Frequency Distribution The Item Facility Item Discrimination

52 letter was learnt by the students. Thus, the researcher considered to replace the invitation letter with a personal letter. g. Eliminate the word ‘suppose’ in item 2 and 3 at the essay part part II. After the test was completely revised, the revised combination of Reading and Writing test was field tested on June 5, 2010 to 27 students of RSBI seventh grade class of SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta as the final even semester test, academic year 2009-2010.

C. The Result of the Main Field-Testing

1. Data Presentation

a. Frequency Distribution

The scores of the main field-testing are distributed in the range for the highest score 87 and the lowest score 50. The distribution is manipulated in a graph in order to be easily observed. The graph of frequency distribution is presented in Figure 4.2. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 87 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 74 60 55 50 Figure 4.1. The Frequency Graph of the Main-field Testing Result 53

b. The Item Facility

The designed test consisted of items with various difficulties. The average item facility value shown by part I of the test Multiple Choices is 0. 78. Brown 2004: 59 stated that: Appropriate test item will generally have Ifs that range between 0.15 and 0.85 while a very easy item 0.85 or higher are to build in some affective feelings of “success” among lower ability students and to serve warm up items and very difficult items can provide a challenge to the highest ability students. Thus, the average IF value shown by part I of the test Multiple Choices which is 0.78, proves that most of the items have appropriate item facility. Further, the detail of the IF value can be seen in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.2. Item facility 54 The diagram shows that 26 items are very easy, 11 items are easy, 7 items are normal, and 6 items are very difficult. The 26 very easy items consists of 16 very very easy items. They are items number 7, 8, 10, 12, 17, 23, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, and 44. The six very difficult items are items number 6, 27, 31, 32, 43 and 46. Further, the detail of item facility for each item can be seen in Appendix I.

c. Item Discrimination

The discrimination of the items on the combination of Reading and Writing test can be seen in Table 4.2. Table 4.1. Index Discrimination 0.46 2 0.3-0.38 6 0.15-0.23 19 0-0.07 23 The result shows that 45 of the items have discrimination index with range between 0 up to 0.07. 38 of the items have discrimination index between 0.15 and 0.23. 12 of the items have discrimination index between 0.3 up to 0.38. The rest 5 of the items have discrimination index 0.46. It means that 45 of the items poorly discriminates the students, 50 of the items acceptably discriminate the students, and the rest 5 discriminate the students well. 55

2. Validity

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