Uji Zuriat Pejantan Sapi Perah Fries Holland dan Pengaruh Inseminasi Buatan Terhadap Daya Produksi Susu di Beberapa Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah

Fdml tm Pet emakm,

Instikut PertanJm Bo@r

ABSTIUICT. A study of p m w y tesf w s s caxried out on five d d x y farm
enterprAacs in West and Middle Java, in 0 ; t . d ~to~ t e s t the s u p e r i o r i t y
o f 25 H o l s t o h Friesian W l a that were us& for aJ pragxam,
The study w a s b m d an 2232 milk production r e c o d s of 1219hedsofmws
fmm tp?f 'to 1 9 2 . The pmgeny test was ddne based on Contemporary
Comparison ( C C ) method.
The result showed that CC v k u e s of 17 bulls wore positive a d
that af 8 b l l s were nemtive. The CC v&uc;s v a i d f r o m -335,33 kg
to +I@Q.?T kg, m d four h l l s lM hi& m p c r ~ r i t y .
Them w a s no s i d f i c a n t dfffrence betwem tho a v e m g e of milk
p d u c t i l m of ~EJ, offspriqp (3Wb 2 t j 2 ~ . 5kg) and of non 81: o f f a p r i n e
(2991.50f 492.5 kg). T h i s rcault weta due t;o the frozen aemm that
wars import;& to Indonesia d e r i v d fmn t h e bulls d c h the averof *
milk produ&fon of their o f f ~ i p x h pin *eix origin country was
3500 kg per l s t a t i o n p e r i d , wfxereas in Zndonesia there were some
d a i r y fw
p d u c e d milk w h i c h the avcxap of 4500 kg per ltzatation

period. Tham ww no et sf@f%csnt r m k correlztim between %he
degree of mpariorlw of bull8 in their origin country +d
2: 'T >?OWiia
= '~i.0.15)

pejmtm IB f e h h d i l d d m n
~ G K , i S # , Suatu p a g u j i a n k m ~ l m
pads 25 e b r psjantan Fries Bolland pada Lima perusahan peteznakw
sapi perah di Jawa Barat dm Jawa Ten&.
Penelitian 4;ni bemi-83:penelltian 2232 catatan p d u k s f sum
aapi perah 33 &mi 1219 eltor sap2 perah betbra d ~ x t&m
1Y1 sampd.
t a h m 1%2*


U jlt &ria%d S l a W b d m p ~
met&@ C o n t e m ~ _CUW~X&OG

o ~ ~
Wwil uji 2ni ~~~emupjuldsan
bahwa n%l&f CC t? ekor pejantan pasitif
dan 8 ekar pejawltm negatif. N i l & teaeseht berkdcrm d m i +f 050.75 kg
sampa$ -330.33 kg, dan empat pejantan dfantaxmya un@.
2id& terdapat pexbdasul ymg ny&a mtma dsya, produksi sum xa621.5 kg d m daya pmduksf
ta-rata sap5 perat3 has31 XB 3056,l
ausu x a t a m t a hlas&lnonXB299f.50& 49*5kg, H a 3 h
i karenk pada
semen bku y m g telah d i h p o s ke Indonesia berm& actrf sap5sapi pejmtm ymg pmdukzsi meu da-ra%s d y a df. nagma a s w a

3500 kg per ldctasi, s d m d ! di Irdonesia telah terdapat beberapa pct,om&an yang kil. produksi sum xahadaraya 4500 kg per
TMak terdapat saak: cornlation ymg nyaka entam dexdat Ice;
un lm pejantm pm&wil+ Bemen bela impor di negara, aa6lnya dend ~ ~ o n s s( i rs = 0 . ~ ) .