The Deeper Meaning of “Pants” in Pinurbo’s “Pants 3”


5.2 Suggestions

In this part, the writer would give some recommendations for future researchers and teachers. Having analyzed the symbolic meaning of “Pants” in “Pants 1”, “Pants 2” and “Pants 3” by Joko Pinurbo, the writer believes this study still can be developed further. The recommendations as follows:

5.2.1 For Future Researchers, Upon Employing “Existentialism”

Existentialism is not an easy theory that can be understood in a day. The future researchers should read more to understand this theory. Since this theory has been reviewed and proposed by some of philosophers, the next future researchers can use another theory of existentialism to see the object from the other perspectives.

5.2.2 For Future Researchers on “Pants 1”, “Pants 2” and “Pants 3”

These three poems, written by Joko Pinurbo, have so many aspects to observe. Since these three poems also talk about gender, the writer suggests the future researchers use the feminism approach. The writer believes that the future researchers will get a different perspective to appreciate these poems by using the feminism approach

5.3 Implications

The aim of education is varied. One of them is to liberate. Dewey 2001 proposed an aim of education as “how to choose in liberating and directing the energies” p.112. It means that education should be a tool for people to absolve 46 people. This process of liberation can also be done through learning existentialism. In the class, “Pants 1”, “Pants 2” and “Pants 3” can be used as objects to invite the students in reflecting more about existentialism. Through reflecting existentialism, the students can also develop more about their understanding on their main responsibility in their life. Furthermore, the poems can also be used as objects to invite the students learn critical thinking about existentialism and human development. The teachers can relate the poems with the creative learning, which can dig out the potentials and passions of the students.