



Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Sarjana Degree (S-1) of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.


Moh. Fatkhul Amri

Reg Number : A03212054










Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree (S-1) of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Moh. Fatkhul Amri Reg. Number: A03212054










Amri, Moh. Fatkhul. 2016. Intimate Style Used by Rosie in Love Rosie (2014) Movie. English Department, Faculty of Adab Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. A Dzoul Milal M.Pd.

This thesis presents Intimate Style Used by Rosie in Love Rosie (2014) Movie. It analyzes the verbal intimate utterances used by Rosie in the movie. This study has three research problems. The objectives are to know the verbal intimate styles used by Rosie, to know the purposes of intimate style use and to reveal the factors influence Rosie uses intimate style.

The writer uses descriptive qualitative approach to capture verbal intimate style characteristics. The data of this research is in form of movie transcript. The writer uses Martin Joos’ (1976) and Holmes’ (1992) theory to analyze the data and to interpret the language use factors.

As the result, it finds Jargon, Close friend relationship, Extraction, Family relationship, and Addressee characteristics where Close friend relationship characteristic is the most frequent style used by Rosie. The purpose of Rosie’s intimate style is to indicate an intimacy to the interlocutor whereas the intimate style use is frequently factorized by social context. In short, the writer hopes this thesis has contributions for readers.



Amri, Moh. Fatkhul. 2016. Intimate Style Used by Rosie in Love Rosie (2014) Movie. English Department, Faculty of Adab Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. A Dzoul Milal M.Pd.

Tesis ini menyajikan Ragam Akrab yang digunakan oleh Rosie di film Love Rosie (2014). Tesis ini menganalisis ujaran-ujaran verbal bersifat akrab yang diucapkan oleh Rosie dalam film. Penelitian ini memiliki tiga masalah penelitian. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui ragam-ragam akrab verbal yang digunakan oleh Rosie, untuk mengetahui tujuan penggunaan ragam akrab dan untuk mengungkapkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Rosie dalam menggunakan ragam akrab.

penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif untuk menangkap karakteristik ragam akrab verbal. Data dari penelitian ini berbentuk bentuk transkrip film. Penulis menggunakan teori Martin Joos '(1976) dan teori Holmes' (1992) untuk menganalisis data dan menafsirkan faktor-faktor penggunaan bahasa.

Sebagai hasilnya, tesis ini menemukan karakteristik Jargon, Relasi teman dekat, Ekstraksi, Relasi keluarga, dan Panggilan, dimana Relasi teman dekat karakteristik adalah gaya yang paling sering digunakan oleh Rosie. Tujuan dari Ragam Akrab Rosie adalah untuk menunjukkan keintiman dengan teman bicara sedangkan penggunaan ragam akrab sering dipengaruhi oleh konteks sosial. Singkatnya, penulis berharap skripsi ini memiliki kontribusi bagi para pembaca.



Table of Contents

Inside Cover ... i

Inside Title ... ii

Declaration ... iii

Thesis Advisor’s Approval ... iv

Thesis Examiner’s Approval ... v

Motto ... vi

Dedication ... vii

Acknowledgment ... viii

List of Table ... ix

Table of Contents ... x

Abstract ... xii

Abstrak ... xiii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study ... 1

1.2Statement of the Problem ... 9

1.3Objectives of the Study ... 10

1.4Significance of the Study ... 10

1.5Scope and Limitation ... 11

1.6Definition of Key Terms ... 11

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1Linguistic Variation 2.1.1 Sociolinguistics Variable ...13

2.1.2 Language Change... 14

2.2Factors Influencing Variation 2.2.1 The Logical Problem ... 14

2.2.2 The Vernacular Language ... 14

2.2.3 Grammar Influence ... 15

2.3 Social Factors and Social Dimension 2.3.1 Social Factors ... 17



2.3.2 Social Dimension ... 20

2.4 Language Variety ... 20

2.5 Language Style 2.5.1 Frozen Style ... 21

2.5.2 Formal Style ... 22

2.5.3 Consultative Style ... 22

2.5.4 Casual Style ... 22

2.5.5 Intimate Style ... 23

CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY 3.1Research Approach ... 26

3.2Technique of Data Collection ... 27

3.2.1 Source of Data... 27

3.2.2 Instrument ... 27

3.2.3 Procedure of Analysis ... 28

3.3Tehcnique of Data Analysis ... 30


4.1.1 Types of Verbal Intimate Style Used by Rosie In Love Rosie Movie ... 32

4.1.2 The Purpose of Rosie in Using Intimate Style At Communicating ... 56

4.1.3 Factors Influence Rosie Uses Intimate Style At communicating ... 58

4.2 Discussion 60 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1Conclusion ... 63

5.2Suggestion ... 64





This chapter explains the reason why the writer takes this research. It consists of background of the study, research problems, research purposes, significance of the research, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of Study

Language distinction is very unique to discuss. The geographical, the theme you are talking about, and socialization that are mostly influence the distinction of the language use itself. In any community the distinguishable varieties, which are available to be used in different social contexts, form a kind of repertoire available options, the members of each community have their distinctive linguistic repertoire, (Holmes 1922: 10-11).

The language distinction also has been mentioned in Al Quran surah Ar rum:22 “And of His signs is the creation of heavens and earth, and the diversity

of your tongues and colours. No doubt,in it are signs for those who hear.”

(English Translation From Kanzul Iman).

Human lives in the different socialization and place. This factor can cause the language distinction which is frequently happen in modern era. The language distinction always happens in every next period with unknown end because language will always go through a change in anytime. This distinction



of language becomes a variation of life for human. So it is a must as human to learn the language distinction in the socialization and kinds of factors that cause it. So the language style is one of the important way to know purpose of

speakers’ uttarences. Therefore this phenomena causes the researcher wants to do research around language style.

Five Language Styles analysis has frequently been conducted by some researchers in the previous studies. One of the five language styles is often used is intimate style. I have enclosed some previous studies which relate with intimate style. The first previous research was written by Marley in 2012 with the title Attrachment Style and Relationship Satisfaction in Intimate Relationship of Adult Children of Alcoholics. This study examined attachment styles and levels of relationship satisfaction of adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) and adult children of non-alcoholics (ACONAs) in current intimate relationship.

The second, Lynn Lehrner, Amy in 2011 with the title A mixed-Method Analysis of Woman’s Intimate Violance. This study aims to elicidate the

relevance of gender in woman’s intimate partner violence based on the

individual attachment and personality and social context. However, this study was lack of the fundamental issues of problem definition. So the researcher suggests to the future researchers to develope the update fundamental issues because it can make easier for the future researchers.



The third, Intimate Style studies which was written in Korea. The researcher is Mi Yung Park in 2010 with the title Social Functions of the Intimate Speech Style: The Case of the Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) Classroom. The finding of this research shows how teachers use the intimate style as indexes the speaker’s inner thought and solidarity.

Intimate Styles are mostly used in a relationship or connection between people. Meanwhile, the intimate style can occur between human and animal also. As Anton Batliner, in 2008 with the title Mothers, Adults, Children, Pets-Towards the acoustic of Intimacy. Here, the researcher provides the intimate style, how the way human in addressing human (Mothers, Adults, Children) and animal (Pets). Many people often has various way for addressing. One of several ways is using an addressing through intimate style.

As the researcher, Julie Tennille in 2013 with the title Addressing the Intimacy Interests of People with Mental Health Conditions: Acknowledging Consumer Desires, Provider Discomforts, and System Denial. This study discussed that the intimate style can influence the mental health condition through addressing.

There are other researchers that have done the similiar thing. Wright (2007) revealed that those who had intimate relationships, often with different short-term partners, did not imagine the relationships leading to cohabitation or marriage. Other studies further underscore that only a small minority of



persons with mental illnesses find and maintain longer term committed relationships (Perry & Wright : 2006).

The intimate style can also be used to attract the people’s attention through a speech. For example, Graham Moore delivered the beautiful speech after adorably thanking Oprah for his win. The same thing has been performed by Gill Kaufman (2008) on the stage. He read a speech with intimate style in the way he delivered a message. This way was used by Gill to attract or persuade the audience about his speech.

There is another researcher who uses intimate style for analyzing an attitude. In 2005, Jane Robertson, Kristein wrote a research with the title Intimate Partner Violence: Gender Symmetry and The Victim Perpetrator Overlap. This study examined the attitudes towards Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), communication mangement, and conflict management techniques.

The users of language always have a distinction word or language to deliver a message. It is factorized by the distinction of geography, cultur, and others. These kinds of distinction can be called as Language variety. Language variety is defined as differences in pronunciation, word choice, and grammar due to the influences of such external factors as geographical areas and social groups (Wardhaugh in Hasyim, 2008:79). Language variety, based on the user, is divided into standard language, dialect, idiolect, jargon, and vernacular; based on language use, language variety is sub-classified into style and register.



As one type of language variety is style, which refers to the choice of certain linguistic forms that have the same meaning, has an important role in communication. In communication, a speaker uses different styles in order not to bother the situation of speaking and not to offend the hearer. In choosing a certain style, the speaker needs to adjust to the situation when the communication happens.

So language style is the choice among the other alternatives in using language (Ducrot and Todorov :1993). In order that, Trudgill (1974 : 103) states language style refers to conveying the same information using different expressions, and it is related to different variations of language used in different situations and needs.

Language style, according to Joos (1967), is classified into five types based on the degree of formality, they are: frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate styles. Study of Language Style also has been done by Yogatama’s in 2006 with the title Language Style in Riri Riza’s movie Gie. Yogatama (2006) carried out his research on the language styles of the Indonesian film Gie, which was directed by Riri Riza.

The finding of the research is that there are four typesof language style (formal, consultative, casual, and intimate styles), six language functions (directive, expressive, informative, imaginative, phatic, and poetic functions), and four domains(family, friendship, education, and employment domains).



The other reserach, in 2006 by Lubis, Ayu Septiani investigated a research with the title The Intimate Style in The Pursuit of Happyness movie. The research finding focused to Intimate Style which happened in the way of adressing the couple. This film is based on true story about on-and-off-homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker . The Pursuit of Happyness was released by Columbia Pictures in 2006. From the research, We have known the styles of language are parts of language variation that are used for specific purpose.

One of the researchers who took a movie as research object is also conducted by Sulistiyawati, Eva. 2014. A Study of Speech Style Used by Main Character In FreedomWriter. The researcher focuses the main character only is the main source of data. The finding of this research is that the researcher finds a casual style is the most dominant style used by the main character.

This had made the researcher wonder as to what types of language styles were used in the film. Therefore the reasearcher chose a film as the object of research. The movie title is Love Rosie (2014), which is directed by Juliette Towhidi. Love Rosie movie are mainly casted by Rosie and Alex. They are best friend since they were children but undergo the hard situation “Love” in their lifetime relationship.

Love Rosie Movie is one of women’s fiction tale with the romance adult genre which was adoted from a novel. In the novel, Love Rosie is more known with the tittle ‘Where The Rainboow End’ in 2004 that was written by Cecelia



Ahernin, Dublin, Ireland (1981). This Movie adaptation of novel finds little genre modification. The movie becomes an upcoming British-Canadian romantic comedy film directed by Christian Ditter and written by Juliette Towhidi. The film stars Lily Collins, Sam Claflin, Tamsin Egerton, Suki Waterhouse, Jaime Winstone and Art Parkinson.

Love Rosie is a favored film to be analyzed because this film tale is very appropriate with young people in recently years. The film which is liable to show a love story between Alex and Rosie, views the love drama on young people relationship.

In whole, this film has entertaining characters and is perfect for any viewer for a bittersweet love story. It also has challenging particularly moment that sometimes you have to take a few risks to get what you want in life and that no matter what happens it is always possible that one day you will achieve your dreams. Those are kinds of the researcher’s deliberation to go with this object to be analyzed.

Rosie is the female actor who acts the very rounded tale in this film. The interesting role of Rosie rises as learning how to be a mother when she falls pregnant from a one-night-stand as a teen and facing the many difficulties that life throws her way.from these, Rosie who has a reckless character, makes the researcher curious to reveal her acting role in the film. The researcher is interested in knowing her speech style through her communication and acting role.



Revealing Rosie language style through her communication and acting role is very interesting thing to do. Recalling the language style is a study which frequently relates with social context. As we learn the language style, it is difficult to separate with the society. Therefore it can be a broad study for students to learn. Language style becomes an interesting study because this study is being busy thinking on communication that is always undergone by every people.

The language style theory is proposed by Martin Joss (1976) who divided the language style into five. He identified the styles in five classes such as frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. So this theory can be an appropriate way to be applied in this research. From this theory, the researcher can understand the kinds of characteristic of each styles.

The characteristics of intimate style are the use of private codes, the use of words signalling intimate relation, the use of rapid and slurred pronunciation, the use of verbal communication and the use of non-standard forms.

In order that, there are some labels of intimate styles in English: dear, darling, honey, and even mom, dad, buddy or other nicknames (Lubis : 2009). These are usually used to address the name of person which is supposed to as special person or a close person.These labels are also frequently used to show intimates style in particular relationship context.



The characteristics above make the researcher easy to classify the intimate style utterances. This theory also can make the researcher knows what kind of language styles are used by Rosie in communication and what factors that make Rosie use its style.

From the simplifying above, it is going to be very broad thing to reveal every single style used in the film. Therefore the researcher decided to focus on the intimate style use through utterances that are used by Rosie as the main character of Love Rosie movie.

This research fills the research gap by existing the Intimate Style which happens in a friendzone, not in a couple zone that has been discussed in previous studies. The researcher would also analyze factors that make Rosie used certain language styles in Rosie’s utterances.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

From the review of previous studies above, the research problems raised in this study are:

1. What are the verbal intimate styles which are used by Rosie, the main character, to her best friend?

2. What are the purposes of Rosie’s utterances?

3. What factors that influenced Rosie to use verbal intimate styles in her utterances?



1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the research problems above, this research is intended to achieve three objectives, namely:

1. To explain the verbal intimate styles used by Rosie, the main character, in his utterances.

2. To explain the purpose of Rosie’s utterances.

3. To describe the factors that influence Rosie’s use of certain language


1.4 Significance of the Study

In this thesis the researcher expects to achieve some practically significances for the readers as follow: The reader can enrich or add knowledge about the five language styles, especially which are found in the movie. Practically, this analysis can be advantageous and useful to the readers, especially to the students of English Department who are interested in Sociolinguistics and its aspects. In addition, the reader also will know the factors that make the speaker uses five types of language style.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

Recalling how broad the language style discussion is, the researcher limits the discussion on the ‘Verbal Intimate Style’ only. In this analysis, the writer uses Language Style theory, which is part of Sociolinguistic study, by



Martin Joos (1967) which discusses the five language styles, encompassing: Frozen style (Oratorical style), Formal style (Deliberative style), Consultative style, Casual style, Intimate style.

The scope of this analysis deals with the verbal intimate uttarances which are found in Love Rosie movie. The writer only focuses on the verbal intimate style that is used by the main character, Rosie. All characteristics are used by Rosie that indicates an intimacy are prioritized also. The duration of Movie is about 1 hour 42 minutes. The movie is downloaded from

1.6 Definition of Key Term

Language is a particular media means of communication used by human or society (Wardaugh: 1977)

Style is process of making expression of thought that is conducted in written or orally (Holmes: 1992)

Language style is the choice among the other alternatives in using language (Ducrot and Todorov :1993)

Intimate style is an informal style and verbal or non verbal communication to show the close relationship between interlocutors (Joss: 1976)



Love Rosie Movie is a movie which was published in 2014, written by Juliette Towhidi which tells the best friend relationship between Alex and Rosie (Cecilia:2005)

Rosie (Lily Collins) is a female actor who is also as the main character of this film (Cecilia: 2005).





This chapter is intended to convey the underlying theories of the study and some earlier researchers which correlate to the study. The underlying theories consist of Linguistic Variation, Factors Influencing Variation, Social Factors and Social Dimensions, Language Variety, Language Style.

2.1 Linguistic Variation

Many variable things that can support the distinction of language style. One of the factors is acquired from the scope of linguistic itself such as some of the linguistic elements, it is phonology, sociolinguistic and another elements.

2.1.1 Sociolinguistic Variable

Lesley Milroy (1980) referred to the bits of language that are associated with sex, area and age subgroups in an extremely complicated way.

She defined a sociolinguistic variable as “a linguistics element (phonological

usually in practice) which co varies not only with other linguistic elements, but also with a number of extra linguistic independent social variables such as social class, age , sex, ethnic group or contextual style.



2.1.2 Language Change

Studies of sociolinguistic variation have also been proven important in explaining the language change (Labov, 1984). So this statement is an evident that all living languages undergo a change. The change may also come from the young people who frequently make the innovative forms of language than elder people.

2.2 Factors Influencing Variation

There some factors that influence a variation of language. It can caused of social context or linguistics aspects. Somehow, many experts has their own arguments about the factors of language variation.

2.2.1 The Logical Problem of Language Variation

According to Bell’s (1984) claim that stylistic variation “echoes” or

“reflects” status variation by adding the notion that status variation reflects variation determined by linguistics factors. In order that, Bell’s also says since persons of different social status groups use different linguistic features (and/or the same features in different proportions), speakers make use of those differences in their stylistics variation.

Bell would also approve of Kroch’s (1978) claim that upper status groups shun natural linguistics processes in their desire to avoid the practices

of the non elite and make their own practices more “costly”. However, Bell’s



frequent the interaction among interlocutors, the more similiar their varieties. So this phenomenon cause the social status group can also influence the variation of language.

As we can see from the table below about the illustration of the strenght of factors influencing variation (preston 1991).

2.2.2 The Vernacular Language

A place where the speaker lives is one of the big influence of language variation. It is especially vernacular, the language use for the first learned in a each district. Labov (1972) claims, the first learned, most deeply embedded speech variety and is, therefore the most consistent or regular. The basic registers of vernacular are clearly familiar or interpersonal ones. So all cases of more focused attention will correlate with less vernacular (and therefore more superficially embedded, less embedded, less well learned) features. In short, all non-vernacular language behavior draws on les well entrenched rules and is more likely to follow the clarity mandate, requiring greater attention.







The vernacular is the variety which encompasses those registers which demand the least attention to speech, for they are guided by the ease maxim (which entails economy of form) and are

the very forms most deeply embedded in speaker’s life history of

language acquisition and use. However, for Finegan and Biber claim the differential access seems to predict a relatively complete acquisition of non vernacular features by higher status speakers. In the contrary, Labov believes that all members of the speech community are less proficient in their non vernaculars.

2.2.3 Grammar influence

Grammar is an important element of linguistics to create the relevancy of communication process. The differential grammar can cause the variation of language also. More recently, Guy (1991) has shown that a consistent, single grammar may shows considerable variation within the framework of a specific theory (not entailing the positioning of a separate grammar).

In short, Guy shows that the frequencies of t/d deletion may be mathematically related to the level of derivational history within the framework of lexical phonology. Within constraints systems of variation studies, there are also indications that speakers may have different grammas, not variants of the same one.



2.3 Social Factors and Social Dimensions

The way one speaks does not only reflect his/her identity aspects such as age, gender, and social background but also reflects the contexts in which a person is talking to. The way a person talks in school, at home, and in the market reflects the formality and informality of those contexts and the social roles he/she takes in. In other words, different occasions and purposes require different style of language.

2.3.1 Social Factors

Language cannot be separated with society. A condition of society has an impact to the language change. There are many aspects in society that make the variation of language use. As Holmes (1992:12) stated that language used is designed by some relevant factors suited to the context, and they can be grouped as follow:

1. The participant: Who is speaking and who are speaking to?

2. The setting and social context of the interaction: Where they are


3. The topic: What is being talked about?



As stated by Holmes (1992:1), the way people talk is influenced by the social context in which they are talking. It involves who can hear us and where we are talking, as well as how we are feeling toward our interlocutor. Social factors such as participants, topic, and setting; and social dimensions such as distance, status, and

formality can affect people’s style of language.

people can discuss about politic with their friends or teacher in the campus instead of in the market with butcher. People use different style in different contexts therefore and the reasons why language you will use. The most of it, people use more forms, formal code, to those they do not know very well.

Another social factor that plays a very important role besides participants is setting, Holmes (1992:30). Setting here refers to time and place. Holmes(1992:30) stated that setting is related with influence the way people select an appropriate code or variety. In church, at the formal ceremony the appropriate variety will be different from the variety that is used in the church porch. The style used by the teachers in a formal lecture will differ from the style used by them to the students outside class.

The third social factor that plays an important role is topic, what is being talked or discusses about (Holmes :1992)This factor is related with the relationship and the interaction among participants.



In the most of the cases, it has already been proved that it is very crucial for it can influence the language choice of the speakers and the interlocutor.

The last factor that plays important role is influencing the way people talk is the aim or purpose of the interaction (Holmes :1992). What is the purpose of people talking to one another? The

speaker’s situation and the hearer’s response are closely related, thanks to the circumstance that every person learns to act indifferently as a speaker or as a hearer (Bloomfield : 1933).

In order to give a scientifically accurate definition of meaning for every form of language, one should have a prior

knowledge of everything in the speaker’s world. Language serves a

range of functions, however in all communities the basic functions of referential and affective (or social) meaning have proved to be useful dimensions of analysis (Holmes : 1992).

A participant uses language either to give information or to ask information. Participant uses it to express indignation and

annoyance, as well as admiration and respect. Often one’s simply

utterance will simultaneously convey both information and express



2.3.2 Social Dimension

Beside the social factors as discussed earlier in this chapter, the others factor that may influence the human speaks in using different speech style is social dimension. A group of people or certain community often has special measurement to socialize in society. This condition may impact with the way the people use the language also. It can create the amount of social dimension that behave with variation of language.

2.4 Language Variety

Based on the use, there are two kinds of language variety that is, style and register. Style is the kind of language variety in which the speaker selects certain linguistic forms rather than others that contain the same information (Holmes : 1992). In an office, for example, a bank teller will say “Silakan tunggu sebentar!” ‘wait for a moment, please!’ (formal) to the customer. In

opposition, he/ she will say “Tunggu dulu!” ‘wait’! (informal) to the office boy.

According to Holmes (1992:246), Register is an “occupational

style”, meaning that it is the language of a particular group of people or the language used in a specific situation. E.g. A teacher says, “Oke students,

now, we are discussing Simple Present Tense. Simple Present Tense is used

to express general truth and to express a habitual action”, while a news anchor says, “Welcome to the world news! The head of the International



Monetary Fund said the world economic will not recover unless the Economic Banking System is restructured”.

2.5 Language Style

As mentioned earlier, one of the two kinds of language variety based on the use is style. Language style is the choice among the other alternatives in using language (Ducrot and Todorov : 1993). Language style refers to conveying the same information using different expressions, and it is related to different variations of language used in different situations and needs (Trudgill : 1974).

Language style according to Joos (1967) is classified into five types based on the degree of formality. They are frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate styles.

2.5.1. Frozen style

Frozen or oratorical style is the most formal style. It is usually used in situation that is very formal and has symbolic value, such as in formal ceremonies and court, constitutions, and state documents. The characteristics of frozen style are the use of maintained and unchanged sentence structures, the use of long and careful sentence constructions, the use of exaggerated intonation, and also almost no responses between the speaker and hearer.



2.5.2. Formal style

According to Richards et al. (1985:109), formal or deliberative style is defined as the type of language style that is used in situations in which the speakers are very careful about pronunciation, choice of words, and sentence structure. It is usually used in important or serious situations, such as in scholar and technical reports, classrooms, formal speeches, and sermons. Formal style has three characteristics, namely having a single topic, using a sentence structure that shows less intimacy between the speaker and hearer, and using standard forms.

2.5.3. Consultative style

Consultative style or business style is usually used in a semi-formal situation. It is used in transaction, information exchange, and operational process. Consultative style is used in such conversations as seller-buyer conversation, doctor-patient conversation, teaching and learning process, and small group discussion.

2.5.4. Casual style

Casual style is defined as a style used in an informal and a relaxed situation. Casual style is used, for example, between friends or between family members. Casual style has four characteristics, namely the use of nickname when addressing one another, the use of slang, and the use of non-standard forms.



2.5.5. Intimate style

Intimate style is the most casual style at communicating. It is usually used between family members, couples or lovers and intimate among friends. According to Martin Joss (1976: 155), Intimate style is an intimate utterance avoids giving the addressee information outside of the speaker’s skin. Intimate style is completely private language used within family and very close friends. Normally, the intimate style is used in pair. It excludes public information and shows a very close relationship.

The characteristics of intimate style are the use of private codes, the use of words signalling intimate relation, the use of rapid and slurred pronunciation, the use of verbal communication and the use of non-standard forms. In order that, There are some labels of intimate styles in English: dear, darling, honey, and even mom, dad, buddy or other nicknames (Lubis : 2009). These are usually used to address the name of person which is supposed to as special person or a close person.These labels are also frequently used to show intimates style in particular relationship context.

As Martin Joss (1976 : 155) states, There are two systematic features of intimate style. The first is extraction, the speaker extracts a minimum pattern from some conceivable casual sentence for example the utterance “eng”, it is empty word; there is no dictionary meaning but serve as a code label for intimate style. The speaker intends to reduce the sentence become



minimum pattern to show an intimateness. Intimate style needs no slang and no background information. The message cannot be recreated because there is no message to recreate. It means that, the thought is communicated and the addressee extracts the full meaning from it.

In Joss’ book (1967) with the title The Five Clock confirms that intimate style is characterized with an incomplete language, shorts expression and unclear articulation. It happens because there is a well comprehension between a speaker and a hearer (interlocutor).

The second style is jargon. Jargon is technical vocabulary associated with special activity or group. Jargon is used to show the secret language between the same profession people. In the other word, jargon must not be understood by other people, for example health professionals use medical jargon such as HTLV III (Human T-cell Leukimia Virus III). This term is usually used in certain profession.

Jargon is often used in private condition where only the speaker and the interlocutor probably know the point. For example: “Time?”(joos : 1976). According to Haryanto (2001 : 106) states intimate style has a characteristic that its common use of personal language codes, and it is only for certain group. The utterances are usually simple and representative what a speaker means. In this case, intonation is more important than wording or grammar.



For example:

a. Tea’s cold means cold

b. Jesus Chris..! means Oh my God c. Damn hot means hot.

From some theories explanation above describes many various characteristics of intimate style. The characteristics of intimate style can be conclude happen in some ways. Such as intimate style happens in close friend relationship (intimacy among friends), family relationship, extraction (incomplete sentence or expression), addressee (certain labels for lovely one or close person) and Jargon (private codes).




This chapter explains the method which is used in this research. This chapter consist of research design use, research instrument, data and data source, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research design

In this study, the researcher will use the qualitative descriptive as the research data approach because the research analyzes the data in the form of words descriptively. Therefore the qualitative is the appropriate method to completing this research because the writer did not use the numeric or statistic form in data analysis.

The qualitative desciptive may be suitable to this research for analyzing and transcribing all uttarances of the data. Qualitative is concerned with structures and patterns and how something is (Litoseliti : 2010). Qualitative approach is the theory that is derived from textual data so it can be relevant to analyze the transcript of ‘Love Rosie’ in the form of text. Furthermore, this approach can help the researcher to reveal the research problems with the supporting theories.



3.2Technique of Data Collection

This chapter presents the instrument of the research, source of the data, and the procedure of collecting the data.

3.2.1 Research instrument

A research instrument is the facilities or tools are used by the researcher for collecting the data to accomplish the research objective. In this rsearch, the writer use the human as the instrument of research. He (the writer) himself becomes the instrument of research because the writer is the central instrument or facilities who is actively at collecting and analyzing the data with the own work. The writer did not use another human as the source of information through quissionaries or inquiries. It relates with Felik’s (2009) argumant that you as a researcher are the main instrument of collecting the data and of recognition (106).

3.2.2 Data source

The data of this research is in the form of text (uttarances, words, sentences, or expression) which contain of verbal intimate style that is produced by Rosie, as the main character of Love Rosie Movie, who will intensively show te intimate style to the interlocutors when she converses. The data of this research is the script of Love Rosie Movie.



The Love Rosie Movie was downloaded from The movie was published on 17 October 2014, Philadelphia, United States. The running time duration of the movie is 102 minutes. The movie was written by Juliette Towhidi.

The data source is devided into two categories: Primary data and Secondary data. The writer only put the primary data as the main source of this research. The primary data is the script of the movie itself because the writer did not use another data but the script of the movie as the secondary data.

The script of Love Rosie Movie was taken by the researcher itself through a media player (KMP Player) application. The researcher played the Love Rosie Movie through KMP media player. Then, the researcher transcribed the subtitle of the movie when the movie started until finished. The subtitle was saved and printed in the form of transcription paper. The transcription of Love Rosie Movie becomes the data to analyze the the verbal intimate style with some certain procedures follow.

3.2.3 Procedure of Data Collection

Since the researcher had procured the transcript of Love Rosie Movie, he then collected the data. The researcher only commulated



Intimate Style data in the form of uttarances and expressions that is used by Rosie to be analyzed.

In collecting the data, the the researcher will use several steps as follows. The first step, the researcher watched the Love Rosie Movie that was played through KMP media player within English subtitle. The researcher played the movie several times to learn more depth about Rosie characteristic.

The second, the researcher started trancribing the English subtitle of Love Rosie Movie. The researcher transcribed through KMP application option (subtitle explore or edit). The process of transcribing have to been started from the early minutes until the end. Transcribing process may not skip movie run because it can cause the data lost. Then the researcher saved and printed into transcription paper. The data had already been in hard copy form. It can ease the researcher in collecting the data.

After the data had been collected, the researcher read and comprehended several times the transcription of Love Rosie Movie to know how many intimate styles characteristic are used by Rosie.

The third, the researcher detected the intimate style which is used by Rosie. The researcher used highlighter pencil to mark the intimate style characteristics. Next, the researcher thickened the pencil track with highlighter pen to ensure the result.



The fourth, the researcher gave coding the characteristics of intimate style to differentiate the types of it. Then the researcher classified the types by giving P code to describe the pages and bracket code (…) to describe the number of the data. The following codes, the researcher gives the A (addressee) code, E (extraction) code for incomplete expressions or sentences, FR (family relationship) code for relax and informal language between family relationship, CF (close friend) code for private conversation intimately between best friend or very close friend and J (jargon) code for the secret language that may be can be understood by certain people. The way of coding aims to ease the researcher in collecting the data systematically and effectively.

3.3 Technique of Data Analysis

After the researcher had collected and obtained the characteristic of verbal intimate styles data, he classified the types of verbal intimate style. Then he tried to analyze the types of verbal intimate styles used by Rosie to answer the research problem number one. The researcher was absolutely supported by Martin Joss (1976) theory to conduct the analysis. By using that theory, the researcher applied it to analyze the data through phrase by phrase or words.

Since the researcher had finished problem number one, then he tried to interpret the purpose why Rosie uses the utterances. In analyzing this case,



the researcher considered the vitality or necessity of Rosie when she produced those utterances. This method can reveal the research problem number two.

After knowing the types of intimate styles and its purposes, the writer stepped the last problem. It is factors that cause Rosie use the verbal intimate styles. The researcher dealt with Social Factor and Social Dimension to reveal this cases. Furthermore, some linguistics theory and situation of Rosie also supported the researcher finds the factors that make Rosie use those styles.

The last step is, the researcher concluded the finding of the utterances which contain verbal Intimate styles used by Rosie. The researcher drew the conclusion based on the own researcher’s interpretation with the credible data.





This chapter states the result of researh analysis on Rosie who uses verbal intimate style in Love Rosie Movie.


In this chapter the researcher focuses on types of verbal intimate style which are used by Rosie in Love Rosie Movie. The researcher finds 5

types or characteristics of intimate style on Rosie’s uttarances in the movie.

They are Jargon characteristics, Extraction, Family Relationship, Closefriend Relationship, and Addressee.

The researcher divides this chapter into three parts to answer three problems of this research. The first chapter, the researcher describes the number of verbal intimate style with different characteristics which are used by Rosie. The second, the researcher explains the purposes of Rosie utterances at using verbal intimate style. The third, the researcher reveals the factors that influence Rosie at using verbal intimate style.

4.1.1 Types of Verbal Intimate Style Used by Rosie in Love Rosie Movie

In this part, the writer analyzes data of verbal intimate utterances which are produced by Rosiebased on theMartin Joos (1976)theory of speech style. The writer classifies five characteristics of intimate style. They are Jargon characteristics, Extraction, Family Relationship, Closefriend



Relationship, and Addressee.Thus, the writer will able to answer the problem number one.The writer finds ten (10) data of intimate style with Jargon version, three (3) data in Extraction, three (3) data in Family Relationship, thirteen (13) data in Close Friend Relationship and five (5) data in Addressee version. The specific data are classified in the table below.

Table 4.1The Data Classification of Intimate Style








*language codes that have idiom meaning or can be underdtood by certain people

P.3 (1st), P.5 (2nd), P.6 (3rd), P.7 (4th),

P.10 (5th), P.11 (6th),P.26 (7th), (8th)

P.33 (9th), P.37 (10th)

10 29,4


*extraction or incomplete


P.10 (11th), P.37 (12th), P.41 (13th)

3 8,9


*a very informal language among family


P.9 (14th), P.16 (15th), P.31 (16th),

3 8,9


*a private

language among very closefriend or in pair, show intimacy

P.3 (17th), P.4 (18th), P.6 (19th), P.12(20th),P.13 (21st), P.23 (22nd), P.25 (23rd),P.26(24th),P.32(25th) ,P.38 (26th),(27th), (28th)P.42 (29th)




*an special

addresse that is

directed to

certain person

P.14 (30th),(31st), P.21 (32nd), P.31 (33rd), P.35 (34)

5 14,8


*Note: P = Pages of Love Rosie Movie Transcription ( ) = The amount of data


From the data classification of intimate style above, then the writer resolves its data into descriptive text. The writer analyze the data one by one which is followed by explanation of the analysis. Jargon Characteristics

1st Data

00:05:41 Ow!

00:05:57 ALEX: Just look at Greg right now. What a bimbo. 00:06:01 Seriously hot, though.

00:06:04 He invited me to the school dance.

The utterance “Seriously hot, though.” above shows an intimacy

meaning. Rosie says the word “hot” implicitly. In other word, the word “hot” is not the real meaning (having high temperature) but implicitly

describe the sexy boy with six-packs body. So this utterance concludes intimate style with Jargon characteristic because this code is only able to be understood by certain participant of speaking.




00:10:26 For a minute there, I thought you might be 00:10:28 in love with me or something.

00:10:29 Alex, you will forever be the boy

00:10:31 who wiped bogeys on my favourite party dress, OK? 00:10:34 - (CHUCKLES) - Don't flatter yourself.

The conversation above is categorized an intimate style with Jargon characteristic. It can be seen from the sentence “wiped bogeys on

my favourite party dress”. This sentence shows an intimacy meaning

because Rosie give a particular code which is only can be understood by interlocutor (Alex). In addition, This conversation happens in private situation. The word “wiped bogey” is uncommon use in communication but Rosie uses it to communicate with Alex (her closefriend). It indicates that Rosie uses a private language in this conversation. The language that can be understood by certain participant is categorized as Jargon. So this utterance include an intimate style with Jargon version.


00:10:49 Boobs au naturel or pushed up?

00:10:53 In? Or out?

00:10:56 (CLEARS THROAT) 00:10:58 Well, uh, I mean, it depends.

The dialogue above is clearly categorized as intimate style with Jargon characteristic too. There are two statements in bold above have a meaning implicitly. This conversation also happens in private condition between Rosie and Alex. The first, Rosie asks Alex “Boobs au naturel or



very informal. The reader needs understand more to catch the message. The communication above proves that between speaker and interlocutor have already had an understanding each other to catch the point.

The second utterance “In? Or out?” is also categorized as intimate

style with Jargon characteristic. The statement absolutely needs more

explanation about the message “in?” and “out?”. In certainly these words

has no denotative meaning. The reader must know the context inside of the dialogue. From this reason, it can be concluded that the utterances can be categorized as intimate style with Jargon version.

Two statements above indicate that Rosie often treat Alex with special or uncommon language use. So the statements above are called intimate styles with Jargon version.

4th Data

00:14:13 GREG: Rosie? Have you found it?

00:14:16 - Do you want me to have a look for you? - (GROANS) 00:14:18 - Really? - Yeah, go on all fours.

00:14:21 Bugger off!

-The conversation above includes intimate style with Jargon

characteristic. It is shown in utterance “Bugger off!” In this situation Rosie wants to describe that she is very annoyed with someone. She describe with uncommon expression. It indicates Rosie uses informal language to the interlocutor. It also shows the close relationship between speaker and interlocutor. This utterance probably can be understood by certain



community only. So this statement is categorized as intimate style with Jargon version.

5th Data

00:20:30 So, when you said he was... 00:20:33 - Tied up. - You actually meant... 00:20:35 Tied up.

00:20:36 - Um, I should go. - Any second now.

The conversation above is considered as intimate style with Jargon

characteristic. It can be seen from the word “Tied up.” In movie, Rosie replays the first speaker with a strong intonation to ensure the statement of

the first speaker. The word “Tied up.” In the conversation truly means engage in sexual intercourse or making in love but Rosie supposesthe word “Tied up.” refers to dress up or pack up meaning. Rosie understood the meaning of its word after the first speaker had repeated the statement. Here, the word “Tied up.” has a private meaning that can be understood by certain group. So this utterance includes as intimate style with Jargon version.


00:22:02 There's a loo here if you want to use it. 00:22:05 (TOILET FLUSHING)

00:22:09 ROSIE: Fuck, fuck, fuck! 00:22:22 Bollocks.

The dialogue above is absolutely contained intimate style. It can be

seen from the word “Bollocks.” There are only a few people understand


38 “Bollocks.” Is mostly translated as a dick but certain community calls it “Bollocks.”

The term of “Bollocks.” is often used in the private conversation or

very informal situation because it is uncommon language use. So the

word “Bollocks.” Can be categorized as intimate style with Jargon version

because it is only used and understood by certain group.


00:54:47 And you're in denial! 00:54:49 You're projecting!

00:54:50 OK, can we just stop the psychobabble here

00:54:52 and just talk like English people, please! 00:54:55 Fine! Fine! Fine. Fine. Look.

The dialogue above is categorized as intimate style with Jargon characteristic. In corversation Rosie states the private code that is probably able to be understood by Alex only as the interlocutor. It can be seen when

Rosie says “OK, can we just stop the psychobabble here” this statement

explains a complaining about the topic discussion to stop.

Rosie uses “the psychobabble” word to describe her annoyance feel then she wants to talk like English people. “and just talk like English people, please!” from this case, Rosie uses the private code to communicate with Alex. So this utterance is called intimate style with Jargon version.



00:55:44 Go ahead and climb your greasy pole!

00:55:47 You know, I will!

00:55:48 Just don't come whinging to me, when you realise you're empty inside.

00:55:51 - No danger of that! - Good! 00:55:54 - Excellent! - Fantastic!

The conversation above includes intimate style. In the conversation, both of speaker are criticizing each other. Rosie looks very angry in that situation. It can be seen from “Go ahead and climb your greasy pole!” in this statement, Rosie is very disappointed at Alex that

make Rosie says so. Actually, Rosie’s anger describes a jealousy and a

necessity to Alex but Rosie expresses it with slurring words. It is a signal that Rosie loves Alex. The slurring words are the code to explain what Rosie feels. In this case, Rosie uses private codes to communicate with Alex. So this utterance is called intimate style with Jargon version.

9th Data

01:13:52 How can someone just not be there any more? 01:14:00 Fuck knows.

01:14:03 (BOTH CHUCKLE)

The conversation above is categorized as intimate style. It can be

seen from Rosie’s statement “Fuck knows.” This sentence does not have

the swear word meaning but it just expresses an understanding expression. The grammar of this statement is not really important but the intonation of

the message is prioritized. The word “Fuck knows.” Is actually meant to say “know”. It is used to representate the certain community who often



called as intimate style with Jargon version because the certain group only who are used to in its language.

10th Data

01:24:00 ROSIE: Final word of warning.

01:24:01 Alex can hold his drink to an almost lethal degree, 01:24:05 as I discovered on my 18th birthday,

01:24:07 when he decided a night of tequila slammers was the way to go. The conversation above is categorized as intimate style. This

conversation happens in Alex’s wedding party. Rosie tells a memorable

moment was passed with Alex for along. In her speech, Rosie states a private code to remind Alex what they ever did in that time. It can be seen

from the sentence “when he decided a night of tequila slammers was the way to go.” The statement “a night of tequila slammers” has a private

meaning that is probably known by Rosie and Alex only. This statement describes the most secret moment that makes their relationship can not be intergrated or separated.

This moment is really regretted by them. Nobody understands

about this moment and the real meaning of “a night of tequila

slammers”except them. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with Jargon version because the statement contains a private code and involves a certain people. Extraction Characteristics



00:20:24 (MOANING) Yeah, yeah... 00:20:26 Oh, my God, is...

00:20:28 - Is that? - Bethany.

The short conversation above includes intimate style with Extraction characteristic. Rosie speaks with incomplete sentence in

communicating. It is seen in “Oh, my God, is...” this unfinished sentence

describes that this conversation happen in very informal situation. So that Rosie uses the informal language to show the intimateness between speaker and interlocutor. With unfinished sentence is not an obstruction for the interlocutor because they have already known well each other. So

the interlocutor can catch the message of Rosie’s statement even

incompletely sentence.

The following utterance “Is that?” also includes intimate style with Extraction characteristic. From this utterance, Rosie reduces the pattern of sentence become minimum pattern. Even though, the structure of interrogative sentence is not arranged orderly but the interlocutor can understand what the speaker means. This case proves that the utterances are categorized as intimate style with extraction version because Rosie uses minimum pattern in communicating.

12th Data

01:23:01 What? That's not... That's not fair!

01:23:03 That's not... It can't be that easy, it's not...

01:23:17 I think she wants all the women around her to look fat. 01:23:19 Well, it works.



The dialogue above includes intimate style with Extraction characteristic. In the conversation Rosie portrays incomplate statements

several times. It can be seen when Rosie states “That's not... That's not

fair!” and then she uses incomplete sentence again “That's not... It can't be that easy, it's not...” in this statement Rosie extracts the complete sentence

become a minimum pattern. This extraction does not reduce the full message of conversation because the interlocutor can catch the full meaning of the speaker. It can happen among closefriends who have an intimacy in relationship. So this utterance is called intimate style with Extraction version.

13th Data

01:34:27 I left it behind. 01:34:29 So your wife...

01:34:32 Won2't be joining me. 01:34:36 We both knew it wasn't right.

The conversation above is categorized as intimate style with

Extraction characteristic. It can be seen when Rosie states “So your wife...” this statement explains that Rosie extracts the sentence become a minimum pattern. It indicates that Rosie and Alex have had a well insight each other so they does not really need a complete or a standard form. In order that, the interlocutor can catch the full message of the speaker even the sentence is extraction. So this utterance is called intimate style as Extraction version because the speaker uses the minimum pattern in communicating.


43 Family Relationship Characteristics

14th Data

00:17:45 ROSIE: Did you ever want more, Dad?

00:17:49 Do you know what your Gran's favourite phrase was? 00:17:52 "Not for the likes of us."

00:17:55 When you told us of your plan,

00:17:56 it was the first thing that popped into my head.

The conversation between Rosie and a father above includes intimate style. Their conversation describes a close relationship between a

daughter and a father. It can be seen in Rosie’s utterance “Did you ever

want more, Dad?” By calling “Dad” in her utterance, it proves that Rosie treat a father as a close person. Besides that, the calling “Dad” also describes a lovely call which is directed to special one. So this statement is categorized as intimate style with Addressee version because there is close relationship in family with a lovely call.

15th Data

00:34:06 Shh...

00:34:11 My life's over, Dad!

00:34:13 Wait 'til you become a grandparent.

The conversation between a father and a daughter above clearly

explains a close intimacy in family. It can be shown from “My life's over,

Dad!” this complaint describes an intimateness of a relationship in family.

Rosie shares what she gripes about her life by saying “My life's over, Dad!” Besides that, the calling “Dad” also indicates that Rosie treats a



father as a very close person. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style as Addressee version because Rosie uses a lovely label in communicating.

16th Data

01:07:44 ROSIE: Mum!

01:07:45 How is Nice? Have you found some good places to eat?

01:07:49 (ALICE CRYING) 01:07:54 Mum, are you all right?

01:07:57 I'm sorry. 01:08:00 I'm...

The conversation above happens between Rosie and a Mother. Rosie indicates her intimateness to her mother by asking her condition. It

can be seen from Rosie’s statement “How is Nice? Have you found some

good places to eat?” This statement explains that Rosie really cares to her mother. The way Rosie cares to her mother indicates a close intimacy in family. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style happens in family relationship because the communication between Rosie and a Mother describes an intimateness.

Besides that, in the conversation above includes intimate style with

Addressee characteristic. It is shown when Rosie asks her mother “Mum,

are you all right?” this question describes that Rosie worries with her mother. This attitude shows that they have close relationship in family. In

order that, Rosie also uses nickname “Mom” to call her mother. It


45 nickname “Mom” as the symbol of lovely call. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with Addressee version. Close Friend Characteristics

17th Data

00:06:04 He invited me to the school dance.. 00:06:06 (SCOFFS)

00:06:09 Uh, what did you say?

00:06:11 No, obviously. I'm going with you.

00:06:12 (CHUCKLES)

The conversation above happens in very informal situation

between Alex and Rosie. Rosie says “He invited me to the school dance..”

is just nonse because she actually really realize that only Alex who always accompany her. So Rosie clarifies with“No, obviously. I'm going with

you.” when Alex asked. It shows how close their relationship with humor

and unclear sentence in dialogue. So this utterance concludes intimate style with close relationship in pair.

18th Data

00:07:21 (CHUCKLES) OK, and what happened to the sex? 00:07:24 This is about the sex!

00:07:26 God! You're so fucked up.

00:07:28 Mmm. You have no idea. 00:07:30 (BOTH CHUCKLING)

The conversation above includes intimacy meaning. Rosie’s

statement “God! You're so fucked up.” is very informal language. It view

the close relationship between Alex and Rosie. The word “fucked up” is


46 statement. On the contrary, Rosie’s statement is a proof of their close relationship. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with close friend relationship because the statement shows a close intimacy.

19th Data

00:12:41 - You have done this before? - Yeah. Haven't you? 00:12:44 It's like brushing my teeth.

00:12:46 (SNAPS) 00:12:47 Ahhh! Bollocks!

The dialogue above is considered as intimate style. Rosie says “It's like brushing my teeth.” to answer the question “Haven't you?”. The way Rosie answers does not look coherently with the question. It proves that Rosie uses informal language to show the close relationship between speaker and interlocutor.

To response the interrogative question, Rosie does not answer by Yes/No but Rosie answers by giving illustration “It's like brushing my teeth.” From this statement, Rosie intends to describe she had already experienced on the activity is questioned. She wants answer more than the word Yes. From this case, Rosie uses private language to her close friend in communicating. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with Close Relationship in Pair version.

20th Data

00:27:14 Keep in touch, OK?

00:27:18 OK.



The conversation above uses intimate style because the

conversation shows a close intimacy in pair. The utterance “Keep in

touch, OK?” that is produced by Rosie, describes two people who have a

close relationship. In this conversation, Rosie indicates that she has a huge care to Alex. So she treats Alex with special language to show the intimateness. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with close relationship in pair.

21st Data

00:28:35 Wow. A whole life in bullet points. 00:28:37 Yeah, well now, it's pregnant, 00:28:38 have sprog, full-time mother,

00:28:41 wave goodbye to career, live off benefits, grow fat, lose hair. The conversation above shows a close intimacy among friends. It

looks from Rosie’s utterances in bold statements. The first statement, Rosie says “have sprog, full-time mother,” in this statement, Rosie uses the language very informally with her friend. Rosie also does not use the

sentence in standard forms. In daily, “have sprog” word is often spoken as

a baby but here Rosie uses the word “have sprog” to direct her close friend. It can prove that Rosie chooses the intimate style to communicate with her close friend. So this utterance includes intimate style with close relationship among friends version.

The second statement also indicates the intimate style because Rosie uses the sentence irregularly and non in standard forms. This utterance is also called as intimate style happens among friends.




00:49:52 She's the most amazing kid. 00:49:57 (CHUCKLES)

00:50:01 The weird thing is

00:50:05 that she reminds me more of you than Greg.

00:50:10 That's probably just 'cause I love her.

The conversation above includes intimate style. In conversation Rosie shows a private code to give signal of her feeling. It can be seen

from “she reminds me more of you than Greg.” In this statement, Rosie

wants to describe her feeling to the priority one but she expresses implicitly. The way Rosie expresses the message to Alex describes they are in close relationship. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with close relationship in pair because the way a pair communicate each other has an intimacy meaning.


00:54:10 Look, it's all fine, honestly.

00:54:12 Sally and I just needed to air some stuff! 00:54:14 Oh, good, I'm glad you're fine, 'cause I'm not! 00:54:17 We were out together the whole night, Alex!

00:54:19 And all the while your girlfriend was at home expecting a baby! 00:54:22 - And you didn't say!

The conversation above includes intimate style. It can be seen when Rosie says “We were out together the whole night, Alex!” this statement describes how close their relationship. Alex spends the time with Rosie meanwhile he has a wife in pregnant. In the statement, Rosie

shows an intimacy by labelling the nickname “Alex” it indicates that Rosie



In addition, the way Rosie states the message is lack of politeness and rapidly pronunciation. These are one of the characteristics of intimate style. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with Addressee version because Rosie uses a nickname to label the interlocutor.

24th Data

00:55:09 OK! You thought I was jealous of you? 00:55:12 No.

00:55:14 I pity you, Alex!

00:55:16 All I see is someone compensating for a crap personal life 00:55:19 by schmoozing his way up the career ladder!

The dialogue above includes intimate style with close relationship

in pair characteristic. It is shown from “I pity you, Alex!” this statement is not arranged in standard form. It shows the relaxation of situation. It describes that between Rosie and Alex are very close so Rosie uses the informal language in communicating.

This fact proves that they have an intimacy in relationship. In order

that, Rosie also uses a nickname “Alex” in the statement. It describes that

Rosie treats Alex as a close person. So this utterance is called as intimate style happens in pair (close friend relationship).

25th Data

01:09:54 Sorry.

01:10:02 I never got to say goodbye.

01:10:04 Hey, come here. Come here, you.

The conversation above happens when Rosie and Alex meet in graveyard after both of them never meet for long time. Both of them feel



desiring each other. Rosie wants to recondition their relationship better. It

can be seen when Rosie states “I never got to say goodbye.” This statement describes a peace of relationship. It proves that they have a close intimacy as close friend. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with close friend relationship because the utterance shows an intimacy.

26 th Data

01:25:06 We both know about that one, Alex.

01:25:11 Your friendship has brought glorious Technicolor to my life.

01:25:16 It's been there even in the darkest of times.

The conversation above is categorized as intimate style as Close Friend Relationship characteristic. Rosie shows an intimacy with Alex in their relationship. It is shown when Rosie says “Your friendship has brought glorious Technicolor to my life.” This statement describes Rosie’s happiness having relationship with Alex even Rosie illustrates her life with

“glorious Technicolor to my life.” It proves that Rosie has many memorable moments with Alex which indicates an intimateness in their relationship. So this utterance is called intimate style with close friend relationship because the utterance shows an intimacy among friends.

27th Data

01:25:45 Because I've realised that no matter where you are 01:25:52 or what you're doing, or who you're with,

01:25:58 I will always

01:26:01 honestly, truly,



The dialogue above includes intimate style. In the conversation Rosie expresses her great love feeling to Alex. A feel which is never expressed along their relationship as best friend. Actually both Rosie and Alex know that they love each other but they are in denial each other to admit and to say it.

Rosie really loves Alex whatever he is. It can be seen when Rosie

says “I will alwayshonestly, truly,completely love you.” This is the first time Rosie expresses her feeling. It makes Alex shocks. The statement indicates a close intimacy in their relationship. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style because the statement describes an intimateness among friends at communicating.

28th Data

01:26:33 I'll always stand guard over your dreams, Alex.

01:26:37 No matter how weird or twisted they get.

The conversation above includes intimate style. The conversation shows an intimacy among friends relationship. It can be seen when Rosie

says “I'll always stand guard over your dreams, Alex.” This statement

describes Rosie’s willingness to always protect Alex. It indicates that

Rosie prioritizes Alex as a close person.

In addition, Rosie uses the nickname “Alex” in her statement. It

also describes that Rosie treats Alex as a close person because the label



intimate style with close friend relationship because the utterance explains a close intimacy.

29th Data

01:36:12 "Rosie Dunne, can I take you to the dance?" 01:36:18 (CHUCKLES)

01:36:20 Better late than never.

The dialogue above includes intimate style. The conversation happens when Alex persuades Rosie to give him the second chance to recondition their relationship. it is responded well by Rosie when she

answers “Better late than never.” This answer describes that Rosie

indicates to accept Alex again after Rosie knew Alex separated with his wife.

Rosie’s statement shows a close intimacy in their relationship. In order that, Rosie states with private code. So this utterance is categorized as intimate style with close relationship among friends version. Addressee Characteristics

30th Data

00:30:56 (WHISPERING) Baby, can you hear me?

00:31:03 Try holding your breath like this.

The statement above is categorized as intimate style with

Addressee characteristic. It can be seen when Rosie says “Baby, can you

hear me?” this utterance shows a close intimacy between a mother and a



lovely call. It indicates that Rosie treats a baby with special language to describe the intimateness. So this utterance is called as intimate style with Addressee version.

31st Data

00:31:07 (BREATHES DEEPLY) 00:31:15 There you are, Katie girl!

00:31:22 That's probably not going to be your name, OK?

The statement above includes intimate style with Addressee

character also. In the statement, Rosie says “There you are, Katie girl!”

Rosie gives special label to her little baby by “Katie girl!” name. This is

one of special treatment a mother to her baby as symbol of intimacy. She

calls the baby with “Katie girl!” to describe a lovely call too. So this

utterance is categorized as intimate style with Addressee version because there is close relationship in family with a lovely call.

32nd Data

00:45:14 ROSIE: Whoo! 00:45:19 (LAUGHING)

00:45:24 - You OK? - I've got sand in my eyes. 00:45:26 - (BLOWS) - (COUGHS)

00:45:28 Look at Mummy!

The conversation above includes intimate style. There is an

intimacy view between Rosie and her daughter. The question “- You OK?”

can prove that Rosie cares to her daughter. Besides that, the interrogative sentence is not structured orderly is one of the characteristic intimate style.




This chapter presents the conclussion and suggestion the whole result of analysis. It explains the summary of finding which is conducted in chapter four. This chapter concludes the finding deals with the answers of research problem which are settled in the first chapter.


Compliting this study, the writer concludes the finding that is able to reveal the answers of three research problems. The writer proves that the main character, Rosie truly uses verbal intimate style in the movie. Rosie produces five characteristics support intimate style types. The characteristics are Jargon, close friend relationship, family relationship, extraction and addressee.

Based on the finding, the writer concludes that close friend relationship characteristic is the most frequent type used by Rosie. The writer finds thirteen (13) data in Close Friend Relationship meanwhile the other categories are ten (10) data of intimate style with Jargon version, three (3) data in Extraction, three (3) data in Family Relationship, and five (5) data in Addressee version. This finding result correlates with the first of research problem. The writer deals with Martin Joss (1976) theory to solve this problem.



Dealing the second of research problem that correlates with the purpose of Rosie uses intimate style, the writer finds some purposes of using it. They are to represent or to show her condition of feeling and to indicate a close intimacy to Alex.

The following finding is dealing with the third research problem. The writer reveals some factors that influence Rosie uses intimate style. The writer concludes social factors are the most frequent factor that influence Rosie uses intimate style.

To solve the second and the third research problems, the writer is supported by Holmes (1992) theory which states about the factors that influence the language use.


This chapter presents the suggestions which may be considered for the future researchers on language style, especially on intimate style study. The first suggestion is the future researcher is better to consider a daily life story as research object of intimate style study. It will create an exception one of intimate style research because mostly some researchers use movie or novel as research object to analyze intimate style.

The second, the future researcher can consider to involve the beneficial of using intimate style at communicating in daily life. It will give a direct impact for readers. It also makes the advantage of the research can be useful in



a real life. In order that, this study can help the society to socialize better with intimate style.

To conclude, the writer hopes this study has some benefits for the readers. In addition, the suggestion can give some useful contributions for future researchers on related studies.





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