Definition of Authentic Materials

commit to user 24 write about something that happened the night before. They may write about their pet, their baby brother or sister, or their parent and grandparent. They may create a new fictitious character, perhaps and invisible friend. The subject matter is lilitless. There is a great opportunity to look at the writing in journals, pull example from what we see within the pages, and then guide a lesson in how to improve or change what is written.

B. Review of Authentic Materials

1. Definition of Authentic Materials

There are many media to increase writing skill, authentic materials is one of way to make the students interesting to the writing class. There are some definitions of authentic materials. The first definition is given by Peacock in Martinez 1997 materials that have been produced to fulfill some social purpose in the language community. Authentic materials either written or spoken were items designed for native speakers of English and were not designed for language students Shu- Chin; Hwang, 2005; Martinez, 2002; Harmer, 1991. Authentic materials were produced by “native speakers for native speakers” Duquette, Dunnett Papalia, 1987, p.481; Rogers, 1988, p.467. Authentic materials conveyed a real language; a real speaker or writer produced authentic text to convey a real message Morrow in Shu-Chin, 1997. Authentic materials were not simplified and were not provided for the purpose of language teaching Nunan, 1989; Kessler, 1997; Rogers, 1988; Young, 1993 in commit to user 25 Shu-Chin. Filice and Sturino in Shu-Chin 2002 stated that authentic materials were unmodified and genuine materials which held students’ interests. They fulfilled a social purpose in the community and had a communicative purpose. Rogers in Kilickaya 1988 defines it as appropriate and quality in terms of goals, objectives, learner needs and interest and natural in terms of real life and meaningful communication. Harmer 1991, cited in Kilickaya defines authentic texts as materials which are designed for native speakers; they are real text; designed not for language students, but for the speakers of the language. Jordan in Kilickya 1997 refers to authentic texts as texts that are not written for language teaching purposes. From the definitions above, it can be concluded that authentic materials are materials conveying a real massage to fulfill some social purposes, taken from real word and not design to for the purposes of language teaching and learning process.

2. The Types of Authentic Materials

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