Definition Legal Basis Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional RSBI International-Based

27 compositions are to be used to make critical decisions about a large numbers of students by beginning with a practice session for all readers in which they agree together on the rating of a papers sample, making the grade for each composition the sum or the average of the ratings of the two readers.

4. Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional RSBI International-Based

School Pioneering Rintisan Sekolah Berbasis Internasional or abrreviated as RSBI is a program held by schools as a process of becoming a fully international based- schools. In order to be officially called RSBI, a school must fulfill severals criteria set by the Government. The following is the explanation of what Rintisan Sekolah Berbasis Internasional is and the legal basis underlies it.

a. Definition

Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional RSBI or international-based school pioneering is any school that has fulfilled the Service National Standard in every aspect, including graduates competence, content, process, teachers, facilities, financial, management, assessment, and have produced graduates with international quality http:smpn1kesamben.comcontentview10848. Prabantoro 2008 in his on line article mentions several characteristic of a Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional RSBI as follows. 1 The implementation of the curriculum is an adaptation of a curriculum implemented in abroad. 28 2 The use of English is combination ofwith other subjects. This bilingual teaching method can be applied by two categories namely Subtractive Bilingualism explanation and Additive Bilingualism Dual Language Approach emphasis. 3 The Emphasis is on the children aspect balance that includes cognitive, social and emotional and physic aspect. 4 The integration of multiple intelligences in the curriculum. 5 Guidance for students to be able to have critical, creative and analytical thinking. The curriculum is designed according to the principles of “Understanding by Design” which emphasizes on Enduring Understanding. Enduring Understanding can be viewed from six aspects, namely explain, interpret, apply, perspective, empathy, and self knowledge. 6 The school curriculum may implement semester credit system. 7 The school may provide an internship program for SMA, MA, and SMK. 8 The school emphasizes on the Information and Communication ICT Skill.

b. Legal Basis

The government legal basis that underlies Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional RSBI or international-based school pioneering as quoted in http:smpn1kesamben.comcontentview10848 are: 1 Law no. 20 year 2003 about National Education System Chapter 50 verse 3 that stated “government andor regional government establishing at least a school at all level to be developed in to an international school”. 2 Law number 32 year 2004 about Central and Regional government. 29 3 Law number 3 year 2004 about Central Government authority and Province authority as autonomous region. 4 Law number 25 year 2000 about national development program. 5 Government regulation number 19 year 2005 about standard of national education. 6 National Education Ministerial Decision number 22 year 2006 about content standard. 7 National Education Ministerial Decision number 23 year 2006 about the standard of graduates competence. 8 National Education Ministerial Decision number 24 year 2006 about education implementation standard number 22 and 23 year 2006. 9 Strategic plan of National Education Department year 2005-2009.

5. Authentic Language

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