Old (Given information) consists of the knowledge that the speaker

assumes is available to the addressee at the time of the utterance, either because it is shared by both or because it has already been introduced into the discourse. In contrast, new information involves knowledge that is introduced into the discourse for the first time” (O’Grady, 1997: 273). Based on definitions above, old information can be defined as the information that had been introduced in the previous text (source text) while the new information is introduced in the target text.

Since the research conducts the managing implicit to explicit information, the implicit of the source text deals with old information while the explicit one of target text deals with new information.

Considering to this research that will be focused on managing situational implicit situational information which is pointed to the several aspects as it has


already explained in the preceding text, those are the ways that have to be considered. The Relationship between the Speaker and the Addressee

This aspect describes that the writer or the speaker is the communicator while the addressee is the audience in the communication situation. For example, when William Smith is called Professor Smith by his student in the college, it means that the relationship between them deals with the teacher and student. In other situation, Professor Smith is called by William by his relative. According to the statements above, the relationships between the speaker and the addressee emphasized by how the addressee calls the speaker based on their relationships.

However, the factors of speaker-addressee relationship in the implicit situational information can be managed by determining the chosen vocabulary. The selection of vocabulary will be conducted concerning to whom the speaker talks about and to what situation is held (see also Larson, 1984: 133). The information above defines as the implicit information that is introduced partly because some term is reduced but still a part of a whole meaning. The Age, Sex, and Social Status of the Speaker and the Hearer and the Relationship between them

This aspect explains that the age, sex, and social status of the speaker and the hearer perform how to manage the communication situation in the different level. The relationship between the three aspects above deals with the politeness.


They agree with something that has to be covered for some appreciation when conducting communication with someone who has the different age, sex, and social status. It will make the speaker and the hearer interested in communication situation. For example, when the speaker is the boss and the hearer is the employee so the communication situation is held between two persons with different social status. Based on the example above, the employee must call his boss politely. The information above defines as the implicit information that is introduced partly because some term is reduced but still a part of a whole meaning.

To sum up, the factors of sex, age and social status might be managed by several ways. The translator can conduct the process of this management through the certain pronunciation, words, and grammar in the formal speech, informal speech, and casual speech. Formal speech may be used, for example, in the classroom, in parliament, when the elders of the village speak to the people, and in radio broadcasts. The usage of Informal speech may be in the outside of the classroom, around the fires of the village, when eating together, and in most conversations. For the casual speech, it is used, for instance, in the home and with the close friends (See also Larson, 1984: 136). Time and Place where the Communication Took Place

In this part, the case will tell about the place of communication situation which influences how to communicate some information. It can be illustrated the


time and place that influence some communication. It notices the speaker in how to communicate the information based on the certain time and place.

e.g :

SL (English version) : It comes as relief when Wood suddenly stood up and yelled, Team! Bed! (J.K.R: 343)

TL (Indonesia version) : Lega sekali ketika Wood tiba-tiba berdiri dan berteriak, “seluruh anggota tim! Tidur! (L.S: 372)

(Rosadi: 2007)

Concerning to the example above, the word bed has the implied message. It signifies the place that Team have to go to sleep. In the TL text, the word bed is replaced by tidur that is clearly introduced the time for sleep. Due to this fact, the place and time that communication took place reflects the certain place and time of the communication situation. The implied information may introduce through the indicator related to the place and time. The information bed above defines as the implicit information because this term does not show the intention to offer to sleep. The information tidur has the intention for that by considering the place-bed- , thus tidur can represent the whole meaning. The Presuppositions which Brings to the Communication

This part stated about the presuppositions which each brings to the communication. Based on Brown and Yule (1983: 29), presuppositions are what is taken by the speaker to be the common ground of the participants in the

conversation. On the base of the statement above, presupposition defines as


The phrase „common ground’ signifies the notion of assumed as stated by Stalnaker (1978: 321) on Brown and Yule, The notion of assumed „common ground’ is also involved in such a characterisation of presupposition and can be

found in this definition. Those aspects may make whether a right or a wrong

assumption of the audience since what is taken by the speaker is implied. Related to this research, the aspect brought by the speaker related to situational implicit information. Thus, it needs to be made explicitly. For example:

a. My uncle is coming home from Canada

b. My uncle isn’t coming home from Canada

c. I have an uncle

Keenan on Brown and Yule stated that “(2a) logically presupposes (2c) because

of constancy under negation” Keenan (1978:45). However, it may not need to

show the negative sentence (2b) through the consideration of relationship between (2a) and (2c). It means that because of the speaker prefer to say my uncle rather than I have an uncle and he…., we have to consider that she may not need to emphasize the information. The important thing is that there is a person coming home from Canada.

The managing of situational implicit to explicit information towards the presupposition which brings to the communication may also be conducted with the gesture that the speaker or audience signify their utterance. There is some assumption that has to be treated properly. Thus, the translator can be considered what utterance that has to be introduced explicitly in TL text.

(20) The Cultural Background of the Speaker and of the Addressee

The sixth aspect notices about the different cultural aspect, the communication that will obviously hard to do. It illustrates in the communication situation bellow:

SL (English version) : “Excellent, Harry,” Lupin Muttered, as Harry climbing out of the trunk, grinning, “Full Marks.” (J.K.R: 364)

TL (Indonesia version) : “Bagus sekali, Harry,” gumam Lupin ketika Harry memanjat turun dari dalam peti, nyengir.

sepuluh.” (L.S: 391) (Rosadi: 2007)

Due to the example above, the cultural background between SL and TL text towards the italic words were introduced differently. The phrase Full Marks that represents a perfect mark is replaced by the equivalent translation sepuluh. The message of full marks and sepuluh has the same impression. However, by making the communication as natural as the other’s culture, the adaptation will be produced accurately. Thus, the cultural background may indicate the different utterance both SL and TL. The information above defines as partial implicit information because it has a form but has the different meaning if it is translated literally. In fact, the intention has the similarity that means a perfect mark signed by a ten.

For the different cultural aspect, the translator has to be aware of the sets of beliefs, attitudes, values, and rules which they are shared in some group of people (see also Larson, 1984: 431). To manage the implicit situational information towards this aspect, the translator must understand the four sets above


both of SL text and TL text. Those are called a person’s pattern which impresses the naturalness of each culture.

2.4 Research Context

In this part, previous research on managing implicit and explicit information will be described. The description in this part will employ both managing of implicit and explicit information semantically and syntactically, and the analysis of implicit meaning on translation. Both cases are important to discuss because they have relevance with this research.

2.4.1 The Analysis of Syntactic and Semantic on Implicit and Explicit Information

In the first previous study by Sari (2006), entitled “Analisis Sintaksis dan Semantis Beban Informasi Pada Beberapa Cerita Anak-anak dan Terjemahannya (Tinjauan Terhadap Terjemahan Komunikatif)”, the research was left to analyzing information load by comparing the source and target text. The findings are: Communicative translation will be achieved by determining some information that has the high readability of text since the information load is light; another result is that the finding of the problem of old and new information, and implicit and explicit information. Based on the old and new information, the light information is gained by giving equivalent translation included in “itu”, “sang”, and “si” for the article “the”. According to pronominal, the light information is introduced by implicating the sex. Due to the problem of managing implicit and explicit information that was analyzed by passive construction, genitive


construction and abstract nouns, the equivalent translation is employed by giving these three aspects in target text. Besides, Ellipsis and substitution, the result is left to the managing of grammatical structure of target text.

2.4.2 The Analysis of Implicit Meaning on Translation

In the previous study conducted by Rosadi (2007), entitled “Analisis Makna Implisit pada Penerjemahan Novel Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban karya J.K Rowling”, was focused on finding the type of implicit information and its translation equivalence. The result are: firstly, the type of implicit information were 13 data of referential implicit, 81 data of organizational and 32 data of situational implicit; the second result is faced to the implicit information that have to be translated by several aspects as follows: implicit information of source text can be transferred to implicit information of target text without grammatical form; implicit information could be easily translated by clitic organizational implicit of target text; and the translation equivalence of source text could be introduced on demonstrative pronoun form of organizational implicit of target text.


22 3.1 Research Object

The objects of this research are situational implicit and explicit information included on the chosen data whether in the source text as the old information or in the target text (after translated) as the new information.

The source of the data are the Novel Morning, Noon & Night by Sidney Sheldon (English Version), Published by Harper Collins Publisher in 1955; and

Pagi, Siang dan Malam, translated by Hendarto Setiaji (Indonesia version),

published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2009. Both of novels are chosen as the source of the data since they have sufficient data involving situational implicit and explicit information that is representative for the topic of this research.

3.2 Research Method

The method used in the research is comparative-descriptive method. This method is intended to figure out the basic answer towards causality aspect by analyzing the factors that causes certain phenomenon (Nazir, 1988: 68).

Concerning to the definition above, the method is used to describe why some phenomenon appears. The phenomenon is shown after one is compared with the other. Afterwards, it may introduce the base of the case which the appearance of some phenomenon. In this research, situational implicit information will be found at the first through the SL text. Then, the changing of this information will


be analyzed towards TL text. After both information are compared, then, there is some phenomenon which has to be described. The focus is to find the base of why some situational implicit information has to be made explicit as the author transferred. Thus, it must consider the detail of how the phenomenon appears.

3.2.1 Data Collection

The data of the research were collected within several steps, the first, reading Sheldon’s Morning, Noon, & Night and its Translation to find out the data that includes situational implicit and explicit information. The second, identifying situational implicit information of source text (English version), then identifying explicit information in target text (Indonesian version). The last, classifying the data of situational implicit that is made to explicit information, needs to conduct. The chosen data are taken from two of source data. It is meant to make the reader easy to find out the data that have implicit and explicit information.

The collected data is documented on the table by dividing to two aspect of information as follows:

Situational Implicit Information towards the cultural background.

Implicit Information (Source Text)

Explicit Information (Target Text) His weekends were totally devoted to

the children. He barbecued for them, played with them, and help them with their homework. (MNN, 31)

Akhir pekannya dikhususkan bagi mereka. Ia memanggang hamburger dan sosis untuk mereka, mengajak mereka ke bioskop atau menonton pertandingan football, dan membantu mereka mengerjakan PR. (PSM, 46)


3.2.2 Data Analysis

The classified data were analyzed according to the situational implicit information stated by Larson ((1984: 37). Several aspects including in this information are the relationship between the writer or speaker and the addressee; the age, sex, and social status of the speaker and the hearer; the relationship between them; where the communication took place; when the communication took place; the presuppositions which brings to the communication; and the cultural background of the speaker and of the addressee. Afterwards, the analysis will also be conducted in how to define translation equivalence. Hence, the data can be concluded whether it is communicative or not.

The example of the data:

SL text (English Version) TL text (Indonesia Version) Stanford put down the receiver. He

stood there a moment, smiling, then dialed a number in Boston. (MNN, 29)

Stanford menggantungkan gagang telepon. Sejenak ia berdiri sambil tersenyum. Kemudian menghubungi sebuah nomor di Boston. (PSM, 42)


Forms Shared Meaning

SL Text

“the receiver” 1. Treasurer 2. A person appointed to hold in a trust

and administer property under litigation.

TL Text


In the first data, the phrase the receiver does not show the correlation with the phone. Regarding with the situation of the text, this phrase is expressed to illustrate Harry Stanford who usually keeps in touch with his relation to make sure that his money is secured in the bank.

In the second data, the phrase gagang telepon is explicit either in the form or in the meaning. Gagang telepon is used to represent that this phrase has a correlation with a phone because the presupposition in the text indicates that Harry Stanford makes a phone call in the telephone booth, with his relation in a bank.

Based on the comparison above, the phrase gagang telepon has the specific meaning related to the part of telephone. However, in this situation, the translator used gagang telepon because itmay not cause the wrong assumption of TL text’s reader. Gagang telepon in TL text is commonly used to represent the handle of the phone either in a public or private. On the basis of the data above, the term the receiver is categorized as partial implicit and the situational meaning is classified as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the presupposition which brings to the communication.

There is the same function between the receiver and gagang telepon which represent some part of the telephone. However, the phrase the receiver is unknown concept for TL text. So the translator used gagang telepon as the translation equivalent. According to this case, the speed of information in TL text is still maintained to be introduced as well as in SL text. In accordance with the


description above, communicative translation can be achieved easily as well as the situation in the text.



This chapter describes the result of the research. The research will be focused on the situational implicit information. This information is classified into several categories, such as the relationship between the speaker and the addressee; the social status of the speaker and the addressee (the writer focus on this aspect since there is no representative data for the aspect of the age and sex between the speaker and the addressee); time and place where the communication took place; the presuppositions which brings to the communication; and the cultural background of the speaker and of the addressee. After the data is being classified, it will be analyzed by Larson’s Theories.

4.1 The Relationship between the Speaker and the Addressee Data 1a

Fitzgerald looked into the faces of the children of Harry Stanford. „As a matter of fact, he said, „each of you will share equally in the estate.’ (MNN, 142)

Data 1b

Fitzgerald menatap ketiga anak Stanford. “Sebenarnya,” ia berkata, “Anda masing-masing memperoleh bagian yang sama dari warisan almarhum.” (PSM, 171)



Forms Meaning

SL Text “you

1. The one or ones being addressed 2. Used as the pronoun of the second

person singular. TL Text


Addressing someone in speech as a neutral form and has no close relation.

In the data 1a, pronoun you has the meaning the one or ones being addressed. Pronoun you does not show familiarity and unfamiliarity. According to the situation on the text, it is used by Fitzgerald to address Harry Stanford’s children that have never met before. Fitzgerald is a lawyer of Harry Stanford’s children as his works to dispense a legacy from their father.

In the data 1b, pronoun anda is explicit either in the form or in the meaning especially related to the relationship. Pronoun Anda is used to represent that there is unfamiliarity between Fitzgerald as the lawyer with Harry Stanford's children as the client. Due to this fact, it is more specific in TL text since the information is shown with the specific relationship.

On one side, pronoun you is implicit because it does not show the unfamiliarity between Fitzgerald and Harry Stanford’s children. On the other side, In TL text, there are two pronouns used to address someone, anda and kamu. The first is used to address unfamiliar while the second is used to address familiar person. However, in this situation, the writer used anda rather than kamu because

Anda is commonly used in formal situation and show the unfamiliarity. In this


relationship of work. On the basis of the data above, the term you is categorized as partial implicit and the situational meaning is classified as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the relationship between the writer or speaker and the addressee. Since there is the additional information about the closeness of relationship, the information in TL text is slowly introduced. According to the fact above, communicative translation can be achieved easily as well as the situation in the text.

Data 2a

Harry’s father thought he was crazy, and he turn down the idea. But Harry didn’t intend to let anything get in his way. He decided he had to get rid of the old man. (MNN: 47)

Data 2b

Ayah Harry menampik gagasan itu sebagai ide gila dan menolaknya mentah-mentah. Tapi Harry tidak menyerah.Dia memutuskan sudah saatnya ayahnya disingkirkan. (PSM:63)


Forms Meaning

SL Text

the old man

1. Man: male

2. Old: advanced age TL Text

“ayahnya” 1. A man who has begotten a child. 2. One related to another in a way suggesting that of father to child.

In the data 2a, the old man is defined as a male with advance age. The phrase does not introduce familiarity or unfamiliarity. However, concerning with the situation on the text, there is a situation which shows bad relationship between father and son. As introduced in the text, Harry wants to kill his father. Due to that


fact, in this situation, the translator used the old man rather than father. However,

the old man is explicit in a value of relationship but implicit in parenting.

In the data 2b, ayahnya is used by the translator to show explicitly the relationship between Harry Stanford and his father. Culturally in Indonesia, parents is highly evaluated. Thus, ayahnya is explicit in parenting but implicit in a value of relationship.

The phrase the old man shows the implicit information about the value of relationship between the speaker and the addressee. On the other hand, the word

ayahnya (his father) shows the parenting between Harry and his father explicitly.

Thus, the term the old man is categorized as partial implicit.

Concerning to that fact, the amount of information in TL text is the same as in SL text because the speed of information is maintained. Thus, communicative translation can be reached easily from the context since the adaptation is employed within the natural style as well as the cultural context of the reader.

4.2 The Social Status of the Speaker and the Addressee Data 3a

„Wait a minute’. Stanford was studying the crew. He frowned. „The man on the end. He’s new, isn’t he?”. „Yes, sir. Our Cabin Boy got sick in Capri and we took on this one. He’s highly_’. “Get rid of him”, Stanford ordered. (MNN, P.17)

Data 3b

“Tunggu dulu”. Stanford mengamati awak kapal. Ia mengerutkan kening. “Orang di ujung sana. Dia orang baru bukan?”. Ya sir, salah satu pelayan jatuh sakit di Capri, orang baru ini sangat…. ”Pecat dia”. Stanford memerintahkan. (PSM,P.28)


Forms Meaning SL Text

Get rid of him

Throwing away someone. TL Text

“Pecat dia”

Firing someone.

In the data 3a, the form of phrase Get rid of him is expressed that there is different social status between Harry who is a boss and his new cabin boy. Concerning to the previous text of SL, Harry has no respect to the new cabin boy. He offers Captain Vaccaro to fire him. The meaning get rid of him may mean to throw away him to the sea. Thus, since the meaning may leave an ambiguity, this information is implicit in order.

In the data 3b, the form pecat dia shows that Harry Stanford can fire his employee whenever he wants. It is more explicit since there is the certain order and the situation give the meaning to a firing someone. Regarding to the explanation above, this information is more natural and specific.

The situational meaning in this situation is categorized as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the social status of the speaker and the addressee. The information load on SL text is still maintained because the speed of information in TL text is the same as in SL text. Pecat represents Get rid of In SL text. In this case, the speed of information may slow down. Dia represents him in SL text. In this case, the speed of information is still maintained. Therefore, communicative translation can be achieved appropriately.

4.3 Time and Place where the Communication Took Place Data 4a


„My dear girl, no self respecting model walks around without a portfolio. It’s your bible. It’s what your prospective clients are going to look at.’ Roxanne sighed again. „I want you to get two head shots – one smiling and one serious. Turn around.’ (MNN: 81)

Data 4b

“Sayang, kau takkan memperoleh pekerjaan tanpa portfolio. Itu nyawanya. Itu yang akan dinilai oleh calon-calon klienmu.” Roxanne kembali menarik napas. “Kita perlu dua foto close-up wajahmu – satu tersenyum, satu serius. Coba berputar.”(PSM:10)


Forms Meaning

SL Text

two head shots

1. Shooting head twice

2. Photographic exposure twice TL Text

“dua foto close-up wajahmu”

Two close-up photos of face

In the data 4a, the messages of the phrase two head shots is understood because of the situation; the place is in the office of the agency. However, this phrase have several meanings whether shooting head twice caused by the weapon and capturing a head twice by the camera. There is no specific meaning that appropriate for TL. However, in the previous text of SL there is the notice describing the conversation between Kendall – who wants to be a model – and Roxanne Marinack – person who has responsibility in recruiting the models, in his office. Roxanne wants Kendall’s photograph to make sure whether she can be a model or not. Then, he captures Kendall’s face twice. In this phrase, there is implicit information which is pronoun. There is no pronoun representing Kendall.

In the data 4b, the form dua foto close-up wajahmu has the specific meaning involving capturing the face by the camera twice. The word dua


represents two in SL text, the phrase foto close-up represents shots in SL text while wajah represents head in SL text. However, there is a clitic –mu that is not introduced in SL text. Based on the situation, clitic –mu on dua foto close-up

wajahmu can represent Kendall who will be photographed. Thus, this phrase is

explicit in TL text.

According to the description above, there is the influence of the place and time on some occasion to the Roxanne expression on two head shots. The place is the office of Roxanne (Paramount Models) where Kendall comes to propose herself to be a model. The occasion is when Kendall has to follow photo session because at the previous she cannot submit her portfolio to Roxanne. If the place in the jungle and at that time there was someone who shots the tiger’s head, the phrase two head shots means a real shooting by a weapons in a head of a tiger. It is not appropriate with the situation in the text. Thus, the translator makes the translation equivalent related to the situation in the text, on dua foto close-up

wajahmu. Concerning to those situations, the situational meaning in this context is

categorized as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the place and time where the communication took place. Since there is additional information –mu in TL text, the speed of information is delivered slowly. Yet, communicative translation can be achieved properly because the natural form is introduced in TL. Data 5a

„is something wrong?’ „No my dear. Everything is fine. You said you liked to travel. Well, we’re going to take a little trip. She was wide awake now. „at this hour?’ „Yes. We must be very quite.’ (MNN, 11)

Data 5b

“Ada yang tidak beres?” “Tenang saja, Sayang. Semuanya baik-baik saja. Tadi kau bilang kau suka bepergian. Nah, kita sudah mau berangkat.” Sophia membelalakkan mata. “Pagi-pagi buta begini?” “Ya.


Dan kita tidak boleh ribut.” (PSM, 21)


Forms Shared Meaning

SL Text

“at this hour?” Asking for the intention of something in some time.

TL Text

“Pagi-pagi buta begini?”

Asking for the intention of something in the morning.

In the data 5a, the form “at this hour?” is explicit but the meaning of this form is implicit because there is some information that is not illustrated explicitly. Based on this situation, the phrase “at this hour?” does not show the exact time. Regarding to that matter, this information is categorized as partial implicit.

In the data 5b, the phrase Pagi-pagi buta begini? is introduced explicitly. This information states the exact time on the word pagi-pagi (Morning). Based on the explanation above, this information is more natural.

Based on the situation in SL text, Harry Stanford awakes Sophia after midnight. She was surprise then she expresses this situation with the question “at this hour?”. If it is expressed at noon, it will be impossible if Sophia become wonder because at that time she was having the other activity. In TL text, “ pagi-pagi buta begini” (after midnight) is used based on the situation then, its meaning will have correlation with previous text. Due to this comparison, the situational meaning is classified as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the time and place where communication took place. The amount of information in


TL text is added by the word pagi-pagi buta. Thus, the information in TL text is introduced slowly.

Underlining the fact above, the translation equivalent is conducted. Thus, communicative translation can be gained easily since the natural form has been attached properly.

Data 6a

He was passing the door to his father’s office when he heard Rosemary’s voice. „I’m leaving.’ And then his father’s voice, „I won’t let you leave. You’ve got to be reasonable, Rosemary! This is the only way that you and I can… „I won’t listen to you. And I’m keeping the baby!’ Then Rosemary had disappeared. (MNN: 65)

Data 6b

Ia sedang lewat di depan pintu ruang kerja ayahnya ketika ia mendengar suara Rosemary. “Aku akan pergi.” Dan kemudian suara ayahnya, “aku takkan membiarkanmu pergi. Jangan keras kepala, Rosemary! Ini satu-satunya cara kau dan aku…” “Aku tak mau menurutimu. Dan aku akan mempertahankan bayi ini!” Setelah itu Rosemary menghilang. (PSM: 83)


Forms Meaning

SL Text

“You’ve got to be reasonable” Someone who are being in accordance with reason. TL Text

Jangan keras kepala”

Do not be headstrong.

In the data 6a, the form You’ve got to be reasonable is explicit. Yet, if it is translated literally, the meaning will be implicit in TL text because it will not


appropriate with the situation. In fact, underlining the previous text, the utterance You’ve got to be reasonable is expressed by Stanford to his daughter – Rosemary – because of her decision to leave him. Since her father does not agree with her decision, he assumes that his daughter is headstrong. In accordance with the information above, the information is categorized as partial implicit.

In the data 6b, the information on Jangan keras kepala is explicit whether in a form or in meaning. It tends to someone expression to other for his decision. It relates to the illustration on the previous text. Then, it is more natural in TL text as the translation equivalent.

If the phrase You’ve got to be reasonable is expressed in the class when a student argues with his teacher, the meaning from this information tends to make some argumentation. Since the situation in SL text shows the anger of Stanford to his daughter, so this phrase is expressed to show the headstrong of his daughter. The phrase keras kepala represents the phrase to be reasonable. Due to that fact, the amount of information in TL text is added by keras kepala which make the information in TL text is introduced slowly. Based on those situations, the situational meaning in this context is categorized as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the place and time where the communication took place. However, communicative translation can be obtained properly since there is natural form in TL.

4.4 The Presuppositions Which Brings to the Communication Data 7a


Captain Vacarro studied him, puzzled. One moment Harry Stanford was in a terrible hurry, and the next moment he seemed to have all the time in the world. (MNN, 22) Data 7b

Kapten Vacarro menatapnya dengan heran. Di satu detik Harry Stanford tampak terburu-buru, tapi detik berikutnya dia bersikap seakan-akan mempunyai waktu tak terbatas. (PSM,34)


Forms Meaning

SL Text

“studied” 1. Carefully considered or prepared. 2. Knowledgable and learned. 3. Produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation.

TL Text

“menatapnya” 1. to. To conform one’s action or practice

2. To watch carefully especially with attention to details or behavior for the purpose of arriving at judgment.

3.To come to realize or know especially through consideration of noted facts.

In the data 7a, the information in the phrase studied him is explicit, yet the meaning of this form is implicit. The meaning of studied tends to someone who is trying to learn something. In the previous text of SL, Captain Vacarro – ship’s captain and his boss - Harry Stanford – is having a small talk. At that time, he offered Stanford to have lunch. Stanford refuses his offer since he still wants to have sightseeing in Portofino. In this situation, Captain Vacarro asks to himself why his boss wants to stay in Portofino for a long time whereas there is his enemy following him. Based on this situation, the reaction of Captain Vacarro is illustrated by word studied reflecting him in learning why his boss does not want to go. He looks at his boss surprisely. Regarding to the phrase studied him, there


may be some presupposition. If it is noticed from the form, this phrase tends to be defined as learning everything about Stanford. Thus, the information above is categorized as partial implicit.

In the data 7b, the word menatapnya is more explicit. This information reflects that Vacarro tends to observe Stanford for the reaction of why he still wants to stay in Portofino. This word represents the illustration that has been described in the previous text.

Underlining the comparison above, if studied is translated literary in TL text as to learn something as well as in the class, there will be the wrong assumption of TL text’s reader. In order to reduce first presupposition of TL’s reader that tends to the wrong meaning, the term studied him is translated into

menatapnya which represents looking at someone with full attention. This term is

more specific illustrating Captain Vacarro who wonder to his boss. Due to this fact, the situational meaning is classified as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the presupposition that brings to the communication. The information load of studied him in SL text will be difficult to understand if it is translated into learning someone that has no specific intention for what this process is conducted. The word menatap represents studied involving the presupposition. In this case, the speed of information is slow down. –mu represents him in SL text involving clitic. In this case, the speed of information is fast. Based on that case, the information load is still the same. Then, communicative translation can be achieved easily since the natural adaptation has been attached properly.


4.5 The Cultural Background of the Speaker and of the Addressee Data 8a

Stanford and Sophia had lunch at the beach of Liscia in Vacca. Stanford ordered for them. „We’ll start with

malloreddus.’ Flakes of dough made

of hard-grainwheat. „Then the

porceddu.’ Little suckling pig,

cooked with myrtle and bay leaves. (MNN, 27)

Data 8b

Stanford dan Sophia makan siang di Liscia di Vacca. Stanford memesan untuk mereka berdua. “Kita mulai dengan malloraddus.” Keping -kepingan adonan tepung yang terbuat dari gandum. “Lalu porceddu.” Babi kecil yang dimasak dengan aneka

rempah-rempah. (PSM,40)


Forms Meaning

SL Text

“myrtle and bay leaves” 1. A. (Myrtle) A common evergreen busy shrub (Myrtus communis of the

family myrtaceae, the myrtle family), of

southern Europe with oval to lance-scaped shyni leaves, fragrant white or rosy flowers, and black beries. B. Any of the chiefly tropical shrub of trees comprising the myrtle family.

2. (Bay leaves) : The dried leaf of European laurel used in cooking.

TL Text

aneka rempah-rempah”

1. Any of various aromatic vegetables products used to season or flavor foods. 2. A small portion, quantity or


In the data 8a, the form of phrase myrtle and bay leaves is explicit but if it is introduced in the TL text without considering the culture in SL text, it will be implicit in concept for the reader of TL text. The phrase tends to the meaning of a common evergreen busy shrub (Myrtus communis of the family myrtaceae, the


myrtle family), of southern Europe with oval to lance-scaped shyni leaves, fragrant white or rosy flowers, and black beries. As the previous text describes before, Stanford tries to give the information to Sophia about the food they ordered. The term of myrtle and bay leaves is commonly used in Europe to season some foods but the term does not work in the other place which has the different terms. According to those illustrations, the information tends to partial implicit since though there is the existence of the term myrtle and bay leaves but their function still is unknown by the reader of TL text.

In the data 8b, the translator uses aneka rempah-rempah for the translation equivalent because it is more explicit in concept for the reader of TL text. The concept in TL text is more emphasized to season the food. In TL text, the adaptation for aneka rempah-rempah is applied because this term reflects the situation when Harry Stanford have a dinner with Sophia.

Concerning two those data, there are the cultural change. In Europe (SL text), myrtle and bay leaves is more suitable to represent a spice of food. However, in Indonesia (TL text), it is aneka rempah-rempah as its term. The same function causes the speed of information is still maintained. Thus, the amount of information in TL text is the same as in SL text. The situational meaning is classified as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the cultural background of the speaker and of the addressee. Concerning to the fact above, the translation is communicative for because the translator made it based on the concept in Indonesia.


Data 9a

From the back of the plane come a low growl. „Easy, Prince. That’s a good boy. Let’s get this seat belt around you.’ (MNN, 25)

Data 9b

Tiba-tiba terdngar suara menggeram dari arah kabin. “Tenang, Prince. Ayo, anjing manis. Kau juga harus pakai sabuk pengaman.” (PSM, 39)


Forms Meaning

SL Text

a good boy”

Good : of a favourable character or tendency; virtuous, right, commendable.

Boy : a male servant; a male child from birth to adulthood; one native to a given place.

A good boy: a favourable character of a male servant; of a male child from birth to adulthood; or of one native to a given place. TL Text

anjing manis”

Anjing : dog; a highly variable domestic mammal (cannis familiaries)

Manis : nice; kind Anjing manis:

In the data 9a, the form of phrase a good boy is explicit. However, concerning to its meaning, this phrase is implicit because the meaning is ambiguous. The word boy in a good boy is not meant an immature male or a servant. In fact, a good boy tends to the meaning of a good dog. Regarding to the previous text in SL, a good boy refers to Prince - a pure white German shepherd –


which belong to Harry Stanford. Therefore, situation gives the meaning to a good dog. On the basis of those facts, the information is categorized as partial implicit.

In the data 9b, anjing manis is explicit information. It is because its meaning obviously describes a good dog which is very obedient to his caretaker. There is the set of values in TL text through this term. Anjing manis is transferred into TL text since the information is equivalent with description about Prince.

Concerning two both data, there is the different set of values between SL text and TL text. In SL text, a good boy may refer to a good dog. In TL text, anjing manis is more natural since it is directly refer to a good dog. Due to the different sets of values, the situational meaning through this context is classified as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the cultural background of the speaker and of the addressee. The information of a good boy in SL text is still maintained in TL text because it needs some additional information about the animal named dog.

Underlining the explanation above, communicative translation can be received easily in TL text. It is because the information of anjing manis is more proper with the sets of rules in TL text used to called a good dog.

Data 10a It was a perfect day. The sun had


horizon and rivers of silver light ran through the streets. (MNN: 9)

Data 10b

Cuaca hari itu sangat menyenangkan. Matahari membasuh awan-awan merah jambu di cakrawala dengan cahayanya, dan membanjiri jalan-jalan dengan sinar keperakan. (PSM, 18)


Forms Meaning

SL Text

“horizon and rivers” Horizon : the apparent junction of earth and sky; the geological deposit of a particular time usually identified by distinctive fossils. Rivers : a natural stream of water of usually considerable volume; something resembling a river. TL Text

“cakrawala” Cakrawala rotation of heavenly bodies. : firmament, heavens, sky;

In the data 10a, the form of horizon and rivers is explicit illustrating the apparent junction of earth and sky and a natural stream of water. However, this term is uncommon in TL text because there is the term that commonly used in TL text. If this term related to the several meaning on the table above, there will be ambiguous. In fact, according to the previous text in SL, the term horizon and

rivers is used by Stanford for his astonishment to the beautiful sky. He talks about

the perfect day when he walks together with Sophia having sightseeing. Regarding to those facts, the term horizon and rivers is categorized as partial implicit because it is uncommon used in TL text.


In the data 10b, cakrawala is explicit in TL text. This term is commonly used to express a sky. The meaning directly represents a sky or a firmament which related to the illustration in the previous text. Thus, cakrawala is translation equivalent for horizon and rivers because it is more natural in TL text.

Based on the analysis of both data, there is the different set of belief between SL text and TL text. In one side, horizon and rivers may represent two different things. On the other side, cakrawala is more appropriate since the situation the meaning to a sky. Comparing those different sets of belief, the situational meaning through this context is categorized as the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the cultural background of the speaker and of the addressee. The amount of information in TL text is added by cakrawala, so this information is slowly introduced in TL text.

Concerning to the description above, communicative translation can be gained easily in TL text. It is dealt with the term cakrawala that is more acceptable with the sets of belief in TL text representing the sky.




5.1 Conclusions

According to the data analysis in the previous chapter, this chapter consisted of conclusions and suggestions described in the clarification as follows:

1. Situational Implicit information in SL text is made explicit in TL text for the appropriate meaning related to the context in the previous text. It is intended to get the equal impression of both SL text and TL text. Thus, it is expected that the text can be readable for the reader especially of TL text.

2. Implicit information can be divided into partial implicit and implicit. Partial implicit introduces the form but there is the implied meaning included that is a part of the whole meaning. In contrast, implicit does not introduce its form but still as a part of the whole meaning.

3. The translation equivalent for the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the relationship between the speaker and the addressee of SL text can be introduced explicitly by the specific relationship. The implied meaning or form tends to the expression representing whether a good relation or bad relation depending on the context in the previous text. Besides, there are close relationship or formal relationship.

4. The translation equivalent for the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of social status of the speaker and the addressee of SL can be shown


explicitly in TL text by adding the information of social status. As shown as in the findings and discussion, the implied meaning show to whom the words deliver to what social status.

5. The translation equivalent for the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of place and time where the communication took place of SL can be described explicitly in TL text related to the time and place causing some expression on the communication. As introduced as in the findings and discussion, for instance, the expression two head shots representsthe time when someone’s picture will be captured and the place is in photo studio. The translation equivalent will be dua foto close-up di wajahmu (two close-up photos of your face.

6. The translation equivalent for the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of presupposition which brings to the communication of SL text can be shown explicitly in TL text by changing the form which appropriate with the context. As described as in the findings and discussion, for example, the form studied him can be changed explicitly into menatapnya.

If studied him is translated literally, the presupposition may be to learn

him. In fact, based on the context, it is properly translated into menatapnya (look at him).

7. The translation equivalent for the implicit situational meaning through the aspect of the cultural background in SL text can be introduced explicitly by the terms commonly used in TL text. As shown as in the findings and discussion, for example, the form myrtle and bay leaves can be


transformed explicitly into aneka rempah-rempah which has the similar meaning as in SL text. The form in SL text is not appropriate with TL text culture.

8. The information load on implicit information tends to slowly deliver because there is additional information that has to be added to make the information explicit.

9. The process of managing implicit to explicit information will cause the communicative translation since it gives the same impression and appropriate meaning.

5.1 Suggestions

According to the findings of the research in the previous text, the writer will give several suggestions related to the topic, as follows:

1. Some implicit information does not only translated literally, but also has to be conducted according to the context, Therefore, the translator has to comprehend the whole meaning of the context.

2. Since there are several aspects impressing the situation communication on the implicit information, the translator has to master those aspects in order to get the appropriate meaning. Besides, the translator has to know the different culture of SL text and TL text.

3. The translator has to know when he translates the implicit information into explicit information.


4. The translating skill is not only represented by reading many theories, but also by practicing every time. Thus, for the students who are interested in translating, they have to master how to translate any types of information involving implicit information.

5. For those who are interested in researching this topic, the writer expects that they can know the describes the other data related to this topic 6. In this research, especially on the aspect of sex, age and social status

between the speaker and the hearer, the researcher only focused on the analysis of social status between the speaker and the hearer. The next researchers can analyze the rest involving the aspect of sex and age between the speaker and the hearer.





CONTENTS vii-viii





1.1Background to the Study 1

1.2Research Questions 3

1.3Objectives 3

1.4Significance to Knowledge 4

1.5Framework of the Theories 4


2.1 The Definition of Translation 7

2.2 Communicative Translation 8

2.3 Problems in Translation 9

2.3.1 Information Load 9



2.3.3 Managing Implicit to Explicit Information 13 The Relationship between The Speaker and The Addressee 15 The Age, Sex, and Social Status of The Speaker and

The Hearer and The Relationship between Them 15 Time and Place where The Communication Took Place 16 The Presuppositions which Brings to

The Communication 17 The Cultural Background of The Speaker and

of The Addressee 18

2.4 Research Context 20

2.4.1 The Analysis of Syntactic and Semantic on Implicit and

Explicit Information 20

2.4.2 The Analysis of Implicit Meaning on Translation 20


3.1 Research Object 22

3.2 Research Method 22

3.2.1 Data Collection 23



Addressee 27

4.2 The Social Status of the Speaker and the Hearer 30 4.3 Time and Place where the Communication Took Place 32 4.4 The Presuppositions which Brings to the Communication 37 4.5 The Cultural Background of the Speaker and of the Addressee 39


5.1 Conclusions 45

5.2 Suggestions 47






Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements of Sarjana Sastra Degree





Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Identity

1. Name : Muchamad Ramdani

2. Place and Date of Birth : Bandung, 11 June 1986 3. Student Number : 63706010

4. Major : English Department

5. Sex : Male

6. Nationality : Indonesia 7. Religion : Islam

8. Phone Number : (022) 76484969 9. Mobile Number : 085659363221

10.Address : Jl. Sayati Hilir No. 103 RT 05 RW 15 Margahayu Bandung 40228

11.E-mail :

12.Weight : 65 kg

13.Height : 170 cm

14.Marital Status : Single 15.Parents

1. Father : Cahya Koswara Occupation : Employee

Address : Jl. Sayati Hilir No. 103 RT 05 RW 15 Margahayu Bandung 40228


Mother : Leni Gustinar

Occupation : Civil Servant (PNS)

Address : Jl. Sayati Hilir No. 103 RT 05 RW 15 Margahayu Bandung 40228

B. Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1991 – 1992 TK Marhamah Hasanah Margahayu Bandung 2 1992 – 1998 SDN Angkasa XII Margahayu Bandung 3 1998 – 2001 SLTP Negeri 2 Margahayu Bandung 4 2001 – 2004 SMK Negeri 7 Bandung

5 2006 – Now Student of UNIKOM Bandung

C. Informal Education

No Year Institution

1 1999 Victory English School Margahayu Bandung 2 2003 Self Motivation Training

3 2007 Workshop on copywriting 4 2007 - 2008 English Major Organization 5 2008 Leadership Training

6 2009 Copywriting Seminar and Workshop


8 2010 Copywriting Seminar

9 2010 National Technology Information Seminar 10 2010 Translating and Interpreting Workshop

D. Experiences

No Year Organization

1 1998-1999

Commander of the unit of PKS SLTPN 2 Margahayu Bandung

2 2002

Head of Students Internal Organization (OSIS) SMKN 7 Bandung

3 2004-2005

Laboratory Assistant at PT. Paragon Indonesia Bandung

4 2005-2006

Account Executive at Bandung Plus Magazine Bandung

5 2006-2007 Member of HIMA SAIS UNIKOM Bandung 6 2007-2008 Head of HIMA SAIS UNIKOM Bandung

7 2008

Instructor of English Course for children at LPIA Bandung

Bandung, August 2010



1. 1st Appendices : The whole data taken from the novel 2. 2nd Appendices : Classified Data



Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 1996. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Karisma Publishing Group. 2006. Webster’s English Thesaurus. Batam: Karisma Publishing Group .



xi 2. TL : Target Language

3. MNN : Morning, Noon & Night 4. PSM : Pagi, Siang, dan Malam













(A Study of Communicative Translation)



1. Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum. 2. Drs. Yani, M.A.

3. M. Rayhan Bustam, S.S.

BANDUNG, AUGUST 7th, 2010 Acknowledged by:

Advisor I

Drs. Yani, M.A.

Advisor II

Nungki Heriyati, S.S., M.A. NIP 4127.20.03.020


8 2010 Copywriting Seminar

9 2010 National Technology Information Seminar 10 2010 Translating and Interpreting Workshop

D. Experiences

No Year Organization

1 1998-1999

Commander of the unit of PKS SLTPN 2 Margahayu Bandung

2 2002

Head of Students Internal Organization (OSIS) SMKN 7 Bandung

3 2004-2005

Laboratory Assistant at PT. Paragon Indonesia Bandung

4 2005-2006

Account Executive at Bandung Plus Magazine Bandung

5 2006-2007 Member of HIMA SAIS UNIKOM Bandung 6 2007-2008 Head of HIMA SAIS UNIKOM Bandung

7 2008

Instructor of English Course for children at LPIA Bandung

Bandung, August 2010




1. 1st Appendices : The whole data taken from the novel 2. 2nd Appendices : Classified Data




Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 1996. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Karisma Publishing Group. 2006. Webster’s English Thesaurus. Batam: Karisma Publishing Group .







1. SL : Source Language 2. TL : Target Language

3. MNN : Morning, Noon & Night 4. PSM : Pagi, Siang, dan Malam













(A Study of Communicative Translation)



1. Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum. 2. Drs. Yani, M.A.

3. M. Rayhan Bustam, S.S.

BANDUNG, AUGUST 7th, 2010 Acknowledged by:

Advisor I

Drs. Yani, M.A.

Advisor II

Nungki Heriyati, S.S., M.A. NIP 4127.20.03.020