Autonomy Relationship with supervisors

the areas of mentoring nurse, educating patients and personal growth in practice, creating meaningful internal labor markets, and enhancing supervisor and administrative support lead to increase nurses’ job satisfaction Morgan Lynn, 2008. A study on nurses in surgical ward found that organizational values play an important role in nurses’ job satisfaction. It is particularly the case for values that relate to human relations. These values concern issues such as empowerment, participation and open discussion, sensitivity for employee’s ideas, loyalty, and trust Verplanken, 2004. In another study, it was also found that job satisfaction was a mediator between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment Güleryüz, Güney, AydIn, Asan, 2008

5.1.2. Autonomy

Autonomy is one important contributing factor lead to job satisfaction Curtis, 2007. A study found that enabling philosophy of care, increased autonomy, the setting of care and the actual teams within which the nurses were employed is contributed to the job satisfaction. Respondents of the study reported a high level of job satisfaction which was because of increasing autonomy Nancarrow, 2007; Schiestel, 2007. Increasing autonomy is one area which is identified worthy of focus in nursing job satisfaction Best Thurston, 2006; Bjørk, Samdal, Hansen, Tørstad, Hamilton, 2007; Morgan Lynn, 2008. In another study found that autonomy and critical thinking skills play an important role in nurses’ job satisfaction. Critical thinking is a facilitator to potential advancement of competency, which affects job satisfaction Zurmehly, 2008.

5.1.3. Relationship with supervisors

Cummings et al, 2008 found that relational leadership and positive relationships among nurses, managers and physicians play important role in nurses’ job satisfaction. They also found that relational leadership and physiciannurse relationships significantly influenced opportunities for staff development, registered nurse staffing adequacy, nurse autonomy, participation in policy decision, support for innovative ideas and supervisor support in managing conflict, which in turn increased nurses’ job satisfaction. Supervisors also should perform their leadership skills and ability to increase the satisfaction among their staff. Nurse manager ability, leadership and support of nurses, staffing and resource adequacy and collegial nurse-physician relations are correlated to the job satisfaction Coomber Barriball, 2007; Seo, Ko, Price, 2004. Nurse managers who performed mentoring to their novice staff reduced feelings of isolation and increased Universitas Sumatera Utara opportunities to share idea and ask questions, resulting in higher satisfaction in the workplace Zurmehly, 2008. Furthermore, a study found that supervisor leadership style had an indirect impact on job dissatisfaction. Larrabee et al, 2003 conducted their study on registered staff nurses found that the major predictor of job dissatisfaction was psychological empowerment, moreover predictors of psychological empowerment were hardiness, transformational leadership style, nursephysician collaboration, and group cohesion. In conclusion, supervisors are the significant person in the workplace unit who facilitate their staff to achieve job satisfaction. A good relationship should be constructed with their staff nurses in the unit by performing the appropriate leadership skill to motivate the staff nurses in providing quality of care. This comfortable affiliation in the unit will reduce the burden feeling and will increase the job satisfaction.

5.1.4. Work conditions