Resistant starch content of pea cake Non-resistant starch content of pea cake Resistant starch content of rice cake

65 Appendix 11. Result of in vitro starch digestibility analysis experiment III Sample Cold setting TS g100g RS TS NRS TS Pea cake 6h 25 o C 40.9174 9.6501 90.3499 41.7827 9.5881 90.4119 6h 4 o C 46.7517 7.3555 92.6445 45.7235 7.5565 92.4435 24h 4 o C 43.3897 6.9205 93.0795 43.6165 6.9109 93.0891 Rice cake 6h 25 o C 71.6345 0.6131 99.3869 75.1271 0.4698 99.5302 6h 4 o C 66.7811 0.7287 99.2713 67.8961 0.7280 99.2720 24h 4 o C 59.4111 0.9245 99.0755 58.8896 0.9681 99.0319 Rice cake 90:10 6h 25 o C 82.0019 0.3339 99.6661 82.9971 0.3393 99.6607 6h 4 o C 68.6888 0.4336 99.5664 69.4399 0.4602 99.5398 24h 4 o C 66.9994 0.5839 99.4161 66.5328 0.5325 99.4675 Values in the parentheses indicate the ratio between rice flour and sticky rice flour in the cake TS: total starch, RS: resistant starch, NRS: non-resistant starch Appendix 12. ANOVA and Duncan`s test results for in vitro starch digestibility experiment III

12.1 Resistant starch content of pea cake

Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:VAR00001 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 8.186 a 2 4.093 553.905 .000 Intercept 383.706 1 383.706 5.193E4 .000 pea_resistant_starch 8.186 2 4.093 553.905 .000 Error .022 3 .007 Total 391.914 6 Corrected Total 8.208 5 a. R Squared = .997 Adjusted R Squared = .995 66 Post Hoc Tests pea_resistant_starch Homogeneous Subsets VAR00001 Duncan Sample N Subset 1 2 3 24h, 4C 2 6.9157 6h, 4C 2 7.4560 6h, 25C 2 9.6191 Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = .007.

12.2 Non-resistant starch content of pea cake

Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:VAR00002 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 8.186 a 2 4.093 553.905 .000 Intercept 50787.386 1 50787.386 6.873E6 .000 pea_non_resistant_starch 8.186 2 4.093 553.905 .000 Error .022 3 .007 Total 50795.594 6 Corrected Total 8.208 5 a. R Squared = .997 Adjusted R Squared = .995 Post Hoc Tests pea_non_resistant_starch Homogeneous Subsets VAR00002 Duncan Sample N Subset 1 2 3 6h, 25C 2 90.3809 6h, 4C 2 92.5440 24h, 4C 2 93.0843 Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = .007. 67

12.3 Resistant starch content of rice cake

Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:VAR00004 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model .164 a 2 .082 21.959 .016 Intercept 3.274 1 3.274 875.562 .000 rice_cake_resistant_starch .164 2 .082 21.959 .016 Error .011 3 .004 Total 3.450 6 Corrected Total .175 5 a. R Squared = .936 Adjusted R Squared = .893 Post Hoc Tests rice_cake_resistant_starch Homogeneous Subsets VAR00004 Duncan Sample N Subset 1 2 6h, 25C 2 .5414 6h, 4C 2 .7284 24h, 4C 2 .9463 Sig. .055 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = .004. 12.4 Non-resistant starch content of rice cake Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:VAR00005 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model .164 a 2 .082 21.959 .016 Intercept 59116.834 1 59116.834 1.581E7 .000 rice_cake_non_resistant_sta rch .164 2 .082 21.959 .016 Error .011 3 .004 Total 59117.010 6 Corrected Total .175 5 a. R Squared = .936 Adjusted R Squared = .893 68 Post Hoc Tests rice_cake_non_resistant_starch Homogeneous Subsets VAR00005 Duncan Sample N Subset 1 2 24h, 4C 2 99.0537 6h, 4C 2 99.2716 6h, 25C 2 99.4586 Sig. 1.000 .055 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = .004.

12.5 Resistant starch content of rice cake 90:10