Research Design The Process Of Love Portrayed In Cecelia Ahern’s Novel Love, Rosie


3.1 Research Design

According to Nawawi 1992, “Metode adalah cara yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah .‖ Method is the way to solve the problem. So, the writer uses library research by qualitative description in writing this analysis. Bodgan and Blinken 2007:4 state qualitative research is descriptive and data collected in the form of word or picture rather than number. This method attempts to understand and interpret the meaning of an event interaction of human behavior in certain situation according to the writer‘s perspective. Qualitative research is subjective, open, contextual and rational. Besides the descriptive qualitative method, the library research method is also applied to support the validity of the data. Nawawi 1993:30 says “Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara menghimpun data dari berbagai literature baik dari perpustakaan maupun tempat- tempat lain.” Library research is done by collecting data from books in the library or any other places. All the information about this analysis is also collected from internet, dictionary, and any other sources. The source data of this research is the novel Love,Rosie written by Cecelia Ahern. This novel was published in 2004 that consist of 434 pages. The data of this research is words, sentence, which indicate love through the main characters. After collecting the necessary data, the data are interpreted and analyzed by applying qualitative methods approach. By doing so, the final step is to make 24 the conclusion and suggestions obtained from the study as a result. ‗Research Design‘ is a depiction of the structure of the planning and execution of this study in order to facilitate researcher to undertake a study in accordance with the correct sequence. The writer makes the chart to help the readers in understanding the research method in accordance with the correct sequence. And here is the chart that has been arranged below : QUALITATIVE METHODE ANALYZING DATA NOVEL: Love, Rosie DATA COLLECTING: SUPPORTING THEORY: Novel Books Internet Socio Lit. Postmodernism SELECT AND INTERPRET- THE DATA CONCLUSION THE WRITER 25

3.2. Data Collection